50 recent changes in FESA Web retrieved at 22:42 (GMT)

Migration from previous FESA3 versions FESA3 4.0.0 4.2.0 Basic migration steps To migrate existing FESA software from the previous FESA3 version 4.0.0 to the l...
Migration from previous FESA3 versions FESA3 4.0.0 4.2.0 Basic migration steps To migrate existing FESA software from the previous FESA3 version 4.0.0 to the l...
Ring RF (ramped) Most likely Ring RF will be handled by FESA class PowerSupply. However, several specifics have to be considered, which should be collected here. ...
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions %BUTTON{ "" target="FESA3FAQ420#Eclipse" }% %BUTTON{ "" target="FESA3FAQ420#XML" }% %BUTTON{ "" t...
Concept for Deployment and Rollout General Udo's General Thoughts Auszug aus Udos Email vom 12.04.2016, 16:29 Uhr: "Meine große Sorge in diesem Zusammenhang si...
FESA C Code Snippets Working with devices Working with devices in the server part // Since server actions are only executed for a specific device, // we di...
r5 - 11 May 2017 - 10:17 by DominicDay
Timing Runtime Environment The Timing Runtime Environment contains binaries, libraries, dependencies and configuration files required by Etherbone and Saftlib. L...
NEW - 10 May 2017 - 08:15 by DominicDay
"Nightly" Release of FESA From time to time a development version of FESA will be exposed for beta testers. The goal is to be able to test new developments in the...
General For almost all actions mentioned here, you need an active CERN account. If you don't have one already, you can get a CERN account here: GET CERN ACCOUNT ...
Ideas for DC Mode properties for the PowerSupply class Erst mal Stichpunkte in deutsch. Idee Im CCT Meeting vom 27. Apr. 2017 zum Thema FRS washing procedure st...
Release of FESA Deploy Units Binaries and Configuration Releasing a FESA deploy unit means basically copying the binary and its configuration files to the dedica...
FESA Configuration: Accelerators, Timing groups and Zones The most recent changes for WR based timing configuration are briefly summarized here. Status Quo 03/20...
FESA3 4.2.0 "Beryllium" 03 / 2017 Information for FESA class developers Start * Installation of the FESA Development Environment * Quick overview on ho...
Device Configuration in FESA3 4.2.0 From FESA3 4.2.0 on the timing configuration for White Rabbit based timing is different. The CCT has decided to introduce the ...
Release and Run FESA Software To provide the FESA software for testing purposes or production the software has to be released, e.g. for a FEC. For each FEC to rel...
FESA Software in Dev/Pro Umgebung Teilnehmer: Hbr, DDay, LH, MWie, PKain, SMa (Protokoll) * von Development Umgebung getrennte Produktionsumgebung wird von Dat...
Changelog New Features, Patches, Bug fixes, etc: See release history Detailed changelog for all FESA FWK packages: * changelog fesa core * changelog fesa ...
Ramped Devices (Function Generator) Description (TODO) will be a very important class for FAIR controls... The function generator which is developed for usage in...
Migration from previous FESA3 versions FESA3 3.1.0 4.0.0 Basic migration steps To migrate existing FESA software from the previous FESA3 version 3.1.0 to the l...
FESA3 4.0.0 "Beryllium" 09 / 2016 Information for FESA class developers Start * Installation of the FESA Development Environment * Quick overview on ho...
Tracking of RT Actions experimental (proposition) Background Synchronized control of the accelerator equipment is achieved by reaction to timing events, distribu...
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions %BUTTON{ "" target="FESA3FAQ400#Eclipse" }% %BUTTON{ "" target="FESA3FAQ400#XML" }% %BUTTON{ "" t...
GSI FESA Core Development * Main.SolveighMatthies (Controls Group, FESA3) * Main.HaraldBraeuning (Beam Diagnostics, FESA2.10 expert, FESA2.10 and FESA3 dev...
