
  • Ralph Steinhagen (Initial Project creator)
  • Alexander Schwinn (FESA + build dependencies)


Software stack


Simple picoscope binary to test low level picoscope drivers
cd ps3000Acon_Linux
export CFLAGS=-I$HOME/picoscope

Known Issues
  • Problem: Console Output: WARN: X Digitizer Data Buffers Lost
    • Solution: Too much CPU-Load. Either decrease sampling Rate, or throw away some Blocks ( or reconfigure them to cause less load )

  • Problem: The Operateur wants to use a different gnuradio-file ( E.g. some fixes )
    • Solution:
      • Currently it is not possible to exchange a .grc file on "Rufbereitschaft" .. to many things which may go wrong. Wait until A.Schwinn is back, or if he is not @GSI, write him a mail.
      • For the future there will be a property to upload new *.grc files

Build & install gr-digitizers
cd gr-digitizers/build
cmake .. -DENABLE_GR_LOG=1 -DENABLE_STATIC_LIBS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/common/usr/cscofe/opt/gr-digitizer/master   (Use a different version than master if required !)
make -j8
./lib/ //runs unit tests
make install

For debug output add the following to cmake: -DDEBUG_ENABLED=1

Now you may want to provide the new lib for FEC's with:
cd digitizer2DU/scripts
./ dal12345

Build & install gr-flowgraph
export DIGITIZERS_DIR=/common/usr/cscofe/opt/gr-digitizer/master   (Use a different version than master if required !)
cd gr-flowgraph/build
cmake .. -DENABLE_GR_LOG=1 -DENABLE_STATIC_LIBS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/common/usr/cscofe/opt/gr-flowgraph/master   (Use a different version than master if required !)
make -j8
./lib/ //runs unit tests
make install

For debug output add the following to cmake: -DDEBUG_ENABLED=1

Now you may want to provide the new lib for FEC's with:
cd digitizer2DU/scripts
./ dal12345

Configure Gnuradio Companion to run self-compiled Blocks
mkdir ~/.gnuradio
cd  ~/.gnuradio
touch config.conf

Add the following:

local_blocks_path=/common/usr/cscofe/opt/gr-digitizer/master (Use a different version than master if required !)

Start gnuradio-companion:


Script for FEC boot

Whenever the cluster gets a new gcc / new packages, it is required to re-deploy all digitizer dependencies. This can be done like that:
cd gr-digitizers

This will install all dependencies on a global nfs folder, where each Digitizer FEC can obtain them.

The nfsinits-script "01_digitizer_local" will extract all libs on reboot/when executed. On the asl development cluster it is located at:

E.g. on dal004 the script is linked like that:
asl744:/common/export/nfsinit/dal004/01_digitizer_local -> ../global/digitizer_local

The nfsinit scripts are versioned here.

Build FESA Class

If you want to run unit-tests, you currently need to use a local build environment (To be fixed with next release of the build environment)


Currently using a local-compiled version of fesa-fwk (fesa currently fails to take into account "firstupdate.acquisition = false" from fesa.cfg ) (bugfix should be available in next official fesa release)

Instance file:
  • dal007 is curently running fine. Copy Instance file values from there
  • For Timing simulation, make sure that GID matches simulated group (timingDomain= Whatever#1 )
  • hwAddressMapping = {} is fine for a single scope (default is to use address from .grc -file )
    • For two digitizers one could e.g. write: {[digitizers_picoscope_3000a_0], [FP635/009], [digitizers_picoscope_3000a_1], [FP635/114]}
    • That is the digitizer with the associated block id digitizers_picoscope_3000a_0 will get assigned serial number FP635/009.
  • Put correct IO for ftrnIoName (usually IO3 ) (Name of the timing receiver output )
  • Always use the Ring timing domain in FESA (e.g."SIS18_RING#300" or "CRYRING_RING#210" )

Export new build version to FEC

Inside DigitizerDU2 a script "" can be used to copy all relevant stuff on a FEC. Add the FEC to release as parameter. E.g:
./ dal004

