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Development Environment and FECs / SCUs

Computers for building FESA/DevAcc Software

At GSI the following computers can be used to design, code, compile and link FESA classes and equipment:
  • asl740, asl741, asl742, asl743, asl744 ( CentOS (acc7), 64-bit architecture, FESA3 4.0.0 to 7.3.0 )
  • asl751 to asl755 (Rocky9 - acc9 / yocto, 64-bit architecture, FESA3 7.5.0 and later)

Computers for testing FESA/DevAcc Software

Note that FESA software build on the acc7 cluster can be tested directly on that cluster, if no timing-network is required.

The following front end computers may be used for testing purposes. Be aware: This list might be outdated! (Last complete update: 25/09/2023).

To make use of one of these front end computers, follow these steps:
  • Ask other users registered for that system for access, if there are any
  • Make sure no other FESA/Devacc binary is running on the chosen computer (If so, check who is running it)
  • register yourself in this list with your full name. If you are an external, as well provide a mail address.
  • If the usage is temporary, unregister yourself when you are done

Computers for testing FESA Software
SCU-Name SCU-Nomen system-info Ram Disk location currently used by
scuxl0002 kp3csu36 mit scuxl0141 im Crate scuxl BR3.2.117a Tobias Habermann., Matthias Wiebel
scuxl0004 kp3csu35 yocto BR3.2.117a Dominic Day
scuxl0052 kp3csu32 mit FG900.161 mit scuxl0344 im Crate yocto BR3.2.117a Dominic Day
scuxl0061 kp3csu03 mit ACU, ohne WR scuxl BR3.2.117a  
scuxl0081 kp3csu34 mit FG352 410 (DDS-RingHF) scuxl BR3.2.117a Tobias Habermann
scuxl0104 kp3csu38 mit ACU, ohne WR, + FM900 745 (Adapter) + FG900 740 (universal IO) scuxl BR3.2.117a  
scuxl0121 kp3csu02 mit ACU, ohne WR scuxl BR3.2.117a  
scuxl0134 kp3csu33 mit FG900 810 (Inputkarte 8 IN) scux.el7 BR3.2.117a  
scuxl0141 kp3csu37 mit scuxl002 im Crate scuxl BR3.2.117a Tobias Habermann., Matthias Wiebel
scuxl0344 kp3csu31 mit scuxl0052 im Crate scuxl BR3.2.117a Ulf Reinhardt / Vitaliy Rapp für Tests BTM
scuxl0559 kp3csu68 scuxl BR3.2.117a Peter Kainberger
scuxl0640 kp4csu50 mit FG901 152 (SIO Mil) mit Devicebuskabel zum BEA-Testrack yocto BR3.2.117a Alexander Schwinn / Rok Hari (Cosylab)
scuxl0646 kp3csu39 mit FG901 152 (SIO Mil) yocto BR3.2.117a  
scuxl0657 kp3csu67 scuxl BR3.2.117a Peter Kainberger
dal004 Supermicro with connected picoscopes scuxl BR3.2.117a Alexander Schwinn
vmla0** Virtual FECs without timing ... see separate list - - -
Computers for testing DevAcc Software
Nomen system-info Ram Disk location currently used by
kp1cg01 VME-GuP, mit SEs cpu87-20220407 BR3.2.117a Ulf Reinhardt
ke3cg07 SDDSC022 Leihgabe von BEA cpu87 BR3.2.117a Matthias Wiebel
ka2cg04 VME-GuP, PPC, neue SE auf 2 und alte SE auf 3 lfos-boot-cpu87-testing.bin BR3.2.117a P.Kainberger
kp1cg33 VME-GuP, PPC lfos-boot-cpu87-testing.bin BR3.2.160 - Büro Grzegorz Kowalski <>

Other FECs

FEC Configuration

All FEC's share the same basic structure of an Initrd Based Linux System and are located in the accelerator network (connect via '' suffix)

  • Information about the file system for FEC's: FEC file system.
  • For productive FECs, here some info on how to use hostnames / GSI nomenclatures as FEC names:
    • For FEC configuration of a FESA3 deploy-unit this means that the FEC folder still has to be named like the original hostname of the FEC (unexpected!)
    • Logging in to the FEC also requires the original hostname (unexpected!)
    • Retrieving log messages from the booting FEC also requires the original hostname (unexpected!)
    • If nomenclatures for FEC names are used in capital letters, they cannot be distinguished any more from common device names at first sight

RAM Disk Configuration

  • Information about boot-configuration: Start on EmbeddedSystems.
  • This Wiki page provides information on how to read/set the PXE links for the Linux image and RAM disk of a FEC.
Topic revision: r56 - 28 May 2024, ReginePfeil
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