Because access to devices and database is only possible from the ACC Network the LSA development takes place on the GSI/ACO/INN managed Linux cluster (machines asl750, asl751, ...).
Support for this servers is provided by ACO/INN.
Information on applying for an account on these machines is provided in the IN Web under the topic
Java and Eclipse configuration
A Java 17 installation (OpenJDK 17) is already installed on the ACC Linux cluster. During development keep in mind that the cluster is configured for 64bit (OS, Java, etc.).
Typing "echo $JAVA_HOME" in a console on the cluster should reveal the location of the java installation.
Configuring Eclipse
Eclipse Configuration
GIT access
GIT access to lsa-packages:
Setting up needed projects in Eclipse
Import projects from GIT
To create a new workspace and import all necessary projects, please execute the following command:
/common/usr/cscoap/bin/mkws <workspacename>
(or mkws-dev for LSA core developers).
Afterwards, start Eclipse select the workspace that was created by the script an import all the projects.
If necessary, select all projects and execute right mouse click -> configure -> convert to maven project.
Temporary: Fixing compile errors
When the popup appears to install certain plugins for Eclipse, please try to do so. If this works fine, please skip to the next section.
If this automatic install fails (in some environments with the current Eclipse version it does), then choose "Resolve all later". If so, certain configuration has to be done manually: if the project lsa-domain-generated-gsi shows an error:
- pom.xml shows an error: please do an automatic bugfix with the bug solution proposed by the Eclipse xml editor ("Permanently mark goal as ignored .. in Eclipse build). Please do not checkin this fix.
- Select lsa-domain-generated-gsi and all other projects with compile errors that have the error "Project configuration is not up-to-date with pom.xml. Run project configuration update." please do right mouse -> maven -> update project configuration (select the checkbox "force update of snapshots / releases").
- This should no longer be necessary with eclipse kepler (but if you have problems you may try it): On lsa-domain-generated-gsi run: right mouse -> run as.. -> maven generate-sources. Afterwards, remove all existing build path source folder entries of lsa-domain-generated-gsi : Project -> Properties -> Java build path -> tab "source" -> remove all existing entries and add the folder lsa-domain-generated-gsi/target/generated-sources/java instead.
Now the full stack should compile. If not please call the lsa-core team.
Getting a running application
LSA applications should run out of the box in 3-tier mode. In particular, no VM arguments have to be set. The required arguments are defined in lsa-client-gsi in the file and will be automatically loaded.
If you are interested in an overview of the database schema, it is available here:
Please see the following
HowTo page, which describes how to configure the Oracle SQLDeveloper.
RaphaelMueller - 24 Feb 2010
JuttaFitzek - 30 Jul 2012
JuttaFitzek - 06 Nov 2013
RaphaelMueller - 27 Feb 2014
JuttaFitzek - 19 Oct 2016
AndreasSchaller - 18 Apr 2023