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Welcome to the Service web

About Service Group

The Service Group within of the Controls Department of GSI is responsible for multiple software products and interfaces, In the controls software stack the products can be found between the Application and the Devices Software. We also maintain and support a set of databases required for the controls software functionality and provide some additional systems required for the accelerator operations and testing.

Projects and Responsabilites

Controls Middleware: CMW, RDA, JAPC

The Controls Middleware is a set of communication concepts, software libraries and dedicated services for data exchange between applications and devices. It can be described as a " software glue", whcich brings together different layers of controls systems. So-called Remote Device Access (RDA) communication library is a product of CERN development, where it is a part of the Common Middleware (CMW). The software is used by the GSI as a part of the GSI-CERN collaboration. It provides a similar software API for Java and C++ applications. Java API for Parameter Controls on the other hand is a Java API, which defines a consistent API for Parameter Access. JAPC can be extended to work with different protocols in the background, without the need for the user to know how to particularly communicate with given devices. The Controls Group supports an extension of JAPC for legacy GSI devices (DevAcc).


As a central component in the control system, the BeamScheduling System (BSS) is responsible for enabling and disabling patterns the control system is configured with. Therefore the BSS combines requests (modelled as signals) and state information from MASP in order to decide which patterns are actually being executed.

The BSS is also part of the LSA data supply process, as it is responsible to forward pattern schedules to the timing system.
Controls Databases

The Service group also provided a variety of databases used for different applications and software services within of controls software stack. Those databases are commonly addressed as controls databases. The information in databases contain all the relevant data to run the controls' system applications. Information about existing devices, their communication interface, deployments, existing timing groups and accelerator zones can be found in controls databases.

Archiving System (MARS)

The Message Based Archiving System (MARS), was originally a project, developed by a Slovenian in-kind partner XLAB. This system targets the need to used to collect and store the data produced by different devices in order to analyze it in the future. The system was finally delivered in 2020 and is maintained and supported by the service group afterwards.


The sequencer service is intended to be a control system related testing tool (e.g. to be used for hardware comissioning). It provides a framework for writing/specifying and executing (semi-)automated tests, so called "Sequences". Sequences could for instance be used to check the state for large sets of devices. Sequences could also be used for automatized configuration tasks such as modifiying device properties.



Web Utilities
Topic revision: r57 - 02 Feb 2021, StefanKrepp
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