Principal Debug Configuration for a SSH Connection

It is possible to debug a running binary on a FEC via SSH using Eclipse. This needs at least the following settings:
  • In the C++ Perspective: create a new Debug-Configuration (Run>Debug Configurations... C/C++ Remote Application>New)
  • Browse to select your project.
  • On the Main-Tab: Enter the path to the binary to be debugged, e.g. workspace/<DU>/build/bin/i686/<DU>_S
  • On the Main-Tab: Build Configuration: Deselect 'Select configuration using 'C/C++ Application'' and enable 'Use Active'.
  • On the Main-Tab: Select Disable auto build to avoid repeated new building of the sources.
  • On the Debugger-Tab: Connection: create a new TCP connection for the host and specify the port 46697.
  • On the Debugger-Tab: Main: For GDB command file select <PATHTODO .gdbinit > for pretty-printing STL-variable content in Eclipses Debug-view.
  • On the Debugger-Tab: Shered Libraries: Add the appropriate directories, e.g. /common/usr/fesa/saftlib-xx.yy.zzzz

Start Debugging on a FEC

  1. Log on to the FEC as root
  2. Launch the FESA3 binary using the start script with the option -r, e.g.
    ./opt/fesa/local/scripts/start_<DUName> -r
  3. Launch the debug configuration for the binary in Eclipse if it is possible to connect to the FEC
Topic revision: r12 - 24 Jan 2018, SolveighMatthies
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