FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Eclipse XML C++ Release Runtime Frontend Database Documentation SVN


How to import an existing FESA class/FESA deploy-unit into the workspace ?

  • Copy the class to your workspace or check it out via SVN
  • Open the C++ perspective or the FESA perspective
  • File --> Import --> "Existing Projects into Workspace"
  • Browse to the root directory of the project(s) you want to add.
  • Select the project(s) to import.
  • Press "Finish"
With screenshots:

How to move to another Eclipse Version

How can I get help/information on FESA while working with the FESA Eclipse plug-in?

The FESA3 Eclipse plug-in ships with a number of "cheat sheets". The cheat sheets are integrated into the Eclipse IDE and can be accessed via the menu: Help > Cheat Sheets... . Open the folder named FESA from the cheat sheet list to select a cheat sheet to work with. The information of each step inside a cheat sheet will be displayed when clicking on "Start working on this task" and "Click to begin" in the introduction to each task. To display the wiki links select them and copy them into the browser of your choice.

Where do I find example FESA software?

A source for example FESA software is the SVN repository, namely the integration tests that are used for testing a release candidate. Check e.g. https://www-acc.gsi.de/svn/fesa/framework/branches/release/FESA3_4.0.0/fesa-core-gsi-integration-test or https://www-acc.gsi.de/svn/fesa/framework/branches/release/FESA3_4.0.0/fesa-core-integration-test

How do I enable Icons in Menus in Eclipse?

This is related to the general Linux settings. To enable the icons type the following in a terminal: x@asl73x> gconftool-2 --type boolean --set /desktop/gnome/interface/buttons_have_icons true
x@asl73x> gconftool-2 --type boolean --set /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons true

What can I do to see more log output of the FESA Eclipse plug-in?

In Window > Preferences > FESA > Log Preferences select the log level. Log level INFO allows to see detailed output of various FESA actions, e.g. the delivery paths during deployment.

The Console View does not display any log Messages from the FESA Eclipse plug-in. What's wrong?

Sometimes the Eclipse preference settings mess up. Select 'Bring Console To Top' in Window > Preferences > FESA > Logging to apply different console settings.

How do I manage Eclipse's Secure Storage password?

E.g. the first time an SVN repository location is accessed the secure storage mechanism becomes active and asks the user to provide a master password. If a master password is entered the FESA plug-in requests this information during the start-up phase.The secure-storage can be managed in Window > Preferences > General > Security > Secure Storage

How can I remove Eclipse's Secure Storage?

Open Window > Preferences, type 'secure storage', (Window > Preferences > General > Security > Secure Storage). Delete the secure storage on the Content tab.

How do I get rid of obsolete perspectives in Eclipse, e.g. <FESA> / <<FESA>> after repeated updates or new installations of the FESA plug-in?

Open Window>Preferences>General>Perspectives, from the list of available perspectives delete the unwanted ones.

How do I convince the build console to appear automatically on top during a build?

The full path for the console settings in Eclipse Kepler in the preferences is Window>Preferences>C++>Build>Console>Bring console to top when building (if present). It is also possible to search the preferences with the keyword "console" to find this option.

Can I use FESA on the commandline? Can I write a shell script for frequently occuring FESA operations?

Yes. Frequently used operations such as design validation and code synchronization from the FESA3 workflow are accessible via the FESA CLI Tool. For a full feature list of the FESA CLI tool run the tool without parameters.

How do I uninstall the FESA3 Eclipse plug-in?

  • Select from the menu Help > Install New Software... . This displays the Available Software dialog.
  • Click the blue hyperlink "What is already installed" in the bottom section of the Available Software dialog.
  • From the Installed Software tab select the FESA Eclipse plug-in and press the Uninstall... button.
  • Follow the required steps of the uninstall procedure and restart Eclipse as suggested.

Can I use the FESA Explorer without Eclipse?

In both cases load the zip file manually in the FESA Explorer. Either directly from the FECs test directory or (if available) from https://websvcdev.acc.gsi.de/groups/fesa/fex/ .

Where are the FESA Explorer files for released FESA located?


Content assistance / auto completion does not work? What's wrong?

Window > Preferences > C/C++ > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced : check "Parsing-based Proposals"

The FESA Eclipse plug-in does not write messages to the console any more. What can I do ?

This can have different reasons. Here some solution proposals:
  • First of all, please check that the view "Console" is open. On the right side of the console you can pick between different consoles.
  • For me the problem somehow was workspace-specific. Only In one specific eclipse-workspace, the FESA eclipse plug-in did not write to the console any more. I was able to fix that by removing the folder ".metadata" of this workspace. ( move the folder to ".metadata.old" in case you want to switch back! )
  • Here as well a stack-overflow thread on the topic.

The number of projects in my workspace is large. Is there a way to focus on the three projects I currently work on?

