Detailed topic list for FESA Web

Results from FESA web retrieved at 10:01 (GMT)

Interlock and Pressure Monitoring Brief Description This FESA class will only be a temporary solution for the proton linac ion source test, to * input interlo...
r4 - 08 Mar 2013 - 11:34 by VitaliyRapp
Magnetic Horn special poer supply for magnetic horn (antiproton target) operated pulsed, very high current responsible: Isfried Petzenhäuser From Technical Design...
Power Supply Migration to YOCTO Worknotes * Loading FG Firmware to FEC CS CO/saftlib/blob/master/ generator (das so f...
For the test of the proton linac ion source (CEA Saclay, France) several pieces of equipment have to be interfaced by serial connection (RS232). A first outline o...
non ramped kickers Besides the kicker in the SIS100, which has to be ramped during the acceleration, several 'conventional' kickers will be installed. E.g. in the...
R3B GLAD Magnet Introduction R3B is an experimental setup for studies of reactions with relativistic radioctive beams. For separation of the incoming particles a...
Ramped Devices (Function Generator) Description (TODO) will be a very important class for FAIR controls... The function generator which is developed for usage in...
Ring RF (ramped) Most likely Ring RF will be handled by FESA class PowerSupply. However, several specifics have to be considered, which should be collected here. ...
SIS18 Spillabbruch The SIS18 SpillAbortUnit allows certain target stations to abort a spill from the SIS18 during slow extraction. Technical Design Report * S...
r12 - 16 Mar 2021 - 11:03 by TobiasHabermann
Stepper Motor Hardware Description For driving stepper motors Cosylab's MBox MicroIOC controller is used. The MBox combines a front end computer (x86 based PC) t...
Stochastic cooling (collector ring) Stochastic cooling system is foreseen in the collector ring. Stochastic cooling has to handle a lot of (rather simple) element...
TestClass / RDADataTypesTest This class is for application developers to test reading and writing properties and values. Running instances Will in future run on ...
Transfer Channel Unilac SIS18 Chopper (TK7 Chopper) Description Background A chopper in the the transfer channel from Unilac to SIS18 cuts, from the rather Long...
CRYRING Injection Bumper Hardware Description Purpose Injection bumpers are used for multiturn injection: Before beam injection, in the injection area the close...
fesa evtcp Copy an event definition (a class events mapping) from one FESA instance file to other FESA instance files not yet stable, functionality may be modifie...
(D)evice (EX)plorer Command line access to FESA Devices (for DevAcc devices routing to prophelper output) based on Udo Krauses Python interface for CMW. Flavours...
Purpose FESA properties are the access interface to control and monitor the equipment in the accelerator. There are many ways how properties can be defined for a ...
Directory changing for developers cdf * Change to directory mounted on (f)rontend * cdf scu_number fec_name cdi * Change to directory with (i)ni...
Fesa Explorer The Fesa Explorer is a low level generic tool intended for debugging Fesa classes. It directly uses RDA3 to connect to the Fesa classes. It is there...
FESA Java Tools There are some Java Tools for working with FESA classes, that are usually accessible via the FESA Homepage. In the GSI environment on asl715 they ...
Main.TobiasHoffmann 25 Feb 2009 Where is what in the FESA NFS system Blade System (FESA 2.10) The complete FESA tree is exported to specified hosts and can be m...
r7 - 05 Feb 2010 - 09:09 by HaraldBraeuning
#1 Question, how to add the trunk/branch/tag structures: For my project I want to have a trunk/branch/tag structure in SVN. How can I do this using eclipse? #...
Old Overview * Getting Information from the FESA Database * Accessing FESA front end devices * fex (GUI based) * dex (commandline access) ...
fesa confdisp List configuration settings and event mappings for a set of instance files Will evaluate configuration data from instance files from workspace as we...
fesa dev dump, fesa dev load Both tools are using Python cmwrda, so don't forget to specify production environment by option pro dev int or by setting environm...
fesa diagconv usage: fesa diagconv converts DiagnosticSetting data, as written by FESA Explorer output data into file: use Linux pipe (fesa diagconv file.txt f...
fesa fg dump, fesa fg load, fesa fg arm Both tools are using Python cmwrda, so don't forget to specify production environment by option pro or by setting environ...
fesaprop / fesa prop Module fesaprop A Python module to extract structure of properties from a FESA class description file. The module implements the classes: ...
FESA Instance BitMap Definition Overall File Structure The BitMap Definition file must be enclosed in the tag = BITMAP .= The BitMap Definition file can hold sev...
fesa instance Update FESA device instance files in the device instance part, data taken from a text file. Utility is located: /common/usr/cscofe/bin/fesa instance...
fesa instance Example 2 Update bitmaps, like detailed status entries. The bitmap information must be specified in an XML file. As an example, a file bitmap1.xml ...
fesa instance Example 1 Modify entries for single devices and a group of devices, using accumulation of settings. Assume, a command file cmd1 with contents as be...
xmlfesatools Python library with tools for analysis of FESA XML files Usage: from pylib.fesa import xmlfesatools The library contains functions and classes to nav...
FESA Step By Step FESA@GSI Infrastructure Server, User, Password For testing FESA the server for FESA Version 2.9 may be used. For FESA 2.10...
FESA 2.9 / FESA 2.10 Fesa 2.9 is no longer in use at GSI. Fesa 2.10 is currently being installed on the Blade system. * HowTo * Walkthrough Step by S...
r2 - 05 Feb 2010 - 09:04 by HaraldBraeuning
Guideline to develop, run and test a first, simple Fesa3 binary FIrst make sure that you installed the latest FESA Eclipse plug in . Afterwards the FESA3 hands o...
FESA C Code Snippets Working with devices Working with devices in the server part // Since server actions are only executed for a specific device, // we di...
Workflow Production of operational FESA3 Equipment Software at GSI Before you start to implement anything, you should clarify all requirements and ensure that al...
r12 - 01 Jun 2022 - 14:43 by TobiasHabermann
White Rabbit Timing Steps to create a White Rabbit triggered real time event Generally * New operational front ends first need to be registered by the Infras...
FESA C Code Snippets Working with devices Working with devices in the server part // Since server actions are only executed for a specific device, // we di...
Steps to provide a Mock binary for CSCOAP If you are going to develop productive FESA software, you as well need to give CSCOAP the chance to create a operative G...
White Rabbit based Timing Steps to create a White Rabbit triggered real time event Generally * New operational front ends first need to be registered by the ...
FESA3 2.0.1 Release Planning FESA FWK * sync with CERN code base, last release of FWK v2.1.0 containing bug fixes from 19.08.2014? * no synchronization ...
FESA3 2.2.2 Release Planning prio : 1 low .... 10 high FESA FWK What Info Status prio effort estimate Integration of latest bug fixes from CERN ...
FESA3 3.0.0 ("Lithium") Release Planning Collection of open Issues Priority Issue Prerequisites by is in work Replacement of state enumerations i...
FESA3 Release 3.1.0 Planning For simplicity this release will be based on the sources of FESA3 3.0.0. This release will contain minor add ons. The release is pl...
FESA3 3.x.x ("Lithium") Release Planning Collection of open Issues Priority Issue Prerequisites by Status Integration of 'official' version of SAF...
FESA3 Release 4.0.0 Planning Release Date: Probably late summer 2016 Goals/Issues/Whishes * preferred: usage of new cluster running centos (asl74x) * ...
Number of topics: 50
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