Migration from previous FESA3 versions
older FESA versions
If you want to update class-, deploy-unit- and the instance files which have a FESA-Version <1.3.1, please first follow the
instructions to migrate them to v1.3.1 .
FESA3 1.3.1 -> 2.0.1
Due to in incompatible change between the two versions the class-, deploy-unit- and the instance files have to be extended. To do so perform the following:
Step 1 - Update your xml-design-files
- Make sure you have the development environment for FESA v2.0.1 installed
- Ensure that all classes/deployment-units/instance files are valid
- Download the following files. Place them into your workspace:
- Make sure that all design / deploy-unit / instance files are closed in Eclipse.
- Add execution permission to the script and run it for all design / deploy-unit / instance files to convert:
chmod +x migrate.1.3.1-2.0.1.sh
./migrate.1.3.1-2.0.1.sh MyClass/src/MyClass.design
./migrate.1.3.1-2.0.1.sh MyDeployUnit/src/MyDeployUnit.deploy
./migrate.1.3.1-2.0.1.sh MyDeployUnit/src/test/asl73x/DeviceData_MyDeployUnit_M.instance
- Now you should have a backup of your old design files ( e.g. MyClass.design.backup) and the updated new one.
- Open each FESA class in Eclipse, validate it + generate the sourcecode
- Open each FESA deploy-unit in Eclipse, validate it + generate the sourcecode
- Open each FESA instance file in Eclipse and validate it.
- If there are conflicts which you can't resolve please don't hesitate to contact fesa-support@gsi.de
Step 2 - Update the source-code
Byintroducing RDA3 the API of some generated methods changed. If you are using custom-server-actions, you will need to touch them:
- Rename the related source files (e.g. by renaming the.cpp/.h files to myServerAction.cpp/h.old )
- re-generate the source-code
- copy your code inside the newly generated files
- The argument "data" which is passed to the execute-method has an extended API now. All old methods still work, however they are marked as deprecated and will probably be removed in one of the next releases. You can see the new API in the generaded folder of your class, in "generadedCode/PropertyData.h".
Step 3 - Compile + Link
- If all changes were performed in the right way the class and the deploy-unit should compile and link without problems.
- If there are conflicts which you can't resolve please don't hesitate to contact fesa-support@gsi.de