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Results from Timing web retrieved at 13:29 (GMT)

Fallout Release Previous releases are Asterisk, Balloon, Cherry, Doomsday and Enigma New features and bug fixes in Fallout Release * 2020 Aug 31: v6.0.0 alph...
How To: Accessing ACO Frontends Using ACO Tools Introduction This how to is just intended as a primer for non specialists. Disclaimer: There are many, many possi...
GPSDO The GPSDO serves as a primary reference time source for the timing system. Amongst the interfaces, there are three Gigabit Ethernet ports for NTP servers. ...
Timing Receiver: Event Condition Action Unit Figure: A Timing Receiver embedded in a Front End Computer. The core component is the Event Condition Action unit (...
Essentials Figure: Building blocks required for a single 'timing event' Bang!. Components of the General Machine Timing (GMT) are shown in blue. Components requ...
Timing Receiver: Usage For using a Timing Receiver (TR) please follow the directions here. What is Needed * TR hardware, see here what is supported by the cur...
Getting Started * Essentials * Timing Receiver: Event Condition Action Unit * Timing Receiver: Usage Main.DietrichBeck 16 Nov 2018
Data Master, UNILAC PZ and Various Gateways An Overview Introduction Today (December 2021) there exist two Machine Timing Systems at GSI. First, the General Ma...
Groups and Machines Figure: Overview on GSI accelerators. Click here for a larger image. Overview Accelerator equipment relevant for the control system is organi...
Einleitung Das Gateway hat die Aufgabe, das zeitbasierte White Rabbit Timingsystem mit der eventbasierten UNILAC Pulszentrale (UNIPZ) zu verbinden. Bei UNIPZ wurd...
How To: Gateway Data Master UNILAC Pulszentrale Betrieb Kurzversion * das Gateway ist primitiv * am Gateway kann man nichts einstellen * das Gateway w...
How To: Building and Deployment for Linux Boxes and SCU Most of the code has been developed in the context of the White Rabbit Project and is hosted by the Open H...
How To: White Rabbbit UNILAC PZ (wr unipz) Coding and Deployment Introduction Stack of the White Rabbit Pulszentrale Figure: Overview on the White Rabbit Pu...
How To: Gateway Data Master UNILAC Pulszentrale Konfiguration und Rufbereitschaft Hinweis * Ein How To zur Diagnose der UNILAC Pulszentrale gibt es hier. ...
Data Master: How To Configure and Operate There are different versions of the data master depending on the release of the control system. * Release R12 "Cherr...
r9 - 12 Mar 2018 - 09:57 by MathiasKreider
Data Master: How To Configure and Operate for Release R1 This describes the temporary solution derived from miniCS (July 2013). This information is outdated, as...
Data Master: How To Configure and Operate for Release R10 ("Pre Cherry") DEPRECATED Introduction This How To is intended for the members of the timing team. The...
Data Master: How To Configure and Operate for Release R11 ("Cherry") Introduction This How To is intended for the members of the timing team. The data master is ...
Data Master: How To Configure and Operate for Release R3 R9 ("Balloon") DEPRECATED Introduction This How To is intended for the members of the timing team. The d...
Ohps! You are looking for an old wiki page that has been renamed. Try this wiki page Main.DietrichBeck 19 Jun 2019
How To: Command Line Tools for Timing Receiver (including SCU) Introduction A set of command line tools is deployed and available on Front End Computers (FECs). ...
FAIR Timing Receiver Node: How To Configure and Operate a VME Timing Receiver (outdated) THIS HOWTO IS DEPRECATED August 2013 Introduction The VETAR2 is the ne...
WR MIL gateway Introduction WR MIL gateways are a replacement for the existing SIS and ESR Pulszentrale (PZ). They are implemented in software running on a LM32 s...
r27 - 08 Jun 2021 - 10:00 by MichaelReese
How To: White Rabbit UNILAC PZ (wr unipz) Betrieb Betrieb und Rufbereitschaft Kurzversion * keine Einstellungen fuer Betrieb notwendig * nach SCU Reset ...
Gateway Data Master UNILAC Pulszentrale (DM UNIPZ) DM UNIPZ * Betrieb * Configuration and Rufbereitschaft * (for editing the basics, click) Further...