Eclipse allows to define 'Working Sets'. A working set may include a smaller number of projects that belong together. If selected only the projects that belong to a working set are displayed in the project explorer.

See this wiki page for further information.

How can I view documents side by side?

There are several possibilities:
  • If more than one document is open in an editor the upper tab (where the file name is shown) may be dragged within the workbench. Docking frames (=vertical/horizontal lines) for "dropping" the document will be displayed within the workbench when moving the document around.
  • Since Eclipse Luna it is possible to drag a document in an editor window outside of the Eclipse main frame.

Can I use a workspace created with an older Eclipse version with a newer Eclipse version?

Technically yes. Eclipse will display a warning when it is about to open a workspace created with an older Eclipse version. However, this is not always recommended because there may be different configurations of SVN, Git, Eclipse itself, ... that must not be compatible anymore. The safest way is to create a new workspace with the new Eclipse version and then importing the existing projects from the old workspace or checking them out anew from the SVN repository.

Some Plug-Ins are not loaded properly?

Sometimes it helps to run Eclipse in clean mode once:
e.g. eclipse-2020-06 -clean&

The platform will clear some cached OSGi bundle information. This is recommended if you install new plug-ins manually or remove unused plug-ins. It will not affect any workspace related data.

The Eclipse workspace is not usable anymore, what can I do?

  • Try
    eclipse-2020-06 -clean&
    to give Eclipse the chance to clean-up internally.
  • Observe Eclipses log-output on the command-line by starting eclipse with
  • Check the entries at the end of ~/workspace<name>/.metadata.log
  • Sometimes a configuration file is broken in Eclipses hidden configuration folder for each workspace: ~/workspace<name>/.metadata . Deleting this folder will remove all workspace-specific configurations including the problematic file.
  • If all fails create a new workspace and import all the required projects using Eclipse Import...-function.

Shortcuts like Ctrl+Shift+V for validating FESA Designs are not working?

Various shortcuts for frequent operations in the FESA workflow are defined by the FESA plug-in. Due to a bug in Eclipse they don't work right away. It helps to look at the key binding schemes in Eclipse: Window > Preferences > General > Keys . Select the FESA 3 Plug-In Key Bindings Scheme.

How can I move a detached window back into the Eclipse main window?

  • For example drag the Console View close to another tabbed view. The insertion spot should be highlighted.
  • Alternatively: Reset the perspective. "Windows -> Reset Perspective ...

Editing instantiation units in the table view is troublesome, columns scrolled into view cannot be edited. What is the workaround?

This comes from a bug within the Eclipse environment. If the horizontal scrollbar is used on tables the cells scrolled into view cannot be edited. The content of leftmost columns is displayed instead. There are two workarounds:
  • Moving columns from the right to the left so the scrollbar does not have to be used. Moving columns is done by dragging and dropping the title of a column.
  • Working with a large monitor

Update of timing information in instance file: why does it not work?

For the moment: only one database connection is possible at a time. If somebody else has been using this feature it will not work for another one until a certain period of time has passed until the port which is used to access the database is free again.

FESA Explorer does not launch since 04/19?

The FESA Explorer is ready for Java11. If the environment is prepared for usage of Java8 the latest FESA Explorer will not launch.

Workaround: launch FESA Explorer manually from a console window in which the environment is set up to use Java11.

How do I move from an SVN to a Git repository?


Use a new workspace.
  • New projects:
    • Create a new project using the FESA project wizard
    • Check 'Share project in repository'
    • Switch to Eclipse's git perspective
    • Select 'Add an existing local Git Repository to this view'
    • Browse to project location in workspace
    • Use menu FESA > Configure FESA Project for Repository to perform git ignore settings, commit the files locally, remote git repository creation at https://git.acc.gsi.de/org/fesa-classes or https://git.acc.gsi.de/org/fesa-deploy-units and pushing the master branch to remote
  • Existing projects:
Command Line:
  • TODO

How do I import a FESA project from a git repository into my Eclipse workspace?

  • copy the git repository URL into the clipboard
  • in Eclipse
    • select File > Import...
    • Git > Projects from Git
    • clone URI
    • enter the required username+password
    • fetch the desired branches
    • confirm the local destination for the sources

XML / Design Document Modification


In setting properties a warning recommends to introduce min-/max- items for each value-item. What is this?

The usage of min- and max- items per value-item is recommended to allow applications to define lower and upper bounds for these values. Otherwise they behave like normal value-items.

How do I use the units-value-item?

The units-value-item references a value-item of a property. To specify a unit of this item either provide a default value or add the value in an action. https://www-acc.gsi.de/data/documentation/fesa-gsi/metamodel/3.1.0/design-doc.html#//equipment-model/interface/shared-definitions/units-value-item

The FESA design has an error. Why is it not visible in the Problems View?

