The CERN release originaly was planned for the end of may, but since some critical bugs were found by CERN-users the CERN-release-date was shifted to June. ( According to Stephane Deghaye, end of June is a critical milestone for CERN, so they have to release before )
Since the MCS-Sacley-nameserer is not specified in the file, Dietrich Beck had problems to get his client-software to work
Alexander Schwinn proposed to store address/port of both name-servers in the file and automatically set the right one, according to the FEC-name.
The majority of FE-Int-team members prefered to fix this information manually after the installation, so we will do like that.
On a SCU in the MCS-Sacley Dietrich Beck reported, that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH was not set. So the dyn. libraries which are needed by FESA could not be loaded.
Alexander Schwinn will check why this happened / why there is a difference with the SCU's attached to the acc-net.
If required, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH will be appended in the fesa3_environment.conf
Default-value for GSI-power-field
Matthias Wiebel showed the potential problems which can arise if a device is powered and FESA-class starts up, using the wrong default/persistant-value for the setting -field "power".
Currently the state-enum "DEVICE_POWER" defines the states "ON"=1 and "OFF"=2. For "0" there is no state defined yet.
However the current default-value for the field, which is used by FESA is "0", so we will add "0"=UNKNOWN to give a name to this state.
Integration White Rabbit Timing Receiver
We need to think about a good concept to integrate the handling of the WR-Timing receiver with FESA. The following was discussed:
We should have a flag, or a enum in the GSI-Status-Property in order to show the state of the timing-receiver ( OK / ERROR )
We need some way to configure the timing receiver and to do some diagnostics
Either by provding optional, GSI-specific properties
Or by having a dedicated device-name and FESA-class.
This issue will be discussed together with Dietrich Beck in one of the next FE-Int meetings