Initial Setup Process for a Supermicro Server


Basic System Information

  • The Mainboard is called Supermicro X11SSW-F (Verify that in the Bios Setting before uploading any new firmware !!)
  • Information/manual/software/firmware regarding the board can be found on the supermicro webpage of that board.

Mounting the Hardware

  • Usually Someone from IN mounts the Pexaria card and connects the ethernet cables / the Pexaria LEMO .. here some details on that:

  • The following two figures explain how-to install a PCIe card into a SuperMicro after the top cover has been removed.

superMicroPcie1.JPG Figure: Remove three screws (red) and pull the handle (blue).

superMicroPcie2.JPG Figure: Unplug the frame and mount PCIe modules.

Finally, reinsert the frame, close the handle, insert the three screws and reinstall the top cover.

Here a "Labeled" Pexaria card: Pexaria.jpg

Please note that the Pexaria card must be registered by Timing, BEFORE it gets connected to the Timing Network !!

Management Port (IPMI)

  • Name of Managenment Port always is either <hostname>i64 or <hostname>i
  • If management port is not reachable after first boot, unplug + replug of RJ45 should help.
  • User is "ADMIN", default PW is "ADMIN" oder "RMS.ChangeMe" ... please change that to something meaningfull in: Configuration --> Users --> ADMIN --> modify User
  • For existing systems, ask the according system maintainer for the password
  • Reboot/Shuitdown/Console can be used on this website: <hostname>
  • Only the left ethernet port seems to work
  • This one is the management Port:
Management Port Figure: SuperMicro Ethernet ports.
  • Uhhh, its not quite as simple; when only one Ethernet port is connected the following will happen
    • LAN Interface 'Failover' : all ports work as 'Management Port'; you can only reach the IPMI via <hostname>i64 (or <hostname>i)
    • LAN Interface 'Dedicate' : ports behave as indicated in the figure 'Management Port' above
    • thus, check (and configure) the desired behaviour via IPMI -> Configuration -> Network
networkConfig.png Figure: SuperMicro Ethernet port config.
  • You can modify or even factory reset the management software via IPMICFG-Linux.x86_64. (Installed at /common/export/fesa/local/dal004/IPMICFG_1.32.0_build.200910)

Booting via PXE (Ramdisk) and Flashing Gateware

  • Attention! There is a "proadcast bug" with older Pexaria gateware (v4.0.0 and below), which potentially may lead to broadcasted garbage events on the timing network. Because of that, please emediatly flash a new gateware on it when the system is Powered On !
  • Define image to boot on pxe-boot
    • source /common/usr/cscofe/scripts/accdefs # to be able to use ACO/FEC tools
    • pxe-config -l # to check if someone already configured that host
    • pxe-config -c # to configure the host (default bootimage will be 'yocto' .. select whatever you want to boot)
  • reboot the system to load the correct ramdisk (e.g. via the management port)
  • Flash the correct gateware to the Pexaria:
  • Optionally open bios (pres 'del' during boot) and make sure that "resume to latest powerstate after power loss" is set.
    • BIOS --> Advanced --> Boot Feature --> Restore on AC Power Loss --> Last State

BIOS/IPMI(BMC) Firmware Upgrade

  • Tested for Board Supermicro X11SSW-F, with IPMI 3.64 --> 4.04 and BIOS 2.0c --> 2.8a
  • Note that if IPMI/BIOS firmware upgrade fails, that can brick your device, so only do so if there is strong need, and be very careful
  • Make sure to store all IPMI/BIOS settings, since a transition of the old settings will not be possible. Manual reconfiguration will be required
  • Make sure to download the correct IPMI (BMC) and BIOS firmware for your board from the supermicro webpage of that board.
    • The concrete board ID can be checked on the 'main' page in the bios settings.
    • You current IPMI/BIOS version can be checked on the page 'system' in the IPMI webinterface
  • It is IMPORTANT to first upgrade the IPMI firmware and only afterwards upgrade the BIOS firmware!
  • IPMI Firmware Upgrade
    • Unzip both archives you downloaded. The IPMI firmware ships some pdf's with it. READ THEM CAREFULLY!!
    • Upload the IPMI binary via the web interface. ... it's the file with the *.bin ending.
    • During IPMI upgrade, as noted in the pdf, uncheck all checkboxes which are about reserving configuration. NOT DOING SO MIGHT BRICK YOUR IPMI.
    • Flash the new IPMI. Be patient and don't interrupt the process ! Afterwards a reboot will be triggered.
    • Default login is ADMIN/ADMIN Directly change that after you logged in
    • Configure the new IPMI settings, according to the previous configuration
  • BIOS Firmware upgrade
    • In order to upgrade the BIOS firmware via the IPMI web interface, you need to have a Supermicro IPMI License-Key for that server
      • Don't generate a key on your own with this command:
        echo -n 'bmc-mac' | xxd -r -p | openssl dgst -sha1 -mac HMAC -macopt hexkey:8544E3B47ECA58F9583043F8 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 1-24
      • Instead, register on the supermiscro webpage and buy a license for ~30$ per system!
    • Make sure to exit BIOS before you do the upgrade
    • Upload the new BIOS firmware via the new IPMI webinterface (The biggest file after unzip ... should be ~16MB)
    • Flash the new BIOS. Be patient and don't interrupt the process ! Afterwards a reboot will be triggered.
    • If you see a black screen during boot via iKVM/HTML5 monitoring, then choose PowerControl --> Set Power Off and afterwars, PowerControl --> Set Power On.
    • Press 'del' on the virtual keyboard to enter the new Bios
    • Configure the new BIOS settings, according to the previous configuration
  • If you reach this step: Congratulations, you are done!

Known Bugs

  • When using a PCIE-USB Extension Card, the system only reboots when the boot is watched via IPMI
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
PHOTO_20191108_105725.jpgjpg PHOTO_20191108_105725.jpg manage 41 K 07 Aug 2020 - 08:17 AlexanderSchwinn Picoscope Front (dal024)
PHOTO_20191108_151243.jpgjpg PHOTO_20191108_151243.jpg manage 483 K 08 Nov 2019 - 14:43 AlexanderSchwinn Which on is the Management Port?
Pexaria.jpgjpg Pexaria.jpg manage 228 K 30 May 2018 - 08:00 AlexanderSchwinn pexaria card
networkConfig.pngpng networkConfig.png manage 9 K 16 Nov 2021 - 15:34 DietrichBeck port config
superMicroPcie1.JPGJPG superMicroPcie1.JPG manage 307 K 25 Nov 2019 - 15:54 DietrichBeck mount PCIe board I
superMicroPcie2.JPGJPG superMicroPcie2.JPG manage 336 K 25 Nov 2019 - 15:54 DietrichBeck mount PCIe board II
Topic revision: r20 - 16 Dec 2024, DietrichBeck
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