If the Problems View already lists more than 100 messages or so the newest error messages are not visible. It is possible to delete the error messages in the Problems View to see the newest error messages from the validation process.

How can I comment or copy nodes in the design view of a FESA design?

Right-click on any XML element and select <Comment> or <Copy> from the context menu.

The default of a new field/value-item is 'scalar'. How can I use arrays?

One way is to right-click on 'scalar'; in the class design (Design View) and select 'Replace with' in the context menu. The same works reverse, array types can be replaced by scalars as well.

I use a custom server action. Why some value-items are still filled by the FESA FWK?

As soon as a value-item defines a 'data-field-ref', the values-item will automatically be filled by FESA after execution of the custom server action. To prevent that, just remove the node 'data-field-ref' from a value-item.

Why does the promotion mechanism for instance files not work?

  • The promotion mechanism relies on XSD schema. The XSD schema files are created / updated in the background during source code synchronization.

Why does the promotion mechanism ignore my setting / acquisition data fields?

  • These types of data fields in the FESA class design are promoted only to the instance file if a default value is given in the FESA class design.

How can I benefit from timing configuration changes? How do I update my FESA device instance files?

  • If the timing configuration has been changed (e.g. new accelerator zone or timing group names) the affected FESA device instance files have to be updated as well.
  • In Eclipse:
    • work on the matching version of the FESA software
    • re-synchronize the sources for the matching FESA deploy-unit
    • find the updated names in the context menus for the affected device instances and replace the changed ones
    • update the instance files on the affected frontends

C++ Programming


How do I use C++ editing support?

Eclipse offers the possibility to define code fragments that can be inserted by typing the name of the fragment and pressing CTRL+SPACE. For C++ a huge collection is already available and can be configured in Window > Preferences > C/C++ > Editor > Templates. For FESA3 related code a collection of code templates is defined.

How do I place 2D-Arrays in the RDA data container using C++?

For example:
string testString = "This is a test string";
const char ** stringArray = new const char*[11];
for (int i = 0; i < 11 ; i++) {
stringArray[i] = testString.c_str();
long dims[2] = {11,25};
data.insert("dim_charArrayValue", dims, 2);
data.insert("charArrayValue", stringArray, 11);

How do I access values in 2D arrays? What do I have to consider?

Design definition:
            <field name="structArray">
               <custom-type-array2D data-type-name-ref="StructArray">

 <device-instance name="TestDevice0" state="development">
        <description value=""/>
        <accelerator value="NONE"/>
        <timingDomain value="NONE"/>
        <acceleratorZone value="NONE"/>
        <mainMuxCriterion value="NONE"/>
        <structArray idref="_180319182146_0">

C++ Implementation:
std::cout << " max size: " << maxSize1 << ", " << maxSize2 << std::endl;
uint32_t size1, size2;
const StructArray::StructArray *s = pDev->structArray.get(size1, size2);
std::cout << " actual size: " << size1 << ", " << size2 << std::endl;

for (int i = 0; i < maxSize2; i++) {
   for (int j = 0; j < size2; j++) {
      std::cout << " i: " << i << " j: " << j ;
      const StructArray::StructArray *m = pDev->structArray.getCell(i, j);
      std::cout << " - (" << m->a << ", " << m->z << ", " << m->sr << ")" << std::endl;

Note: getCell() considers the maximum size of the 2D array, not the actual dimensions.

How do I enable / disable my own DEBUG messages within a FESA class?

Best practice is to use the FESA diagnostic logging.

How do I provide my custom logging topic for my FESA software?

  • First define a custom logger:
cmw::log::Logger& mylogger = cmw::log::LoggerFactory::getLogger("FESA.SW.MyVerySpecialLogger");
  • Use the custom logger in the log macros, e.g.
    LOG_ERROR_IF(mylogger, "Setting1GetAction::execute - ERROR");
    LOG_TRACE_IF(mylogger, "Setting1GetAction::execute - TRACE");
    LOG_DEBUG_IF(mylogger, "Setting1GetAction::execute - DEBUG");
    LOG_INFO_IF(mylogger, "Setting1GetAction::execute - INFO");
    LOG_WARNING_IF(mylogger, "Setting1GetAction::execute - WARNING");
  • Use a custom log.cfg along with the deploy-unit file which contains the custom logger:
logger.FESA.DIAG.level = AUDIT

# custom logger
logger.FESA.SW.MyVerySpecialLogger.level = WARNING

Please note that the file log.cfg is overridden during a release of the FESA software.

How do I prevent loggers writing to stdout

CMW logging sends log messages to all registered appenders. stdout is included by default, then the appenders configured in log.cfg are added.

