Deliver FESA3 euipment
In order to run your equipment, you first need to deliver it to the testing-directory.
NOTE: To have the writing rights to deploy a Deployment-Unit your Linux user account must be included in the fesa group.
- Open the Deployent-Unit file (extension: .deploy)
- Press the button "Deliver the Deploy Unit".
- On success, the delivery directory path is displayed in the FESA Console View. Also the paths to the delivery directories of the instance file and the start script is displayed.
Deliver FESA3 euipment at the MCS
For the MCS (See Details in the
FAIR.PlinacSource ), the delivery of the files has to be done manually ( at least as soon as the system is installed in sacley/france)
DietrichBeck has provided a nice script, in order to simplify the necessary steps. Details can be found
Running a FESA-Binary on the asl-cluster
The asl-cluster (asl72x, where x is 0 ..4) primary should be used to develop FESA3 classes. Anyhow it is as well possible (and maybe useful) to run the binaries there. If intended, there are some restrictions one has to keep in mind:
- It is not possible to use RT-Priorities, instead NICE-scheduling is used. This could have a strong impact on your class behaviour!! (use application argument -noRTSched)
- Since normal users do not have root-rights on the asl-cluster, possibly some operations of your class cannot be performed.
- It is not possible to connect any additional hardware to the asl-cluster! For such use-cases test-FECs are available.
Follow these steps in order to run your FESA-binary:
- Go to the folder where the binary is located E.g:
- # cd myWorkspaceLocation/MyDeployUnit/src/test/asl73x
- Start your binary without RT-Scheduling (-noRTSched) and in very verbose mode (-vv)
- # ./ -noRTSched -vv
- Use the option -h for a full list of possible arguments
- You can stop the binary by pressing CTRL + C
Running a FESA3-Binary on a FEC
For testing several test-FEC's are available. You can take a look on a list of all available front-ends
- Connect to your FEC ( Usually as root. Ask infrastructure-team for password )
- # ssh root@myFEC
- Go to the folder where the binary is located:
- /opt/fesa/arch/eqp_software/[YourDeployUnitName]/[STATE]
- Execute the startScript with the necesarry parameters E.g:
- # ./
- Use the option -h for a full list of possible arguments