Debugging via Console

Using GDB

On the asl cluster start your binary with the "-g"-option:
./startManually_<deploy-unit name>_<X>.sh -g 

This launches the binary with GDB and breaks at the beginning of the main function.

Remote Debugging on the FEC

By using two scripts you can debug your binary very comfortable without even leaving the asl-cluster. Here the needed steps:

chmod +x remoteDebug*
  • open two consoles ( we need one console per script )
  • start the remote binary + gdb server by using the first script:

# Replace MyFEC and MyDeployUnit according to your needs
./ MyFEC MyDeployUnit
  • start the debug-session by using the second script:

# Replace MyFEC according to your needs
./ MyFEC

Please note that it is not yet possible to pass extra application-arguments to the binary. If you need this ,please feel free to modify the script accordingly by just adding the extra-arguments directly in the script.

Alternatively the manual start script can be used with the option -r on the FEC in the nfsinit folder.

Remote Debugging via Eclipse Luna

Technically it should be possible to remote debug FESA software using Eclipse.

TODO test again, describe how to set up the ssh connection if it works

-- SolveighMatthies - 25 Aug 2015
Topic revision: r1 - 25 Aug 2015, SolveighMatthies
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