To remove the default standard output appender:

#include <cmw-log/AppenderManager.h>

To add a standard output appender:

cmw::log::StdoutAppenderBuilder appender("AnotherStdoutAppender");

What is the maximum length of a log message?

  • < Fesa3 7: syslog limit = 1 kB
  • > Fesa3 7.0.0: GELF 64kB (=1 UDP Paket),

How do I use preprocessor directives to enable MOCK sections?

  • If the preprocessor directive is going to be reused within several source files:
    • Define a C++ helper class within <class project>/src/<class name>/Common/UserCode, e.g. <class name>Helper, make sure you have the same namespace as the FESA class itself
    • define the preprocessor directive you need in the header, e.g. MOCK_<class name>
    • in the source file you would like to use the preprocessor directive:
      • include the helper class using #include <<class name>/Common/UserCode/<class name>Helper.hpp>
      • use the directive #ifdef MOCK_<class name> around the section you use for mocking, etc
    • if the preprocessor directive is uncommented in the helper classes' header the section will be executed during runtime
    • if the preprocessor directive is commented the section will be ignored

How do I use the hasDataChanged()-method in custom get actions?

The hasDataChanged()-method was introduced to filter manual notifications. The default implementation returns true, but manual checks can be implemented to trigger manual notifications. A typical use-case for this method is data filtering at the real-time level. The method is also intended to steer when to send updated data. Keywords: on-change / subscription.

From: https://wikis.cern.ch/display/FESA3/hasDataChanged%28%29+method (Info from 08/2013)

"The hasDataChanged() is a method of a property's server action's C++ class. Its return value is checked by the framework before updating the clients subscribed to a given device property. If hasDataChanged() returns true, the clients will be updated; if it returns false, the clients will not be updated. The default implementation in the framework always returns true; this means that subscribing clients will always be notified even if the (possibly filtered) data published by the property hasn't changed since the last update.
The framework also generates an overridden implementation of hasDataChanged() for a FESA class's get server actions. The generated overridden implementation is a stub also returning true. The FESA class developer is free to provide his own implementation.
For example, for a notifiable property Acquisition whose get server action is called GetAcquisition the framework will be generated the following code for C++ class GetAcquisition:
bool hasDataChanged(const fesa::RequestEvent& event, fesa::AbstractDevice& abstractDevice, const rdaData& filter) const;

bool !GetAcquisition::hasDataChanged( const fesa::RequestEvent& event, fesa::AbstractDevice& abstractDevice, const rdaData& filter) const {
    Device& device = static_cast&lt;Device&&gt;(abstractDevice);

    if( device.dataChanged.get(event.getMultiplexingContext()) == true ) {
        return true;
    return false;

Please note that hasDataChanged() is generated for all get server actions, that is for both get server actions of notifiable properties and for get server actions of non-notifiable properties. The framework ignores hasDataChanged() for non-notifiable properties."

How do I send manual notifications from an RT action to other properties in a FESA class?

  • Given that the FESA class design is already prepared for sending manual notifications from an RT action the following steps still have to be performed in the C++ code:
    • call registerManualNotification("NameOfThePropertyWithoutNamespace", pDev->getName()); within the device loop
    • call sendManualNotification(pCtxt); after the loop for the devices to send all registered notifications

How do I work with filter-items?

If filter-items are defined in a setting- or acquisition property it is possible to evaluate the content within the execute-method of the get-/set-action:
const char* theFilter = filter.getAFilter();
if( strcmp(theFilter, "AString")==0 ) {
} else {

How do I retrieve the FESA class name / version in the C++ code?

std::string className = this-><FESAClassName>ServiceLocator_->getClassName();
std::string classVersion = this-><FESAClassName>ServiceLocator_->getClassVersion();

How do I provide on-change functionality? I.e. send data only when it has notably changed?

  • In the FESA class design: set the attribute 'on-change' to true in the property definition. This will indicate the intention to the applications.
  • In the property implementation: adapt the default implementation of the method 'hasDataChanged'. Per default this method returns true which indicates a data change. If data changes within borders only are supposed to be published it is possible to implement this in the 'hasDataChanged' method.

How do I use GSI's Conditions to illustrate error conditions of my FESA software?

How do I create and use an array of strings?

  • An example is found in the integration test class RDADataTypes in the setting property '!AllTypesArray2D'. Basically a 2D-array of the type char is defined in the FESA class design. In the C++ code the array can be filled using the method setString:
    pDev->array2d.setString("the value", index, pContext);

Can I use the timing events and their event numbers in C++ code?

Just copy the C header file /common/usr/timing/groupsAndEvents/TimingConfigurationWR_V1.h to the Common code folder (e.g. into ClassName /src/ClassName/Common) of your FESA software project. The header lists the event names and their numbers. The header is generated in parallel to the WR timing configuration file in /common/usr/timing/groupsAndEvents/ .

