Detailed topic list for FESA Web

Results from FESA web retrieved at 04:50 (GMT)

Acc8 Migration Migration of FESA software from acc7 (CentOS7) to acc8 (Rocky8) Recipe Upgrade FESA Design.Rebuild with new gcc versionConfigure startscriptsConfi...
NEW - 25 Jul 2022 - 11:36 by DominicDay
Acronyms FAIR Accelerator Control System Glossary $ API: Application Programming Interface $ CMW: Controls Middle Ware $ CORBA: Common Object Request Brok...
Integration of FESA and Cosylab Alarm System Building the C Interface The C API to the alarm system can be found in the SVN repository at https:/www acc/
Realisierung Die zugrunde liegenden FESA Klassen fcs00a / fcs00a_brfht laufen auf einer von aktuell acht Maschinen im 3er Cluster ( asl320..asl329) als Service. D...
Main.TobiasHoffmann 02 Apr 2009 Create a new Bootfile for RIO CPUs * ssh root@sddsc002 * mount asl713:/data/sys /mnt (if needed) * cd /mnt/626/ppc/adm ...
r2 - 02 Apr 2009 - 14:01 by TobiasHoffmann
Main.TobiasHoffmann 28 May 2009 Checkout from CERN FESA repository To receive the latest FESA Version from the CERN CVS repository in a command line enter: expor...
NEW - 28 May 2009 - 09:18 by TobiasHoffmann
Clone a complete FESA class In case a complete FESA class is the base of another new FESA class one may want to create a clone of the source class with its design...
NEW - 05 Feb 2009 - 14:08 by HaraldBraeuning
Collection of Questions (collected during evaluation phase January March 2008) General * Is is possible to debug FESA classes with ddd? How??? Main.Solveig...
Comments to FESA class for Stepper Motor control * Comment A. Reiter, 8. Oct. 2012
Alex' comments: Some Ideas, regarding the suggestion: /opt/cern/cmw ... I would prefer: /opt/cmw/cmw ... Even if cmw currently comes from CERN, this will change i...
General For almost all actions mentioned here, you need an active CERN account. If you don't have one already, you can get a CERN account here: GET CERN ACCOUNT ...
Fesa, Fokus der Controls Bei der Evaluierung von FESA sollten verschiedene Aspekte untersucht werden: $ Eignung für GSI Betrieb (siehe hier):: Wie weit ...
DAQ Data Acquisition for SCU based Systems Eine vorläufige Sammlung muss noch schön strukturiert werden. Hier die Doku zum Data Aquisition Macro für SCU Slave B...
Main.HaraldBraeuning 02 Apr 2009 Developers Corner Use payload from timing telegram in RT Action using namespace TestMTG; IncrementCounter::IncrementCounter(con...
r4 - 05 Feb 2010 - 09:06 by HaraldBraeuning
This page describes the steps which are needed to upload doxygen C documentation of a new release to the GSI webserver 1. Generate the documentation c...
Main.TobiasHoffmann 15 Oct 2009 CTR Drivers: Preparation and Installation For the three available CTR cards (CTRV, CTRP, CTRI) adequate drivers have to be prepar...
NEW - 15 Oct 2009 - 06:06 by TobiasHoffmann
Main.TobiasHoffmann 21 Oct 2009 Driver Generator (V2) At CERN an automatic Driver Generator for VME boards was developed by Yury Georgievskiy. This is installed ...
NEW - 21 Oct 2009 - 06:08 by TobiasHoffmann
ECA / WR timing adapter: Usage in FESA TODO: update this page Attention: The current implementation in fesa core gsi is just a hack to make things work! 1 In...
Tracking of RT Actions experimental (proposition) Background Synchronized control of the accelerator equipment is achieved by reaction to timing events, distribu...
Main.TobiasHoffmann 09 Dec 2008 Main.HaraldBraeuning 21 Jan 2009 How to use external triggers (max.2) within FESA? To use external triggers with FESA a CTRV ...
r7 - 13 Nov 2009 - 09:45 by HaraldBraeuning
Development Environment and FECs / SCUs Computers for building FESA/DevAcc Software At GSI the following computers can be used to design, code, compile and link ...
FEC Filesystem This document describes filesystem and boot process for a FESA frontend computer (commonly referred to as FEC). General Boot Process * bios exe...
Participants Harald Bräuning, Ludwig Hechler, Udo Krause, Solveigh Matthies, Matthias Wiebel, Alexander Schwinn (Protokoll) Topics 1 1.0.0 release * We ...
Participants Harald Bräuning, Ludwig Hechler, Matthias Wiebel, Peter Kainberger, Alexander Schwinn (Protokoll) Topics * Naming for bits of the "detailedStatus...
Participants Harald Bräuning, Udo Krause, Jutta Fitzek, Sigrid Heymel, Matthias Wiebel, Alexander Schwinn (Protokoll) Topics * Mocking of FESA classes *...
