SILECS is a framework which is used to:
- define different plc-configurations in xml-files
- generate PLC-specific files to run a configuration on a PLC
- test the configurations via the Silecs-Diagnostic-Tool
- generate API to connect to the PLC via C++
- generate FESA components to simplify integration into the GSI control-system
SILECS consists of the following components:
- silecs-eclipse-plugin - Main Development Tool for Silecs developers ( currently it consists as well of the silecs-code-generation which is written in python )
- silecs-diagnostic-cpp - Tool in order to test a plc-configurations created with Silecs
- silecs-communication-cpp - Communication library which is used by "silecs-diagnostic-cpp", the FESA-binary or any other C++ code to connect to PLC's.
- silecs-makefile - Makefiles which are used to simplify linking for silecs-developers
- silecs-model - XML-Schemas for the XML Files of silecs
SILECS was originally developed at CERN, however the GSI-specific Silecs differs alot from the CERN version:
- No central python-server needed
- Removed any CERN specifics
- Support of some GSI-specifics ( FESA GSITemplate )
- Heavily simplified, in order to easy support
- Only the package "silecs-communication-cpp" is almost the same for CERN and GSI
A 'Silecs Design project' defines the data to be exchanged with a 'controller' (blocks and the registers in a hardware)
A 'Silecs Deploy project' binds several design instances on one/many physical PLC
SILECS stands for "
Infrastructure for