How can I provide default values for GSI specific data fields?


How can I observe custom data of FESA software?


How can I construct my own TimingContext with a Selector?

fesa::MultiplexingContext* pCtxt = new fesa::TimingContext("FAIR.SELECTOR.S=1");

Please note that this custom timing context should NOT be used to store data in the acquisition buffer to avoid unexpected results.

The default TimingContext takes the system clock as timestamp and permissions are settingsAccess:NOT_ALLOWED and acquisitionAccess ALLOWED, except when used in SpecificInit where settingsAccess is ALLOWED.

How do I provide data in the acquisitionContext-Field of the non-multiplexed Acquisition-Property?

At the end of the AcquisitionGet execute-function add something like:
auto context = pEvt->getMultiplexingContext();
 if (context->getType() != MultiplexingContext::MuxContextType::NoneCtxt) {

How can I construct a TimingContext with non-default access rights?

Use the constructor specifying ActionType, acqusitionAccess and setttingAccess:
// TimingContext to write settings in a set action
fesa::MultiplexingContext* pCtxt = new fesa::TimingContext("FAIR.SELECTOR.S=1", fesa::ActionType::SetAction, SET_ALLOWED, SET_ALLOWED | CHECK_FLAG_TO_BE_SYNC );

How can I provide my own TimingContext to avoid the error message "FESA_5014 The multiplexed field 'acquisitionContext' cannot be accessed using a NoneContext."?

A None Context cannot be used with a multiplexed field as of FESA3 v 5.0.1. Example workaround:

class TimingContextToWorkAroundRecentChangesInFesa: public MultiplexingContext {
    TimingContextToWorkAroundRecentChangesInFesa(const std::string& cycleName, timestamp_ns cycleStamp);

 * getSlot() in RTActions uses only the timestamp. However, the time stamp gets lost
 * (i.e. is replaced with the system time) when calling via an OnDemandEventSource!!!
TimingContextToWorkAroundRecentChangesInFesa::TimingContextToWorkAroundRecentChangesInFesa(const std::string& cycleName, timestamp_ns cycleStamp)
  type_ = CycleTypeCtxt;
  cycleName_ = cycleName;
  cycleStamp_ = cycleStamp;
  timeStamp_ = cycleStamp;

void FileWriteRTAction::execute(fesa::RTEvent* pEvt)
{ ...
TimingContextToWorkAroundRecentChangesInFesa *context = new TimingContextToWorkAroundRecentChangesInFesa(ctxt->getCycleName(),ctxt->getCycleStamp());

How do I access a FESA 16-bit enum in C++?

Enumeration values can be accessed in FESA using bit-wise operations.

// adapt the position tolerance bit for visualization purposes only
// ^ - XOR: only flip the position_tolerance bit
try {
  int16_t motor1Status_positionTolerance_inverted = device->motor1Status.get(context) ^ MotorSlit::MOTOR_STATUS::MOTOR_STATUS::Position_Tolerance;
  device->motor1Status.set( motor1Status_positionTolerance_inverted, context );
} catch ( ... ) {
  // do nothing

Release / Delivery / Deployment


How do I mount the required FESA directories on a (virtual) front-end?

Create a directory matching the hostname of the (virtual) front-end in /common/export/nfsinit/ and provide a symbolic link to the FESA initialization script similar to the one in e.g. /common/export/nfsinit/vmla02/ .

How do I deliver FESA software for the MCS in Saclay, France?


How do I configure the FESA deploy-unit to use White Rabbit based timing?

Check the White Rabbit timing documentation for WR-related information.

Why does export to the database not work? An RMI exception is thrown.

When trying to export a FESA document to the database I receive the error message
"Error creating bean with name 'org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiServiceExporter#0' defined in class path resource [resources/server_config.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
               $ java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
               $ java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiInvocationHandler (no security manager: RMI class loader disabled)"

Solution: Please check whether port 1199 is used by another program.

Quick Solution: Switch to another asl machine in the cluster.

Why does access to the (git) repository require a password during the release of operational FESA software? -> ACC Login (kerberos)

a.k.a Eclipse freezes during release

Release ElectroStatQuadDU, version 0.2.0 Delivering FESA deploy-unit
ElectroStatQuadDU.deploy for !FEC vmla09...
Authentication realm: < [[https://www-acc.gsi.de:443][https://www-acc.gsi.de:443]]> ACC Login (kerberos)

Most probably the kerberos ticket expired. Before starting Eclipse check with klist which tickets your Linux session already have and perform kinit to re-initialize your kerberos ticket. See https://www-acc.gsi.de/wiki/IN/Subversion for details.
user@asl7xx:lnx>kinit; eclipse-2020-06&

During release the KDE Wallet pops up. What is this?

