You are here: Foswiki>FESA Web>HowTo>DriverGenerator (21 Oct 2009, TobiasHoffmann)Edit Attach
-- TobiasHoffmann - 21 Oct 2009

Driver Generator (V2)

At CERN an automatic Driver Generator for VME boards was developed by Yury Georgievskiy. This is installed at GSI at:

asl713:/acc/src/dsc/driver/DriverGen/dgV2 (operational)


asl713:/acc/src/dsc/driver/coht/driver-gen (development)

To operate the DriverGen on different kernel versions it should always be compiled before usage. Some ways to do this are listed here in short:

Create the install-/uninstall tools:

  1. cd to driverGen/dgV2
  2. -> ./dgII -general vme
  3. -> cd genDriverDeposit/general
  4. -> make
Topic revision: r1 - 21 Oct 2009, TobiasHoffmann
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