CSCO Java Entwicklungsumgebung - 12.01.2023
Development / Production Cluster
Managed by CSCOIN
WikiWeb (e.g. Christoph Handel)
Several networks (VLANs) exist at GSI. The two most important ones are:
Overview of Access to CSCSIN managed networks
The Cluster system is part of the ACCnet, connecting to it allows you to access system that are only available in the ACCnet (e.g. the database).
Access to the database systems is not possible from the GSInet
Rocky 9 Cluster - ACC9 (from 2023)
- Development:
- Integration: (x depending on group and service)
- Production Virtual Machines:
(x depending on group and service)
RedHat 7 Cluster - ACC7 (from 2016)
- Development:
- Integration: (x depending on group and service)
- Production:
Database Access (Oracle)
If you have Questions:
Administration - Jürgen Weis
Content - Susi Jülicher
List of readonly database users (Only readable by CSCO)
If you have Questions:
Administration - Jürgen Weis
Usage - Raphael Müller, Jutta Fitzek
Start it using: sqldeveloper &
Oracle SQL Developer Account Configuration
Accessing other Schemas:
select * from OPERDB.TABLENAME;
select * from LSA.TABLENAME;
select * from FEDB.TABLENAME;
select * from FESA.TABLENAME;
Gitea (Git, Versioning System)
If you have Questions:
Administration - Christoph Handel
Usage - Andreas Schaller, Raphael Müller, Benjamin Peter, Jutta Fitzek
If you have Questions:
Administration - Christoph Handel
Usage - Raphael Müller, Jutta Fitzek, Solveigh Matthies
All Systems default to openjdk version 17 since mid 2023
Eclipse (Development IDE)
If you have Questions:
Administration - Christoph Handel
Usage JAVA - Raphael Müller, Andreas Schaller
Usage C++ - Solveigh Matthies
Eclipse Configuration
Maven (Build and Binary Repository)
If you have Questions:
Administration - Christoph Handel
Usage JAVA - Christoph Handel (basic usage), Raphael Müller, Andreas Schaller
Usage C++ - Christoph Handel (basic usage), Solveigh Matthies
Page on how to set-up maven also in eclipse (IN Web)
How artifacts should be named (IN Web)
Where Maven stores artifacts (IN Web)
Maven archetype usage, example project
AP Page for development guidelines
Create an example GUI from an AP maven archetype (IN Web)
groupId used for the example:<your initials>
artifactdId used for the example: gui-test
Base for applications
If you have Questions:
Administration - Anne Walter, Benjamin Peter
Usage JAVA - Andreas Schaller, Jutta Fitzek
JavaFX -based applications
Maven dependency for non-LSA applications (check for the newest version number in Nexus):
Maven dependency for LSA applications (check for the newest version number in Nexus):
Swing-based applications (not recommended for new applications)
Maven dependency for all Swing applications (check for the newest version number in Nexus):
Bug/Feature/Issue Tracking (BugZilla)
If you have Questions:
Administration - Christoph Handel
Usage - Everyone
JAPC (Java API for Parameter Control, Equipment Access)
If you have Questions:
Administration - Vitaliy Rapp
Usage JAVA - Vitaliy Rapp, Raphael Müller, Jutta Fitzek
Short JAPC introduction by Roman Gorbonosov (CERN)
JAPC Example and Tutorial Slides (examples are valid, configuration is outdated)
Maven dependency for applications (third party artifacts should be managed by csco-parent-java and therefore do not need an explicit version):
or more convenient and reliable
and invoke in the main java routine of the application:
public static void main(final String[] args) {
// load default JAPC, LSA and other DB property flags
// [..] continue as usual from here
LSA (LHC Software Architecture, Accelerator Settings Management)
If you have Questions:
Administration - Raphael Müller, Andreas Schaller
Usage JAVA - Raphael Müller, Andreas Schaller, Jutta Fitzek
LSA Overview
Maven dependency for applications (check for the newest version number in Nexus):
Jenkins (Nightly Build)
If you have Questions:
Administration - Christoph Handel
Usage - Christoph Handel
WebStart (A part of deployment)
If you have Questions:
Administration - Christoph Handel
Usage - Andreas Schaller, Raphael Müller
Is a INN managed script that starts and caches software.
AndreasSchaller - 19 Oct 2016