The KDE wallet is Linux' password storage on KDE systems. It can be disabled. See https://www-acc.gsi.de/wiki/IN/Subversion for details.

How do I create instance documents for mock devices efficiently?

Push the button mock.pngon the toolbar of the instance file. A new file with a different file name will be created. It contains the same information as the original instance file. Only the device instance names will be changed (preceding X) as well as the timing configuration which will be set to NONE.

What is the difference between development/test and productive release of FESA software?

(07/2016) Different settings apply during release. See https://www-acc.gsi.de/wiki/FESA/FESA3ReleaseOfFESASoftware for details.

How can I jump directly to directories relevant for FESA development on the asl74x-cluster?

Matthias Wiebel created a collection of helper commands. You can find them here.



How do I launch a FESA3 deploy-unit automatically on a (virtual) front-end?

The basic steps to launch a FESA3 deploy-unit are outlined here: https://www-acc.gsi.de/wiki/FESA/FECFilesystem#FEC64.

How do I test whether my FESA software is running and accessible for applications?

  • Raphael M. kindly provided a tool to test the full stack from the top:
    ./device-connectivity-test.sh <device instance name> <property name>
  • The tool will not only print the data it received but also summarize at the end in which layer problems appeared. Example:
    --------------- Result Summary ---------------

    Device : 'XYR01LB1'
    Property : 'Status'

    Nameserver : success
    CMW/RDA3 (get) : success
    JAPC (get) : success
    CMW/RDA3 (subscribe) : success
    JAPC (subscribe) : success
  • The official wiki page: https://www-acc.gsi.de/wiki/Service/SvDeviceTest

How can I check whether my deploy-unit is up and running?

  • Launch ./cmw-admin-console on the command line at a machine of the asl cluster. The tool lists the FESA software found in the database and allows status checks.

How do I quickly test whether my FESA software is running and accessible via RDA3 directly?

  • Use the RDA3 C++ client software which is available for the FESA developers on the asl cluster:
  • get-rda3-c++, set-rda3-c++, subscribe-rda3-c++
# set environment variable for appropriate CMW directory server
export CMW_DIRECTORY_CLIENT_SERVERLIST=cmwdev00a.acc.gsi.de:5021 # DEV and TEST environment
export CMW_DIRECTORY_CLIENT_SERVERLIST=cmwpro00a.acc.gsi.de:5021 # PRODUCTION environment

# perform get of Status property on device TestDevice0
user@asl74x:~> get-rda3-c++ -d TestDevice0 -p Status

# subscribe to a multiplexed property with a cycle name
user@asl74x:~> subscribe-rda3-c++ -d TestDevice0 -p Acquisition -c FAIR.SELECTOR.S=1

How do I find out in which environment my FESA software is running? Test/Development or Productive?

A python scripts performs checks on the development and the productive CMW directory servers:
user@asl74x:~> locate-fesa-software -f <name of FESA deploy-unit>

How do I find out in which environment my device is available? Test/Development or Productive?

A python scripts performs checks on the development and the productive CMW directory servers and the FESA database:
user@asl74x:~> locate-fesa-software -d <name of device>

When is the persistency data file written?

The default interval for periodic persistence is: 3600 s (1h). After a new setting is applied, persistency data is written after a default delay of 30s. Persistence data is also written during a clean shutdown. If no fields are marked as persistent, no persistency data are written. There is also the possibility to trigger persistency "by hand". The default interval and the delay both can be configured in the fesa.cfg file. A period interval of 0 disables periodic persistence. (On the asl cluster or on 32-bit FECs it is possible to pass the configuration file of your choice via an application argument )

On a FEC: Where is the persistency data file located?

On a FEC the directory is mounted as /opt/fesa/data/development/fesa-data/ .

On the asl-cluster: Where is the persistency data file located?


FESA_9006 Failed to restore the devices

This error is related to incompatibilities of persistent data. If an xml file (<FESA class name>PersistentData.xml) containing persistent data is created during start of a deploy-unit because of persistent data fields in the class design the deploy-unit will not start a second time until the persistent data file is removed and automatically recreated by the latest version.

FESA_13008 Partial setting not allowed for this property

The rda data container expects all desired data values to be used during call of the settings property.

FESA_13021 The field namedPositionNames has no data for the cycle selector ALL (no set was done before calling get) ...

