Applications Group: LSA Basic Training, 01. Feb. 2018

0. Schedule

1. Technical setup

This section describes necessary steps to get a running development environment. If possible, please execute these steps before the workshop and contact us, if problems or questions arise.

1.1 Login

The development environment is the RedHat 7 Accelerator Development Cluster "ACC7". To gain access, you first need an accelerator cluster account. Typically, you should already have an existing account. If not, please apply for a new accelerator account by contacting Jürgen Weis.

Development machines: -

Please try to log into one of the four machines to verify, that your account works.

1.2 General Configuration

The APP group has defined some global definitions that are useful for developing Java projects. The easiest way is to include the following line into your ~.bashrc file (as last line):
. /common/usr/cscoap/etc/profile.d/

1.3 Eclipse

Eclipse cahn be launched by typing
eclipse-neon & 

For a more sophisticated startscript, i.e. if you want to work with multiple workspaces, see Launching Eclipse.

1.4 Eclipse Configuration

Warning: Can't find topic Applications.EclipseConfiguration

This is the recommended minimum Eclipse configuration for the workshop. Further optional configuration of Eclipse and background information about Eclipse can be found here: Eclipse Configuration. At the time when you want to start providing applications ready to be released and used by others, please also install the recommended plugins, e.g. for code quality checking, described here: Recommended Plugins.

1.4 Subversion

For the training course, please switch to the SVN Perspective Window->Perspective->Open Perspective->Other->SVN Repository Exploring, click on the green "+" and add the following repositories: 

1.5 Maven

Maven is a build-system used at GSI. In order to configure Maven, please follow the instructions described here: Maven and Eclipse, please follow the description under the sections "Configuring the Maven instance used in Eclipse" and "Authentication".

2. LSA API Example

Run Configuration:

-Dlsa.mode=3 -Dlog4j.configurationFile=/common/home/bel/jfitzek/lnx/dev/log4j2-dev.xml

package aco.playground.lsa.test;

import java.util.Map;

import cern.accsoft.commons.util.Nameds;
import cern.accsoft.commons.value.ValueFactory;
import cern.lsa.client.ContextService;
import cern.lsa.client.ParameterService;
import cern.lsa.client.Services;
import cern.lsa.client.SettingService;
import cern.lsa.client.TrimService;
import cern.lsa.domain.exploitation.DriveException;
import cern.lsa.domain.settings.BeamProcess;
import cern.lsa.domain.settings.ContextSettings;
import cern.lsa.domain.settings.Parameter;
import cern.lsa.domain.settings.ParameterSettings;
import cern.lsa.domain.settings.Pattern;
import cern.lsa.domain.settings.SettingPartEnum;
import cern.lsa.domain.settings.TrimException;
import cern.lsa.domain.settings.TrimResponse;
import cern.lsa.domain.settings.TrimResult;
import cern.lsa.domain.settings.factory.TrimRequestBuilder;

 * @author Jutta Fitzek
public class LsaTest {

    public static void main(final String[] args) {

        final ContextService contextService = Services.getContextService();
        final ParameterService parameterService = Services.getParameterService();
        final SettingService settingService = Services.getSettingsService();
        final TrimService trimService = Services.getTrimService();

        final Pattern pattern = contextService.findPattern("TEST_PATTERN_LSA_TRAINING");

        final Map<String, BeamProcess> allBeamProcesses = Nameds.mapByName(pattern.getBeamProcesses());
        final BeamProcess beamProcess = allBeamProcesses

        // read parameter
        final Parameter parameter1 = parameterService.findParameterByName("GTE1KY1/KL");
        final Parameter parameter2 = parameterService.findParameterByName("GTE1QD11/KL");

        // read settings
        final ContextSettings contextSettings = settingService.findContextSettings(pattern);
        final ParameterSettings parameterSettings = contextSettings.getParameterSettings(parameter1);

        // perform a trim! (change of a setting)
        final TrimRequestBuilder builder = new TrimRequestBuilder();
        builder.setDescription("LSA Traing Course Trim - J.Fitzek");
        builder.addValue(parameter1, beamProcess,
                ValueFactory.createConstantFunction(beamProcess.getLength(), -0.00091255));
        builder.addValue(parameter2, beamProcess,
                ValueFactory.createConstantFunction(beamProcess.getLength(), 0.24980137));
        TrimResponse trimResponse;
        try {
            trimResponse = trimService.trimSettings(;
        } catch (TrimException | DriveException e) {
        final TrimResult result = trimResponse.getTrimResult();
        // fillTrimRequest(builder, changedSettings);



3. Presentation of LSA Basics (Jutta Fitzek)

20180201_LSA_Basics_Training_Course.odp: LSA Basics Presentation (J.Fitzek)

4. Presentation of Physics in LSA (David Ondreka)

20180201_LSA_Basics_Training_Course_Modeling.pdf: Introduction to FAIR accelerator modeling using LSA (D. Ondreka)

PresentationFxAppStructure_2018-01.odp: JavaFX Application Structure (A.Walter)

-- JuttaFitzek - 01 Feb 2018
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
20180201_LSA_Basics_Training_Course.odpodp 20180201_LSA_Basics_Training_Course.odp manage 4 MB 01 Feb 2018 - 09:47 JuttaFitzek LSA Basics Presentation (J.Fitzek)
20180201_LSA_Basics_Training_Course_Modeling.pdfpdf 20180201_LSA_Basics_Training_Course_Modeling.pdf manage 1 MB 01 Feb 2018 - 17:09 DavidOndreka Introduction to FAIR accelerator modeling using LSA
20180201_LSA_Basics_Training_Course_Schedule.odpodp 20180201_LSA_Basics_Training_Course_Schedule.odp manage 940 K 01 Feb 2018 - 09:46 JuttaFitzek Training Course Schedule
PresentationFxAppStructure_2018-01.odpodp PresentationFxAppStructure_2018-01.odp manage 846 K 01 Feb 2018 - 15:42 JuttaFitzek JavaFX Application Structure (A.Walter)
pom.xmlxml pom.xml manage 1 K 01 Feb 2018 - 09:52 JuttaFitzek pom.xml for the simple example project
Topic revision: r7 - 15 Apr 2020, JuttaFitzek
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