Add new Digitizer Server and Deploy Software on it

  • Usually IN notifies via email if a new server was installed
  • Open the list of all Digitizer Systems: Digitizer_MasterPlan.odt
    • Add the new system to the correct Device and fill in Missing Info
    • Mark each row "green" which you prooved to work
  • Setup for devacc tools in .bash_profile on asl cluster. Required!
    • see cdi /cdf for quick navigation to init folder / fesa folder
######## Setup for devacc tools ###########
. /common/usr/cscofe/scripts/accdefs
  • get Digitizer sources:
  • Execute DigitizerDU2/scripts/ -- This will automatically:
    • Setup pxe links, to provide the right image for the FEC (version alpha8 still needs doomsday)
    • Create Init folder. E.g: mkdir /common/export/nfsinit/fel0049 and create symlinks there
    • Create Fesa folder. E.g: mkdir /common/export/fesa/local/fel0049 and create symlinks there
    • Install most recent gateware
  • Go to FEC: sss fel0049
    • Check if gateware has the correct version (same as linked Timing lib in FEC Init folder)
    • Check if FEC has link
      • If not, Ask Timing Group if e.g. cable is missing (usually Markus Zweig)
    • Send a mail to Timing Group ( to inform that the Pexaria is now in use
      • Required Information: FEC-Name, Room, Serverrack, Responsible, Pexaria MAC-Address
      • Get the MAC-Address of the pexaria with: "eb-mon dev/wbm0 -v"
      • Note: when you are done with installing stuff, shutdown the FEC until it got registered by Timing (command: poweroff)
  • install Eclipse Fesa plugin:
  • build DigitizerClass/DU:
    • In eclipse "File -> Import --> Projects from git" Import both projects
    • rightclick on DigitizerClass2 --> Fesa --> Synchronize Source Code (generates c++ code)
    • rightclick on DigitizerDU2 --> Fesa --> Synchronize Source Code (generates c++ code)
    • Go to "make targets" in eclipse, doubleclick "all x86_64", first on class, than on DU --> now you should have a binary in DigitizerDU2 /build/bin
  • Configure frontend:
    • Rightckilck on Project DigitizerDU2 --> FESA --> AddFEC --> clone existsing instance file (e.g. clone a FEC which uses the same scope
    • Copy *.grc file to new folder by hand
    • Fix the path of the *.grc file in DeviceData _DigitizerDU2.instance
    • Fix the attribute "name" of the "device-instance" in DeviceData_DigitizerDU2.instance (Column "FESA Device Nomen" in the Digitizer_MasterPlan.odt)
    • Set gnuradio block search path:
    • Open gnuradio-companion <*.grc> (e.g. doubleclick in eclipse on *.grc file)
    • Edit Blocks, according to your needs .. on multiple scopes, you as well need to provide the scope serial-number (On Rapid Block mode, use TimeSinks, on Streamng mode, use cascade sinks)
    • Edit siganlname, cquisition mode (streaming/rapidBlock), samp. rate, trigger_samples, scaling, offset : Ask Ralph Steinhagen what is required.
  • Release with release script: DigitizerDU2 /scripts/ : ./ fel0049
  • Go to FEC: sss fel0049
  • Go to Fesa folder on FEC: cdf; cd DigitizerDU-d
  • Start Fesa Software by hand: .. see if it runs. Fix bugs according to errors shwon, if it does not run. (Exit with CTRL+C)
  • Create a zip file im eclipse plugin for Fesa Explorer : Open DeviceData _DigitizerDU2.instance, "Launch Fesa Explorer"
  • Start Fesa Explorer ... here my Launcher: ssh -X 'fex --vmargs=""'
  • In FEX on top left conner, open --> select the generated zip file
  • Further steps are explained here:
  • If you see some Signal / Noise, than its time to start the Software in daemon mode:
    • In FESA NFS folder on the asl (cdf fel0049) create a symlink: ln -s /common/export/fesa/local/fel0049/DigitizerDU2-d /common/export/fesa/local/fel0049/DigitizerDU2
    • In Eclipse Plugin rightclick on projekt DigitizerDU2 --> Release --> Environment: InUse, select the relevant FEC
    • On FEC: cdi ; ./50_fesa
      • That will start a deamon for each Fesa binary which has the same name than the containing folder (Haha, bad design)
  • Export the Instance file to the Database by opening "DeviceData_DigitizerDU2.instance" in eclipse and pressing "Export FESA Insatnce to the Database" ... (only like that, Ben will be able to communicate with the Software via Japc)
  • If stuff runs well, inform Ralph Steinhagen and Benjamin Peter, and Alexander Schwinn.
  • Push changes to release branch and cherry-pick them into master

WR Timing

Wenn der server nicht an einen WR-Switch angeschlossen ist muss den TR in "master mode" versetzen um Timing simulieren zu können ( sonst gibt 'not locked' Fehler )

Achtung: Kein Timing Kabel anschließen wenn in master mode !! Das könnte evtl zu falschen Events im Timing-Netz führen.

Versetzen in master mode:

eb-console dev/wbm0
ptp stop
mode master

Zurück in den normalen modus geht so:

eb-console dev/wbm0
ptp stop
mode slave

Optional kann man in der eb-console auch die Zeit einstellen (per default startet die Zeit bei 0)
time set <sec> <nsec>

Die UTC clock des systems in sekunden bekommt man so:
date +%s

Ein einzelnes WR Timing event simulieren: saft-ctl tr0 inject 6 0 0

Erzeugen einer 20Hz Rechteckspannung auf IO2 der Pexaria:
saft-io-ctl tr0 -n IO2 -t 0 -o 1
saft-clk-gen tr0 -n IO2 -f 20 0 -v

Hier gibt es verschiedene script zur simulation von Timing events

Hier gibt es andere nützliche Scripte, z.B. zum releasen von Digitizer Software.

Script zum releasen aller Komponenten: DigitizerTestDU2/
I AttachmentSorted descending Action Size Date Who Comment
ps3000Acon_Linux.zipzip manage 18 K 14 Mar 2018 - 10:52 AlexanderSchwinn Small command line application to test picoscope driver for ps3000(a)
Topic revision: r70 - 26 Apr 2022, AlexanderSchwinn
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