- The MEN board (discless VME
FEC running a minimum linux) now works with Tobi's Timing converter card. A FESA3 class is able to receive GSI timing events on the board and talk to a VME hardware card. All additional files/services to get the timlib/libtgm to run are registered now by Christoph. That means for the SD department an upgrade of their Fesa2.10 classes to Fesa3 while using the "not-CERN environment" should be possible.
- Later Harald and Christoph will try to run Fesa2.10 on the
FEC to evalute if it makes sense to switch the BD
FEC's to a "not-CERN environment" also before Fesa3 is available in an operational version. But that isue has low priority.
- "Fesa3 class running at a SCU" Solveig: Stefan is assembeling a proper SCU-Unit for testing. This issue has low priority as well.
- Like mentioned before, there is now a GSI-Eclipse-Plugin version, provided by Solveigh. You can download it from
https://www-acc.gsi.de/data/eclipse/fesa but be carefull, currently there are still ongoing changes in the Core(this touches GSI and CERN plugin)
- The next major aim will be to finish the Fesa3 beta. I think the release will delay a lot, since the CERN people are pusing more and more points to the issue list:
http://issues.cern.ch/browse/FESA/fixforversion/10893Currently there are 30 open issues. (Last friday 28, and I finished 2 oO)
- After the beta release, I will produce a "developer-presentation" to give an introduction to the different Fesa3 packages, the plugin(Solveigh's part), the Makefile structure, the codeGeneration and the environment. The purpose is here, to spread the knowledge of the Fesa3-internal logic to more people at GSI.
AlexanderSchwinn - 05 May 2010