Currently there is no manual yet how to work with the timing groups SAFTlib which is supposed to be integrated into the FESA 3 framework. The following should give some hints how to work with this library.
Manual for compiling the SAFTlib
Compilation and Installation
- make
- make install: installs the library, the headers etc in /common/usr/timing/root
Manual for using the demo program: client
A client program was provided to illustrate how to use the SAFTlib. The file is attached below as an example.
Which libraries to link
- The makefiles are created during ./configure.
How to compile
How to run
- run ./client on SCU supporting the latest WhiteRabbit based timing developments
SCU for testing
The SCU scuxl0052 is currently available for testing the features of SAFTlib.
Integration in FESA
The very first implementation draft is realized in fesa-core-gsi in the classes
TimingEventSourceWR and
TimingContextWR. The code for accessing the functionality of the SAFTlib is guarded by 'SAFT' and can be easily excluded from the build.
Currently the following shared libraries are required to run FESA software on a
DEPENDENT_LINKER_OPTIONS += -Wl,-Bdynamic -lgiomm-2.4 -lgio-2.0 -lglibmm-2.4 -lgmodule-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lsigc-2.0 -lgthread-2.0 -lrt -lglib-2.0
For a simple test it is sufficient to copy them manually into the same folder as the deploy-unit or inject them into the SCU's RAM via an NFS init script (-> Wesley).
Test on a FEC
It is possible to launch a development version manually on the
on asl73x:
deliver FESA software to FEC using the release functionality
rename /common/export/fesa/local/scuxl0052/WRTimingTestDU-d/ to /common/export/fesa/local/scuxl0052/WRTimingTestDU/
on SCU:
cd /opt/fesa/nfs/local/scuxl0052/WRTimingTestDU
launch with ./ -f "-usrArgs -WR"
How to watch log output of a FEC
on asl73x: logstashtail logsource=scuxl0052
Integration of SAFTlib into FESA3 release 2.3.2
Outcome of a meeting with developer of SAFTlib and his group leader: at the moment there will be no 'official' released version of the SAFTlib. The FESA team is asked by the timing group to copy snapshots by themselve of this library if it has to be used in a FESA release as it is desired by others.
Important: there won't be notifications about changes in the SAFTlib. The timing groups development version will not be recognizable as such.
What to snapshot for a FESA release
- content of /common/usr/timing/root
- matching zipped file for extraction on the FECs in /common/export/saftlib including the dynamic SAFTlib libraries and its dbus stuff
During copy these two parts need a version or a date in their name! The script '' in fesa-tools/scripts performs the required tasks.
How to integrate in the FESA FWK
- the proper copied version has to be integrated in the makefiles and the code generation files for the generated makefiles for classes and deploy-units
How to use on a FEC
- the matching zipped file has to be extraced during boot of the ramdisc. Wesley will provide a script that needs to be located in /common/export/nfsinit/<FEC name>/
SolveighMatthies - 08 Jun 2015