-- SvetlanaFedotova - 29 Jan 2020


FESA class for controlling MW generator for ECRIS ion source. Used for setting amplitude (0-9 V) and frequency (9-10.5 GHz) to MW generator. Actual values of amplitude and frequency can be aquired as well. Read ADC voltage for amplitude can take values from 0 to 9 V. Read ADC voltage for frequency can take values from 1.7 to 1.98 Volt what shall corresponds 9-10.5 GHz. Hardware used is AdcDac card with 2 DAC for setting and 2 ADC channels for reading the values.




Released on scuxl0289, pro-environment

Instance (nomenclature): YRT1IZ1R

Setting Property:

value-item: amplitude

value-item: frequency

Acquisition Property:

value-item: amplitude

value-item: amplitudeSet

value-item: frequency

value-item: frequencySet


generates FESL- device object


AquisitionRTAction: CMD_SOURCE_START#273; fills staus information; calls FESL methods readActAmpl; getDacValueAmpl; readActFreq and getDacValueFreq

Server actions:

SettingSetAction: calls FESL methods setAmpl(amplitude) and setFreq(frequency);







AdcDac card FG 900.161

Slave 10

Number of internal DAC for amplitude value (Setting): 2

Number of internal ADC for amplitude value (Aquisition): 2

Number of internal DAC for frequency value (Setting): 1

Number of internal ADC for frequency value (Aquisition): 1

Namespace : FeSupport:MWGenerator:class mwGenerator

Methods and parameters:


***Min and max values for setting amplitude in proper units (Volts or Watts):

double SetAmpl _max; double SetAmpl _min;

***Min and max values for setting frequency in proper units (GHz):

double SetFreq _max; double SetFreq _min;

***Converts amplitude value set in units into Volts for ADC card:

double UtoV _Ampl

***Converts frequency value set in units into Volts for ADC card:

double UtoV _Freq

***Converts actual amplitude value read from DAC in Volts into units:

double VtoU _Ampl

***Converts actual frequency value read from DAC in Volts into units:

double VtoU _Freq


* Scales set amplitude and sends it to ADC Card:

void setAmpl(double AmplU);

***Scales set frequency and sends it to ADC Card:

void setFreq(double FreqU);

***Reads a set value from DAC (raw Hex) for amplitude and scales it to Volts:

double getDacValueAmpl();

***Reads a set value from DAC (raw Hex) for frequency and scales it to Volts:

double getDacValueFreq();

***Reads an actual amplitude value from ADC (raw Hex) and scales it to Volts:

double readActAmpl();

***Reads an actual frequency value from ADC (raw Hex) and scales it to Volts:

double readActFreq();
Topic revision: r1 - 29 Jan 2020, SvetlanaFedotova
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