50 recent changes in FESA Web retrieved at 16:08 (GMT)

CMW Directory Server Required to establish connection between a client and a FESA binary. Both need to register at the same CMW directory server in order to estab...
fesaprop / fesa prop Module fesaprop A Python module to extract structure of properties from a FESA class description file. The module implements the classes: ...
Build Fesa3 Eclipse Plugin with Maven SVN Repository URL Codebase for Eclipse Neon: https://www acc.gsi.de/svn/fesa/framework/trunk/plugin/neon The codebase con...
ExtractionKicker of SIS100 Kicker system of SIS100 is responsible for normal extraction as well as for emergency dump of the the beam. The kicker system provides ...
FESA CLI Tool The FESA3 Eclipse plug in's functionality for designing FESA software, synchronizing C code, releasing etc is available as command line interface. ...
Nutzung der Digitizer Testumgebung auf der dal004 * Die dal004 hängt am "USER Timing" Netz (Falls kein Timing Timing Simulieren ) * Eine funktionierende ...
Device Configuration Workflow in the new Control System Best Practices Issues to consider when configuring / integrating / removing accelerator devices for / in...
FESA3 Archive Misc * Moving to FESA3 7.x.x and Eclipse 2019 03 * Working with the SVN Repository FESA FWK * FESA3 4.3.1 (08/2017) * FESA3 4.2.0 (03/...
Using Graylog Graylog is the current logging system of choice @GSI. The whole software stack constituting the control system should use this logging system and it...
SIS18 Spillabbruch The SIS18 SpillAbortUnit allows certain target stations to abort a spill from the SIS18 during slow extraction. Technical Design Report * S...
r12 - 16 Mar 2021 - 11:03 by TobiasHabermann
White Rabbit based Timing Steps to create a White Rabbit triggered real time event Generally * New operational front ends first need to be registered by th...
FESA Database To store FESA designs in the FESA3 database a variety of ideas exist on how to improve the procedure. A FESA design can be exported * during the ...
FESA3 Database Workflow Issues to consider The integration of the FESA3 database may affect the FESA development workflow known so far. If FESA software is supp...
Getting Information from the FESA Database During release of FESA software or on demand information about FESA designs of FESA classes, deploy units and instantia...
FEC overview This article is about the frontends supported by the FE group. Names and subnets FECs are available in different domain names: * hostname.acc.gsi...
How to deploy an instance Note: This how to is written only from memory and may miss important steps or contain mistakes. It should be verified. Prerequisite: You...
r2 - 18 Nov 2020 - 14:23 by TobiasHabermann
1. Announcements 1.1 SVN Read only The FESA SVN repository will be set to read only in the last week of october. All local changes should be committed from works...
r11 - 27 Oct 2020 - 12:20 by TobiasHabermann
Installation of the FESA3 Development Environment for FESA3 8.0.0 ASLCluster asl74x Machines that are to be used @GSI for FESA3 development: asl740 asl744. Log i...
FESA3 vs. git Roadmap SVN to GIT Migration: 2020 Calendar Week What Contact Status until KW43 SVN repository synchronization FESA software devel...
r21 - 16 Sep 2020 - 12:32 by TobiasHabermann
System Monitoring and extended Diagnostics For enhanced diagnostics of embedded frontend computers system monitoring can be helpful. System monitoring should cove...
Ref / Act comparison Meeting 9.7.20 https://www acc.gsi.de/wiki/FAIR/CCT/Minutes090720 Meeting 12.8.20 Mitschrift PKAIN * Toleranzbandüberwachung * abs...
Buildsystem for Automated Testing A build system such as Jenkins can be used for test automation. This helps to detect issues in case of software changes. The sys...
r2 - 11 Aug 2020 - 14:48 by DominicDay
fesa instance Example 1 Modify entries for single devices and a group of devices, using accumulation of settings. Assume, a command file cmd1 with contents as be...
fesa instance Example 2 Update bitmaps, like detailed status entries. The bitmap information must be specified in an XML file. As an example, a file bitmap1.xml ...
Sequencer: Class interface adaption Der Sequencer ermöglicht automatisiertes Testen von Geräten durch den kompletten Stack (siehe AP https://www acc.gsi.de/wiki/S...
fesa dev dump, fesa dev load Both tools are using Python cmwrda, so don't forget to specify production environment by option pro dev int or by setting environm...
Moving to FESA3 7 and Eclipse 2019 03 New and Noteworthy FESA3 7.0.x https://www acc.gsi.de/wiki/FESA/FESA3ReleaseHistory TODO Cycle bound Properties In FESA3 ...
r5 - 13 Apr 2020 - 19:08 by JuttaFitzek
FESA Open Issues and Long Term Goals Common * SUCCESS /FAILURE Rückmeldung beim Setzen von Werten via Property? FESA Klassen abhängig oder generelle Lösung ...
