Configuration of your Linux Evironment

To be able to launch FESA3 software, and in order to use the CMW-RDA middleware, you need to add some environment-variables to your linux-environment. (On FECs this is done automatically)

In order to simplify the usage of these additional variables, we already provided a script for you. By executing this script, the console in which you currently work will load all necesarry variables automatically.

Please note that this script as well needs to be executed before starting any client-software!

If you just want to use the FESA-environment for your current session, execute the following command on the client computer and as well on the computer running your FESA3 equipment:

source /opt/fesa/fesa-fwk/2.0.1/fesa-environment-gsi/fesa3_environment.conf

However it may be usefull for you to automatically load the script whenever a terminal is opened. To do so, add the following lines to your .bash_profile in the home-folder:

#load Fesa3 environment
source /opt/fesa/fesa-fwk/2.0.1/fesa-environment-gsi/fesa3_environment.conf

Check out if there are newer versions than 2.0.1 used in the directory paths above.
Topic revision: r7 - 15 Sep 2014, LudwigHechler
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