White Rabbit Timing

Steps to create a White Rabbit triggered real-time event


Class Design

The design needs:
  • RT Action
  • Logical Event of type "timing"
  • Scheduling unit referencing the logical-event and the RT-action

Deployment Unit

The DU needs a concurrency layer containing a reference to the scheduling unit in the design.

The executable needs to be of type 'mixed'.

Instantiation File

The instantiation file needs:
Timing configuration at: classes->[class name]->device-instance->configuration
  • TimingDomain: FAIR
  • accelerator: Based on the picked accelerator, a different set of accelerator-zones will be offered to you
  • accelerator-zone: The id of the zone has to mach the GroupID of the incoming event. Events of all other zones will be ignored
    • Check this link in order to see all GroupID's which are played on a FEC
  • mainMuxCriterion SEQ to multiplex all fields per sequence or BP to multiplex them per beam process. NONE, if you dont want to multiplex your fields.

Event configuration at: classes->[class name]->events-mapping->[event name]->event-configuration->Timing->hardware-event

Set the event configuration name and event code (e.g.EVT_START_RF#1)

Event mapping at: classes->[class name]->device-instance->event-mapping->[event name]->event-configuration-ref

Select the event configuration defined above.

Event Behaviour

The FESA framework will register with the timing network to receive events that match the accelerator zone and event numbers given. The framework will always receive BeamProcess Start and Sequence Start events to track timestamps, but will not raise an RT-Action unless specified in the instantiation file.

Multiplexing Context

The timing event triggers the creation of a multiplexing context that contains the event timing details that is passed to the RT-Action.
uint32_t formatId;
uint32_t groupId;
uint32_t eventNumber;
uint32_t sequenceId;
uint32_t sequenceCounter;
uint32_t beamProcessId;
uint32_t beamProductionChainId;
uint64_t eventExecutionTimestamp;
uint64_t sequenceTimestamp;
uint64_t beamProcessTimestamp;
uint64_t beamProductionChainTimestamp;
uint64_t acquisitionTimestamp;

Multiplexing Depth

Per default, all multiplexed setting-fields of a multiplexed device will be duplicated:
  • times 1024 when the device is multiplexed per Process Index ( formerly known as "!BeamProcess" )
  • times 64 when the device is multiplexed per Sequence Index ( formerly known as "Sequence" )
This default multiplexing-depth should be used whenever possible. If for some reason (E.g. insufficient memory / system resources) the default cannot be used, please inform the LSA and FESA team about that! Otherwise it may happen that your device fails to handle an incoming out-of-bound Process/Sequence index during operation, which was sent by LSA.

The multiplexing-depth can be adjusted manually by passing the application-argument "-muxDepth ":

myDUBinary ...... -usrArgs "-WR -muxDepth 123"

Access to SAFTlib functions

White Rabbit functions are available in the TimingEventSourceWR class

Static Access
#include <fesa-core-gsi/RealTime/TimingEventSourceWR.h>
Device* device = WRTimingTestServiceLocator_->getDeviceCollection()[0];
fesaGSI::TimingEventSourceWR::registerTrigger(device, eventNo, offset, tag);

Instance Access
#include <fesa-core-gsi/RealTime/TimingEventSourceWR.h>
#include <fesa-core/RealTime/AbstractEventSourceFactory.h>
std::string className = this->WRTimingTestServiceLocator_->getClassName(); // substitute your FESAClassName for WRTimingTest
fesaGSI::TimingEventSourceWR* evtSource = dynamic_cast<fesaGSI::TimingEventSourceWR*>(fesa::AbstractEventSourceFactory::getEventSource(className, "Timing")); 
evtSource->registerTrigger( device, eventNo, offset, tag );

SCU bus tags

To generate tags on the SCU bus in response to a timing event:
void TimingEventSourceWR::registerTrigger( AbstractDevice* device, int eventNo, uint64_t offset, uint32_t tag );

The groupID is retrieved from the instantiation file via the device pointer.

Where offset is the time delay in ns after event before tag is written

To stop an event responding:
void TimingEventSourceWR::deregisterTrigger( AbstractDevice* device, int eventNo );

To manually generate a tag on the SCU bus:
void TimingEventSourceWR::injectTag( uint32_t tag);

SCU Environment

The SCU must be running the dbus and saftlib daemons. Example ps output:
 1611 dbus       0:34 /bin/dbus-daemon --system
 1623 root       2:47 /sbin/saftd baseboard:dev/wbm0

If one of the daemons does not run, check that the right fpga-firmware-version is installed. Currently there is no proper way to do so. Here a rudimental solution:
  • If the command "eb-info" is available:
    • # eb-info dev/wbm0
    • The firmware of the build-date "Wed Jun 10 11:03:34 CEST 2015" runs, however it has several time synchronized bug, a upgrade is recommended.
    • If your firmware is even older, you need to upgrade it!
  • If the command"eb-info" is not available, but the command "eb-ls" is available:
    • The chances are good that your firmware is up to date.
  • If none of both is available.
    • Something is terribly wrong on this FEC, please contact the Timing Team

In order to get a up to date fpga-firmware, please contact the Timing Team


Use the saft-ctl tool to check the Status of the SAFTlib daemon: saft-ctl myname -s

Use saft-ctl to check that White Rabbit Events are reaching the SCU: saft-ctl myname snoop 0 0

On the asl-cluster, there is a tool to decode the received event-payload (ID). It can be found here:

[dm-snoop will be removed in later releases] Use the timing tool dm-snoop to check White Rabbit events are reaching the SCU.