  • The exception relates to the content of the rolling buffer that is used internally for acquisition fields. If the content is empty when a get-Operation is performed the exception is thrown. To circumvent this exception it is recommened to fill the buffer, e.g. during initialization before reading it. This may happen in an RT-Action for example:
void StatusRTAction::execute(fesa::RTEvent* pEvt) {
   MultiplexingContext *pCtxt = pEvt->getMultiplexingContext();
   std::vector<Device*> deviceCollection =
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < deviceCollection.size(); i++) {
      Device *pDev = deviceCollection[i];
      if (pDev->power.get(pCtxt) != DEVICE_POWER::ON) {
         pDev->powerState.set(DEVICE_POWER_STATE::OFF, pCtxt);
         std::cout << "StatusRTAction(): power off device : "
               << pDev->getName() << std::endl;
         pDev->status.set(DEVICE_STATUS::UNKNOWN, pCtxt);
         pDev->detailedStatus.lower(0, pCtxt);
         pDev->detailedStatus.lower(1, pCtxt);
         pDev->control.set(DEVICE_CONTROL::LOCAL, pCtxt);
         pDev->opReady.set(false, pCtxt);
         std::string errorString= "Device turned off";
         long error_code= 4711;
      } else {
         pDev->powerState.set(DEVICE_POWER_STATE::ON, pCtxt);
         std::cout << "StatusRTAction(): power on device : "
               << pDev->getName() << std::endl;
         pDev->status.set(DEVICE_STATUS::OK, pCtxt);
         pDev->detailedStatus.raise(0, pCtxt);
         pDev->detailedStatus.raise(1, pCtxt);
         pDev->control.set(DEVICE_CONTROL::LOCAL, pCtxt);
         pDev->opReady.set(true, pCtxt);
         std::string errorString= "Device turned on";
         long error_code=1;
      std::cout << "Synchronize setting fields" << std::endl;
  • Another possibility is to remove the data-field-ref elements in the value-item definition of the acquisition property. Then it is possible to set the outgoing acquisition data in the C++ code of the get action for the acquisition property.

FESA_4025 Instantiation file error: The value '-2147483648' is not valid for the xml-attribute 'value'....

Since FESA3 2.2.2 the value of the deviceNameTimingReceiver element in the instance file is checked. The default value -2147483648 does not work. For simple tests it is sufficient to select a value >0 .

FESA_1009 Failed to set the priority of the thread 'Notif_thread-default' to '17'. POSIX-ErrorMessage: Permission denied.

Root rights are required when launching a FESA binary that uses the RT part. May be circumvented by using the parameter -noRTSched during launch if root rights are not available. Another solution is to set the thread priority to '1'.
                    <thread-default prio="1"/>

FESA_12005 Value item 'Operation': invalid data; nested error message: FESA_10009 Invalid value: '0' is invalid regarding...

The error message during set of a property containing enumerations "FESA_12005 Value item 'Operation': invalid data; nested error message: FESA_10009 Invalid value: '0' is invalid regarding type '::Dm3::SchOPERATIONLIST::SchOPERATIONLIST'.. " may occur when enum items are set to access="RO" in the FESA class design. Setting access="RW" allows to write properties containing enumeration items.

I cannot connect to running FESA software with the FESA Explorer, and yes, the FESA software is up and running

A popular mistake is the naming of the FEC in the test folder of the deploy-unit. Please use the host name only, e.g. asl730. Using e.g. asl730.acc.gsi.de leads to the connection problems mentioned above.

How can I see the log output of my FESA software?

Using logstash.

How can I see which environment variables apply for a running process? (=which CMW nameserver is used by a FESA deploy-unit?)

strings –a /proc/<pid_of_the_process>/environ

How can I stop the daemon running a deploy-unit?

daemon -n testDU --stop

How can I restart the daemon running a deploy-unit?

daemon -n testDU --restart

Alternatively: reboot the FEC.

How can I start a deploy-unit on a FEC manually for testing?

cd /opt/nfsinit/<FEC name>

My FESA Software runs when started manually but segfaults when started by daemon

This may be caused by linking an incompatible Boost library. Example: in Makefile.dep, DEPENDENT_LINKER_OPTIONS += /lib64 will cause the linker to use the system default Boost in preference to FESA's Boost version. The manual startscript passes configuration files as separate parameters, the daemon passes a configuration directory and uses the boost_filesystem library.

My newly inserted RT action is not triggered. Why?

Along with the class design the deploy-unit design has to be adapted as well. It requires a scheduler and the executable set to be 'mixed'. In the instance file the appropriate events have to be chosen.

How can I observe process statistics (notification queue length, # RT action/get/set calls, ...) of FESA software?


How can I read/write properties of FESA software using a (Python) script?

For example by using the REST interface




How do I configure comfortable commands like 'll' on a front-end?

In the FEC initialisation directory /common/export/nfsinit<!FEC-Name> set a link to the global script which copies the script that defines the convenience aliases to the RAM disc of the FEC. E.g.
cd /common/export/nfsinit/vmla01
ln -s ../global/niceShortcuts 60-niceShortcuts

How do I log in to a FEC?

See https://www-acc.gsi.de/wiki/FESA/FrontEnds#Log_45in_44_environment_and_diagnosis_via_hostname

Which Convenience Functions are available for the Frontend / FEC environment?

