50 recent changes in FESA Web retrieved at 17:28 (GMT)

FESA3 Class Documentation In the design of a FESA3 class many elements can have description tags. These tags are used as input for generation an HTML page per FES...
FESA Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #CCCC00 * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set to...
FESA3 3.x.x ("Lithium") Release Planning Collection of open Issues Priority Issue Prerequisites by Status Integration of 'official' version of SAF...
R3B GLAD Magnet Introduction R3B is an experimental setup for studies of reactions with relativistic radioctive beams. For separation of the incoming particles a...
How to use Post Mortem Post Mortem describes the possibility to save data in case of system failure. System refers to the accelerator in this case. If a certain e...
r3 - 12 Nov 2015 - 16:10 by DominicDay
Themen nur FE Int * "deviceNameTimingReceiver" can be removed ? * Is it still planned to run a dedicated FESA class for each Timing Receiver ? * Wh...
Workflow Production of operational FESA3 Equipment Software at GSI Before you start to implement anything, you should clarify all requirements and ensure that al...
FESA Hardware Specific Information * RIO3 Setup * MEN A20 Serial Wiring * Micro TCA * ECA Unit White Rabbit Front End Hardware * HW Trigge...
Installation of the FESA3 Development Environment for FESA3 3.0.0 ASLCluster asl73x Machines that are to be used @GSI for FESA3 development: asl730 asl734. Log i...
Migration from previous FESA3 versions FESA3 2.x.2 3.0.0 Basic migration steps To migrate existing FESA software from the previous FESA3 version 2.x.2 to the...
FESA3 2.2.2/2.3.2 FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Working with Projects in Eclipse * How to import an existing FESA class/FESA deploy unit into the workspace ...
FESA3 Database Workflow Issues to consider The integration of the FESA3 database may affect the FESA development workflow known so far. If FESA software is supp...
Introduction Value items in FESA properties should be labeld by their units. Units should be given as extra value items with the suffix _units, e.g. a value item ...
Release and Run FESA Software Software written with FESA can be run in different environments, according to the specific needs. In order to make the software avai...
Release and Run FESA Software Software written with FESA can be run in different environments, according to the specific needs. In order to make the software avai...
FESA3 2.3.2 "Helium" 07 / 2015 Information for FESA3 class developers Important: please note that this release targets 64 bit systems only. Start * Inst...
FESA CLI Tool The FESA3 Eclipse plug in's functionality for designing FESA software, synchronizing C code, releasing etc is available as command line interface. ...
FESA3 FWK 3.0.0 Changelog Changelog New Features, Improvements Bug fixes See release history Detailed changelog FESA3 FWK * changelog fesa core * chang...
General Currently simulated timing is only available for the deprecated CERN Timing. The TimingSimulationConfig.xml file To use a FESA3 equipment together with s...
FESA3 C Code Snippets Working with devices Working with devices in the server part // Since server actions are only executed for a specific device,// we di...
Debugging via Console Using GDB On the asl cluster start your binary with the " g" option: ./startManually_ deploy unit name _ X .sh g This launches the binary...
Participants Harald Bräuning, Udo Krause, Dominic Day, Peter Kainberger, Matthias Wiebel, Hanno Hüther, Raphael Müller, Barbara Grasmück, Alexander Schwinn (meeti...
Stochastic cooling (collector ring) Stochastic cooling system is foreseen in the collector ring. Stochastic cooling has to handle a lot of (rather simple) element...
Magnetic Horn special poer supply for magnetic horn (antiproton target) operated pulsed, very high current responsible: Isfried Petzenhäuser From Technical Design...
non ramped kickers Besides the kicker in the SIS100, which has to be ramped during the acceleration, several 'conventional' kickers will be installed. E.g. in the...
FESA CLI Tool The FESA3 Eclipse plug in's functionality for designing FESA software, synchronizing C code, releasing etc is available as command line interface. ...
Migration from previous FESA3 versions FESA3 2.2.2 2.3.2 To migrate existing FESA software from the previous FESA3 version 2.2.2 to the current version FESA3 ...
General Before using your FESA3 equipment together with any client software, you need to make sure that the FESA3 environment is loaded! Please refer to this shor...
FESA3 FWK 2.3.2 Changelog Changelog New Features, Improvements Bug fixes See release history Detailed changelog FESA3 FWK * changelog fesa core * chang...
Installation of the FESA3 Development Environment for FESA3 2.2.2 / 2.3.2 ASLCluster asl73x Machines that are to be used @GSI for FESA3 development: asl730 asl73...
FESA Konzept Vorstellung Vereinheitlichung Magnetnetzgeraete Software Teilnehmer: UK, DDay, Kain, MaW, SMue, Heim, JFi, SMa (Protokoll) * Vorstellung Erlaeu...
General Before using your FESA3 equipment together with any client software, you need to make sure that the FESA3 environment is loaded! Please refer to this shor...
r6 - 29 May 2015 - 09:14 by RainerHaseitl
Debugging via Console Using GDB On the asl cluster start your binary with the " g" option: ./startManually_ deploy unit name _ X .sh g This launches the binary...
Tests on SCU Important Information Address of Wishbone Devices NEVER USE HARD CODED ADDRESSES OF WISHBONE DEVICES Many examples on this wiki page make use of h...
White Rabbit Timing Master Provided by WR timing group: FESA: https://www acc.gsi.de/svn/fesa/device/class/MCSTimingMaster/src/MCSTimingMaster.design Wrapper um ...
Deliver FESA3 euipment In order to run your equipment, you first need to deliver it to the testing directory. NOTE: To have the writing rights to deploy a Deploym...
Manual SVN Configuration in Eclipse * To work with the GSI's SVN repository the first thing you need is a valid Linux account for GSI's ACC cluster. If you do ...
Guideline to develop, run and test a first, simple Fesa3 binary As first step you need to configure your linux environment . Now make sure that you installed the...
General Currently simulated timing is only available for the old CERN Timing. WhiteRabbit based timing simulation will be added in the future. The TimingSimulati...
FESA3 2.2.2 "Helium" 04 / 2015 Information for FESA3 class developers Important: please note that this release targets 64 bit systems only. Start * Inst...
HOWTO: Usage of White Rabbit based Timing Since FESA 2.0.1 its is technically possible to use White Rabbit based timing in the FESA software. Instance File The t...
Migration from previous FESA3 versions FESA3 2.0.1 2.2.2 To migrate existing fesa software from the previous FESA3 version 2.0.1 to 2.2.2, do the following: ...
FESA3 FWK 2.2.2 Changelog Changelog New Features, Improvements Bug fixes See release history Detailed changelog FESA3 FWK * changelog fesa core * chang...
FESA3 Code Templates C code templates for efficient developers can be used to type frequently used code faster within the Eclipse IDE. The FESA3 plug in provides...
Usage of Dynamic Libraries The general recommendation is to avoid the usage of dynamic libraries in operational FESA software. The reason behind is that dynamic l...
Release and Run FESA Software Software written with FESA can be run in different environments, according to the specific needs. In order to make the software avai...
How to use WhiteRabbit Timing @GSI (from FESA 1.2.2 on)Please note: the current implementation is just a hack to make things work at all! A more solid implementat...
FESA3 C Code Snippets Working with devices Working with devices in the server part // Since server actions are only executed for a specific device, // we d...
List of WhiteRabbit based Timing Events The following machines and events are available from FESA release 2.0.1 on for usage of WhiteRabbit based timing. This tab...
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Topic revision: r1 - 09 Jan 2009, ProjectContributor
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