Harald Bräuning, Udo Krause, Jutta Fitzek, Sigrid Heymel, Matthias Wiebel, Alexander Schwinn (Protokoll)
- Mocking of FESA-classes
- Needed by AP-Team , so that they can start application-development at an early stage
- Since anyhow the hardware of fesa-classes should be designed 'mockable', the same approach will be used to provide some early testing-candidate of a class to AP
- Alex will check how the text in the Guideline can clearified and make an proposal. ( Currently in the text it is not clear if a one- or two-level mocking-approach should be used.
- Device-Naming
- Devices in the test-environment should have a generalized name-suffix in order to identify them as test-devices.
- The first proposal of this suffix is: "Test".
- A note about this will be added to the Guideline.
- Database dependencies
- Classes in development should not use the same DB, used by productive classes.
- This issue will be further discussed in the next FE-Int meeting.
- Unified value-items to model the state of hardware-components of a device
- Topic will be postponed until Peter Kainberger is available
- Following convention will be added to Guideline:
- Every productive FESA-class has to start/run properly, even if the HW is in some fault-state
- New property "DeviceDescription" ( Typ: "GSI-DeviceDescription-Property" )
- Value-item: deviceNameTimingReceiver (char array)
- Property will as well have:
- propertyNames (2D char array)
- deviceNames (2D char array)
- globalDeviceName (char array)
- host (char array)
- Was ok for everybody, first implementation can be started
- Communication between class-developers and AP-Team
- The AP-Team needs more information about ongoing class-development
- Which classes are currently under development ?
- Who is responsible for which class ?
- When a prototype is ready, so that it can be used by AP ?
- Alex will add to the FESA-Guideline:
- Documentation for each class should be written in the FESA-Wiki
- The AP-Team should be informed about new classes, and when a prototype for testing is ready.
- In oder to improve the exchange between the AP-Team and the FESA class developers, we will try some kind of "convention".
- All FESA class developers and the AP-Team is invited
- In each convention, one class-developer presents his/her class (ca.15min)
- After that, there will be some open discussion
- Alex will organize a first convention. If the resonance is positive, we will meet periodically.