See https://www-acc.gsi.de/wiki/FESA/FESA-FESA-Change-Directory-Commands

What is the purpose of commands like cdi, cdii, cdf, cdff?

See https://www-acc.gsi.de/wiki/FESA/FESA-FESA-Change-Directory-Commands

How can I see the log output of a booting front-end?

A possibility is the command
graylog tail --source <hostname> # e.g. graylog tail --source scuxl0000

How do I find out more using graylog?


Which Software is the most communicative at the moment?


How do I adjust a FEC for a certain operating system?

Create a symbolic link named like the hostname of the FEC in /common/tftp/csco/pxe/pxelinux.cfg to the required OS image.
Image Operating System Architecture
scuxl CentOS7 for SCUs 64-bit
microioc.el7 CentOS7 for MicroIOCs 64-bit
virtual_scuxl.el7 CentOS7 for virtual FECs 64-bit
cd /common/tftp/csco/pxe/pxelinux.cfg
ln -s virtual_scuxl.el7 vmla01

How do I use a GSI nomenclature instead of a frontend hostname?

FESA Database


How can I store information in the FESA database?

See Database Workflow - Issues to consider

How can I find out what is stored in the FESA database?

See Getting Information from the FESA Database

Exporting instances to the test database: what does the "Event is not defined" error message mean?

From DR7 on (04/2018) the test database uses a different implementation than the pro database. The actual error message is swallowed by the database internal tools. Please refer to the database developers.
cern.fesa.model.exception.FesaException: Could not export to database: DeviceData_Z_DU.instance
    at cern.fesa.control.database.LabDataBaseManager.export(LabDataBaseManager.java:219)
    at cern.fesa.plugin.job.ExportJob.runInWorkspace(ExportJob.java:67)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.InternalWorkspaceJob.run(InternalWorkspaceJob.java:39)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:55)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not insert instantiation unit:PreparedStatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL [call fesa_server.insert_instantiation_unit(?,?,?)]; SQL state [72000]; error code [20037]; ORA-20037: PROCESSING_ERROR : Error occured when inserting FESA IU ORA-20001: Event is not defined!

ORA-06512: at "FESA.COM_ERROR_MGR", line 25
ORA-06512: at "FESA.COM_EVENT_MGR", line 504
ORA-06512: at "FESA.COM_EVENT_MGR", line 715
ORA-06512: at "FESA.COM_EVENT_MGR", line 689
 Err: ORA-06512: at "FESA.COM_ERROR_MGR", line 25
ORA-06512: at "FESA.COM_EVENT_MGR", line 504
ORA-06512: at "FESA.COM_EVENT_MGR", line 715
ORA-06512: at "FESA.COM_EVENT_MGR", line 689
ORA-06512: at "FESA.FESA_SERVER", line 83
ORA-06512: at line 1

  • the test database checks for duplicate device instance names across different FESA classes
  • both databases: sensitive to renamed elements in FESA design
  • ...

FESA Class Documentation


How do I provide documentation for a FESA3 class?

See FESA3 Class Documentation

Is there a possibility to visualize a FESA class design graphically?

During generation of FESA class documentation atwo graphs are generated. One of the graphs is visualizing the class interface, the other one is describing the internal relations with events, scheduling units, actions etc.

How do I upload FESA class documentation to the webdav server?

During release of an operational FESA deploy-unit the FESA class documentation page will be uploaded to the webdav server (plug-in >=2.5.3).

Alternatively the toolbar button may be used: uploaddocumentation.png

Both possibilities require the SVN username + password (=Linux login credentials) in the FESA preferences.

How can I see the documentation on the server?

In a browser select https://www-acc.gsi.de/data/fesa/classes/<NameOfTheClass>.html .

GIT Repository Handling


GIT - I just marked a file to be ignored by GIT. However now I cannot commit the folder where the file to be ignored is inside.

Trigger a SVN update of the folder in the Project Explorer. After that you will be able to commit the SVN ignore info of the folder.

GIT - My FESA project was inserted into the GIT repository automatically during creation. But I am not able to synchronize the project with the GIT repository.

In Eclipse: Open the Synchronize perspective via Team > Synchronize... for the desired project in the Workspace View.

GIT - My FESA project was inserted into the GIT repository automatically during creation. But I don't see the GIT repository URL in the Workspace View.

Select the project in the workspace view, try Team > Update... from the context menu.

GIT repository settings vs. Eclipse Secure Storage

Sometimes the Eclipse Secure Storage mechanism fails to save the git settings within the preferences. Therefore the 'new FESA project wizard' will request the git credentials when it tries to put the new project into the git repository.

-- SolveighMatthies - 20 Oct 2020
Topic revision: r11 - 18 Feb 2022, SolveighMatthies
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