Participants Harald Bräuning, Matthias Wiebel, Susanne Jülicher, Peter Kainberger, Barbara Grasmück, Günter Fröhlich, Alexander Schwinn (Protokoll) Topics * F...
Participants Harald Bräuning, Ludwig Hechler, Udo Krause, Dietrich Beck, Matthias Wiebel, Alexander Schwinn (Protokoll) Topics * Interface between rda clients...
Participants Harald Bräuning, Udo Krause, Solveigh Matthies, Alexander Schwinn (Protokoll, Status=DRAFT) Topics * Plannings next FESA release * Integrat...
Participants Harald Bräuning, Ludwig Hechler, Vitaliy Rapp, Solveigh Matthies, Alexander Schwinn (Protokoll) Topics * 1.0.0 release experiences/status *...
Participants Harald Bräuning, Udo Krause, Dominic Day, Peter Kainberger, Matthias Wiebel, Hanno Hüther, Raphael Müller, Barbara Grasmück, Alexander Schwinn (meeti...
Participants P. Kainberger, M. Wiebel, A. Schwinn, D. Day, S. Matthies, D. Beck, A. Hahn, M. Reese, F. Ameil Topic Monitoring / Supervision of the Timing Receive...
Participants Harald Bräuning, Ludwig Hechler, Udo Krause, Solveigh Matthies, Alexander Schwinn (Protokoll) Topics 1 Java7 * Solveigh Matthies reported t...
Participants Harald Bräuning, Ralf Huhmann, Matthias Wiebel, Susanne Jülicher, Günter Fröhlich, Udo Krause, Ludwig Hechler, Alexander Schwinn (Protokoll) Topics...
Participants Harald Bräuning, Ludwig Hechler, Matthias Wiebel, Peter Kainberger, Günter Fröhlich, Alexander Schwinn (Protokoll) Topics * *Re discussion "detai...
Ergebnisse des Meetings "SAFT Lib Ersatz D Bus" vom 30. Oktober 2018 Teilnehmer: Dietrich Beck, Harald Bräuning, Dominic Day, Tobias Habermann, Alexander Hahn, ...
Main.AlexanderSchwinn 09 Oct 2014
Themen nur FE Int * "deviceNameTimingReceiver" can be removed ? * Is it still planned to run a dedicated FESA class for each Timing Receiver ? * Wh...
This FESA class will inherit from the FESA Class BASE ACU PowerSupply, in order to get the common public interface. Documentation about the device which will be c...
This class will be the base class from which all other ACU Power Supply classes inherit from. It has to provide all commonly used power supply properties, field...
CRYRING Linac RF Hardware Description In the CRYRING injector linac two RF systems will be installed: One for RFQ, one for buncher. The interface to the control ...
Main.SvetlanaFedotova 29 Jan 2020 CrySrcGasController FESA class for controlling the gas flow on Pfeiffer fine dosing valve for ion source ECRIS. The valve accept...
NEW - 29 Jan 2020 - 11:49 by SvetlanaFedotova
Main.SvetlanaFedotova 29 Jan 2020 CrySrcILKMonitor FESA class for reading the interlock status of water cooling and pressure in CRYRING local ion source. The spec...
NEW - 29 Jan 2020 - 12:16 by SvetlanaFedotova
Main.SvetlanaFedotova 29 Jan 2020 CrySrcMwGenerator FESA class for controlling MW generator for ECRIS ion source. Used for setting amplitude (0 9 V) and frequency...
NEW - 29 Jan 2020 - 12:12 by SvetlanaFedotova
Main.SvetlanaFedotova 29 Jan 2020 CrySrcPressureReader FESA class for reading the pressure from the pressure controller. The controller produces the values from 0...
NEW - 29 Jan 2020 - 11:56 by SvetlanaFedotova
Main.SvetlanaFedotova 29 Jan 2020 CrySrcPulser FESA class for pulsing of CRYRING ion source: generates triggers (5 V) upon Timing events for ion source pulsing an...
NEW - 29 Jan 2020 - 11:43 by SvetlanaFedotova
DC Magnet Property Layout FESA3 Standard properties and value items Setting properties IMPORTANT: Every setting property has standard items to the ones listed h...
Contacts * Ralph Steinhagen (Initial Project creator) * Alexander Schwinn (FESA build dependencies) Overview * Up to 4 picoscopes will be connected via ...
Q: What is the difference between the Digitizer Acquisition modes "Streaming" and "Rapid Block" ? A: * Streaming: * Samples are sent continously, wheneve...
ExtractionKicker of SIS100 Kicker system of SIS100 is responsible for normal extraction as well as for emergency dump of the the beam. The kicker system provides ...
Injection Kicker of SIS100 Attention: Check if it makes sense to merge SIS1000 Injection with SIS100 Extraction Kicker class !! Both kickers share the same ...
Number of topics: 50
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Topic revision: r1 - 09 Jan 2009, ProjectContributor
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