How to configure an SCU

To run the dbus and saftlib daemons automatically on an SCU after reboot create a link to the saftlib initialization script in the nfsinit folder for the SCU:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 matthies bel  19 Jul  9 13:45 20_etherbone -> ../global/etherbone
lrwxrwxrwx 1 matthies bel  25 Jul  9 12:03 30_saftlib -> ../global/saftlib_fesa232
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root     root 20 May 12 11:24 50_fesa -> ../global/fesa_64bit

The scripts will be run in ascending order indicated by the numbers at the beginning.

The etherbone script is used to load tools such as eca-ctl in the RAMdisc of the SCU. The saftlib script saftlib_fesa232 in /common/export/nfsinit/global/ will load the saftlib version used by FESA3 2.3.2 and its required dependencies into the RAMdisc of the SCU and it will replace the etherbone library to match the used saftlib version. The FESA script will set up the SCU for a 64 bit environment expected by 64 bit FESA software.

Multiple instances per SCU

The SAFTlib daemon controls access to the timing hardware. FESA classes create proxy objects to interact with the SAFTlib daemon. This allows multiple FESA classes to execute on the same SCU and register for the same timing event. The number of events that can be listened to is limited by the condition table of the ECA unit.

Accessing SAFTlib directly

Using the Saftlib Directory a FESA class can connect to the Saftlib Daemon without going through the FESA framework. Saftlib tracks ownership of events and actions so events registered with the FESA framework may be seen but not modified. A class may have its own DBUS event loop and set of events instead of - or in addition to - a timing event source registered by the framework.

As an example, a skeleton custom event source for a SoftwareAction.

Create a Custom Event Source, link to RTAction, Set EventMapping.

Required Headers:

#include <giomm.h>
#include <SAFTd.h>
#include <TimingReceiver.h>
#include <SoftwareActionSink.h>
#include <SoftwareCondition.h>

Class members:

Glib::RefPtr<saftlib::TimingReceiver_Proxy> timingReceiver_;
Glib::RefPtr<saftlib::SoftwareActionSink_Proxy> timingActionSink_;
Glib::RefPtr<Glib::MainLoop> timingLoop_;
std::vector<Glib::RefPtr<SoftwareCondition_Proxy> > conditions_;

Constructor / Init

       timingLoop_ = Glib::MainLoop::create();
       std::map<Glib::ustring, Glib::ustring> timingDevices = saftlib::SAFTd_Proxy::create()->getDevices();
       timingReceiver_ = saftlib::TimingReceiver_Proxy::create(timingDevices["baseboard"]);
       timingActionSink_ = saftlib::SoftwareActionSink_Proxy::create(timingReceiver_->NewSoftwareActionSink(""));

void CustomTiming::connect(const boost::shared_ptr<fesa::EventElement>& eventElement)
    guint64 eventID =   0x0fa0001000000000;
    guint64 eventMask = 0xfffffff000000000;
    gint64 offset = 0;
       Glib::RefPtr<SoftwareCondition_Proxy> condition = SoftwareCondition_Proxy::create(timingActionSink_->NewCondition(true, eventID, eventMask, offset, 0));
       condition->Action.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &CustomTiming::on_action)); // register object method as callback function
       conditions.push_back(condition); // the smart pointer must stay alive for actions to occur
    catch (const Glib::Error& error)

void CustomTiming::wait(boost::shared_ptr<fesa::RTEvent>& eventToFire)
    timingLoop_->run(); // this blocks until an action occurs
    createEvent(eventToFire, CustomTiming::defaultEvent);

// callback function
void CustomTiming::on_action(guint64 id, guint64 param, guint64 time, guint64 overtime,  bool late, bool delayed, bool conflict)
    // do something with timing information

More Information




SAFTlib Version History

FESA uses snapshots of SAFTlib pending a versioning system.
  • 07.07.2015

First Release
  • 18.08.2015


Event triggers for SCUbus Tags with adjacent EventIDs are accepted

Action offsets greater than 2^32ns work correctly.

Negative offsets for actions work correctly.

No Late Errors for events that have not been subscribed to

High 32-bit of payload is correct, no longer copied from eventid.


saft-ctl tool replaces the functionality of dm-snoop and eca-ctl


Fixed inconsistent signedness of guard and offset parameters.

Usage of local timing

While adding a FEC ( press "add FEC" in the deployment unit ) in the folder of this new FEC a file called Timing.xml will be generated.

By default this file looks like that:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><fec name="zui">
<event code="4711" name="MY_TIMING_EVENT_1"/>
<event code="4712" name="MY_TIMING_EVENT_2"/>

So when picking a hw-event in the instance-file, at the very end of the list you as well should see "MY_TIMING_EVENT_1#4711" and "MY_TIMING_EVENT_2#4712".

You are free to modify this xml file to add any number of self-defined events. When you finished your modifications, you need to trigger "Synchronize Source Code" in the deployment unit, in order to update the schema of the instance-file and to make use of your local timing configuration.

TODO: Add information on how local events can be generated by using the SAFTlib
Topic revision: r11 - 19 Jun 2019, DietrichBeck
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