non-ramped kickers
Besides the kicker in the SIS100, which has to be ramped during the acceleration, several 'conventional' kickers will be installed.
E.g. in the CR:
- 12 kicker modules
- each module is equipped with two power supplies
- one for injection, one for extraction, to provide short time between two kicks (new injection shortly after extraction)
- internally,
- low voltage (300 V) power supplies load a capacitor bank
- two banks per module, each with its own power supply
- charge is transferred by a HV transformer to a cable (a set of cables)
- transfer must be triggered
- time precision of this trigger is moderate
- cables are discharged on kicker modules (probably using thyratron switches)
- this is the moment the beam is kicked
- trigger mus be provided by high precision
- kick must be synchronous to RF (must hit the bunches)
- trigger delays for each kicker module (probably separately for injection and extraction) can be precisely adjusted in time, to compensate for internal delays, such that all modules precisely fire ath same time when triggered by a central trigger pulse
- a central trigger unit is responsible to provide the triggers
For interfacing:
- interfacing of the power supplies to load the capacitors will be by MIL-bus
- it is expected that all 24 power supplies in the CR will be connected to one SCU
- a separate SCU will be foreseen to handle the trigger signals
It is desired to operate the kicker with the remaining kicker modules when one module is not operational (damaged). Voltages of the remaining moduels then must be re-adjusted. To do so it must be taken into account:
The effect of the 12 kicker modules on the beam is not identical! Depending on which module is not usable, the voltage of the remaining must be adjusted differently. Readjustement strongly depends on the beam optics!