Remote debugging of a running saft daemon with GDB It is possible to connect GDB to a running SCU, set breakpoints, step through the code, print variables, etc. T...
r2 - 13 Oct 2021 - 12:19 by MichaelReese
How To: Poor Man's (d, m, w) Path to Device Access Introduction This How To is not even a how to. Instead, it is just a collection of stuff required to develop a...
How To: eb fwload Introduction This tool has been written to ease software development form lm32 Soft Cores. It allows to upload firmware to one or more Soft Cor...
How To: eb info Introduction This tool has been written to get information on gateware and firmware actually employed. Usage Usage: eb info OPTION w ...
How To: eb mon Introduction The original intention about this tool has been to get (simpler) access to data of the White Rabbit PTP core. But as the name suggest...
How To: eb rest Introduction This tool has been written to easy 'reset of FPGA'. This cycles the FPGA and (re)loads the image from the flash to the FPGA. Use too...
Timing Messages: How To Snoop the Timing System News FEC for FESA class is now scuxl0143. Introduction This is a first simple solution to view what is going on ...
How To: Check a FEC Introduction This How To describes how to check a FEC works properly with respect to features provided by the GMT. Test Plan This is just a ...
How To: Flash a Timing Receiver with a Gateware/Firmware Image TL;DR * disable all software on the host (FESA, saftd, ...) * SCU only: disable the watchdog...
Main.EnkhboldOchirsuren 14 Aug 2019 How To: Burst generation this functionality is under development and not available in any release A simple solution for gener...
How To: eb console Set a static IP Timing receivers not connected to a bootp server require a static IP for full operation. This is to be set via the eb console ...
r2 - 24 Mar 2022 - 15:47 by MathiasKreider
Install etherbone library on tsl101 server * login on acc8 dev cluster (e.g. asl751) and clone repo and checkout correct branch git clone
NEW - 07 Sep 2022 - 09:07 by MichaelReese
How To: Installation of a Timing Receiver THIS HOWTO IS DEPRECATED Introduction Installation of a timing receivers should be easy and straight forward. The phy...
Clock Master: How To Operate Introduction This How To is intended for the members of the timing team. The clock master is the White Rabbit Grandmaster Clock of t...
How To: Setting Up a Linux Box Intended usage: E Release For older releases please check out the history of this Wiki page. Introduction This how to describes se...
How To: Poor Humans TIF An Ugly Temporary TIF Workaround for the 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 Beam Times Introduction As there is currently no replacement for the...
How To: Quick Start THIS HOWTO IS DEPRECATED (look in the /bel_projects readme) The following will provide you with "master" of our our repository. 1 git clo...
r6 - 03 Dec 2019 - 14:53 by MarcusZweig
How To: saft clk gen Introduction This tool is intended to generate clock trains for fixed frequencies. It uses a simple DDS embedded in the timing receivers gat...
How To: saft ctl Introduction This tool is intended to diagnose the status saftlib and provide ECA related information of a timing receiver. Moreover one can do ...
r5 - 10 Dec 2020 - 11:03 by MichaelReese
How To: saft dm Introduction This tool (saft dm: "saft Data Master") is intended to provide a primitive Data Master for local operations in the FEC. This tool mi...
r3 - 10 Dec 2020 - 11:00 by MichaelReese
How To: saft io ctl Introduction Use this tool to configure I/Os and setup rules for I/Os in the ECA. Usage IO CTL for SAFTlib Usage: saft io ctl OPTIONS Ar...
How To: saft lcd Introduction This is a an experimental GSI specific command line tool for live display of Beam Production Chains (BPC). Usage via Command Line ...
How To: saft uni Introduction This tool is intended to diagnose UNILAC operation. This tool is experimental! The standard tool saft ctl can of course be used. Ho...
How To: snoopy spy Introduction This is a simple command line tool and provided by one of our colleagues from FEC and available on the ASL 7 cluster. Altho...
How To: LM32 Soft CPU Introduction Soft CPUs are a VDHL implementation of a CPU in a FPGA. With FAIR Timing Receivers, Soft CPUs are directly embedded in the Wis...
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Topic revision: r1 - 09 Jan 2009, ProjectContributor
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