09/2018 logstash has been replaced by graylog https://www acc.gsi.de/wiki/FESA/UsingGraylog Using Logstash Logstash is the logging system of choice @GSI. The w...
FESA3 as RPM Installation More information on RPM is found in Wikipedia: RPM Packet Manager. FESA3 Core To be able to easily distribute and install FESA3 on diff...
r56 - 25 Mar 2020 - 14:16 by DominicDay
Standard properties and value items for GSI template In the GSI control system, each device should have a common set of properties. This set of properties is esta...
Statistics for FESA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Main.SvetlanaFedotova 29 Jan 2020 CrySrcILKMonitor FESA class for reading the interlock status of water cooling and pressure in CRYRING local ion source. The spec...
NEW - 29 Jan 2020 - 12:16 by SvetlanaFedotova
Main.SvetlanaFedotova 29 Jan 2020 CrySrcMwGenerator FESA class for controlling MW generator for ECRIS ion source. Used for setting amplitude (0 9 V) and frequency...
NEW - 29 Jan 2020 - 12:12 by SvetlanaFedotova
Main.SvetlanaFedotova 29 Jan 2020 CrySrcPressureReader FESA class for reading the pressure from the pressure controller. The controller produces the values from 0...
NEW - 29 Jan 2020 - 11:56 by SvetlanaFedotova
Main.SvetlanaFedotova 29 Jan 2020 CrySrcGasController FESA class for controlling the gas flow on Pfeiffer fine dosing valve for ion source ECRIS. The valve accept...
NEW - 29 Jan 2020 - 11:49 by SvetlanaFedotova
Main.SvetlanaFedotova 29 Jan 2020 CrySrcPulser FESA class for pulsing of CRYRING ion source: generates triggers (5 V) upon Timing events for ion source pulsing an...
NEW - 29 Jan 2020 - 11:43 by SvetlanaFedotova
Tips zum GSI acquisition context field Das GSI acquisition context field enthält Informationen zu dem entsprechendem WhiteRabbit TimingEvent, die ansonsten bei ...
NEW - 10 Jan 2020 - 18:30 by TobiasHabermann
Tips zum GSI acquisition context field Das GSI acqusition context field wird in den FESA Development Guidelines 8.1.1 erlaeutert Das GSI acquisition context f...
NEW - 10 Jan 2020 - 18:27 by TobiasHabermann
How to modify a grc file, which is used by the Digitizer Class 1 You need to make sure that the correct set of blocks is loaded * Check which version whi...
FESA3 Class Documentation In the design of a FESA3 class many elements can have description tags. These tags are used as input for generation an HTML page per FES...
r4 - 04 Dec 2019 - 11:51 by TobiasHabermann
Directory changing for developers cdf * Change to directory mounted on (f)rontend * cdf scu_number fec_name cdi * Change to directory with (i)ni...
How to create a "Hello SCU" FESA Class? Note: Most of this is obsolete with FESA 7.x Prerequisite: Eclipse with FESA Plugin installed Aim: Create a minimum GSI FE...
r4 - 19 Sep 2019 - 08:26 by TobiasHabermann
FESA C Code Snippets Working with devices Working with devices in the server part // Since server actions are only executed for a specific device, // we di...
What is FESA ? The software running in the front end equipment controllers (FECs) will be developed using an adequate front end framework, called FESA. This frame...
Timing Runtime Environment The Timing Runtime Environment contains binaries, libraries, dependencies and configuration files required by Etherbone and Saftlib. L...
r2 - 29 Aug 2019 - 12:18 by DominicDay
FESA3 Integration Tests @GSI Available Tests GSI Specific Integration Tests Development version: https://git.acc.gsi.de/FESA3 FWK/framework/src/branch/master/fe...
Migration from previous FESA3 versions FESA3 5.0.1/5.0.2 7.0.0 FESA3 v5.0.1 and v5.0.2 are equivalent as regards migration. Basic migration steps To migrate ex...
r7 - 26 Aug 2019 - 15:00 by DominicDay
FESA3 7.0.0 Follow Up Activities As discussed on 21.08.2019/22.08.2019 the left over TODO's regarding the latest FESA3 7.0.0 release in order of appearance. / ...
r3 - 26 Aug 2019 - 10:00 by DominicDay
FESA3 Tests Issues to consider, test and check on a fresh FESA3 installation (local in the developer's workspace as well as on test machines as on the asl cluster...
r11 - 22 Aug 2019 - 13:53 by DominicDay
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