FESA Client Software Quick Access The FESA3 Explorer Tool: FEX The FESA Explorer 'FEX' is a generic JAVA application which is recommended for testing FESA class...
FESA Workshop planned @GSI 2016 Collection of Topics Topic # Description Who I New inheritance concept, use cases CERN II Concept of Subsets,...
CRYRING Injection Bumper Hardware Description Purpose Injection bumpers are used for multiturn injection: Before beam injection, in the injection area the close...
How to provide mock FESA Software for CSCOAP FESA software that is developed for production requires more thourough testing. Not only of the FESA software itself,...
Changelog New Features, Patches, Bug fixes, etc: See release history Detailed changelog for all FESA FWK packages: * changelog fesa core * changelog fesa ...
FESA3 Code Templates C code templates for efficient developers can be used to type frequently used code faster within the Eclipse IDE. The FESA3 plug in provides...
FESA C Code Snippets Working with devices Working with devices in the server part // Since server actions are only executed for a specific device, // we di...
Steps to provide a Mock binary for CSCOAP If you are going to develop productive FESA software, you as well need to give CSCOAP the chance to create a operative G...
FESA3 3.1.0 "Lithium" 02 / 2016 Information for FESA class developers Important: please note that this release targets 64 bit systems only. For simplicity this...
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Eclipse related How to import an existing FESA class/FESA deploy unit into the workspace ? Briefly: * Copy the class to your...
Stepper Motor Hardware Description For driving stepper motors Cosylab's MBox MicroIOC controller is used. The MBox combines a front end computer (x86 based PC) t...
FESA C Code Snippets Working with devices Working with devices in the server part // Since server actions are only executed for a specific device, // we di...
OnSubscription Payload * First of all, make sure that the FESA device you want to subscribe to is listed in the FESA DB ! More info about this can be found her...
Installation of the FESA3 Development Environment for FESA3 3.1.0 ASLCluster asl73x Machines that are to be used @GSI for FESA3 development: asl730 asl734. Log i...
Configuration of your Linux Evironment To be able to launch FESA3 software, and in order to use the CMW RDA middleware, you need to add some environment variable...
Working Sets Eclipse allows to define 'Working Sets'. A working set may include a smaller number of projects that belong together. If selected only the projects t...
Moving to a newer Eclipse Version Every year a new major Release of the Eclipse IDE is available. To benefit from updates and bugfixes the second service release ...
CRYRING Linac RF Hardware Description In the CRYRING injector linac two RF systems will be installed: One for RFQ, one for buncher. The interface to the control ...
FESA3 C Code Snippets Working with devices Working with devices in the server part // Since server actions are only executed for a specific device, // we d...
FESA C Code Snippets Working with devices Working with devices in the server part // Since server actions are only executed for a specific device, // we di...
Release and Run FESA Software To provide the FESA software for testing purposes or production the software has to be released, e.g. for a FEC. For each FEC to rel...
FESA3 Code Templates C code templates for efficient developers can be used to type frequently used code faster within the Eclipse IDE. The FESA3 plug in provides...
Changelog New Features, Patches, Bug fixes, etc: See release history Detailed changelog for all FESA packages: * changelog fesa core * changelog fesa core...
Migration from previous FESA3 versions FESA3 3.0.0 3.1.0 Basic migration steps To migrate existing FESA software from the previous FESA3 version 3.0.0 to the l...
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Eclipse related How to import an existing FESA class/FESA deploy unit into the workspace ? * Copy the class to your workspac...
SVN Integration in FESA's Eclipse Plugin * To work with the GSI's SVN repository the first thing you need is a valid Linux account for GSI's ACC cluster. If yo...
FESA3 Code Templates C code templates for efficient developers can be used to type frequently used code faster within the Eclipse IDE. The FESA3 plug in provides...
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Topic revision: r1 - 09 Jan 2009, ProjectContributor
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