Device Status Types

This applies for DeviceAccess devices.

Device status types, for example device status type GATE of the device GUL3VV0T of the device type VVC provide a more fine grained definition of status bit meanings. This was necessary since not all bits are relevant for the use in applications. The device status types definitions were once created by FEC but then refined by SRV and APP.

Device to Status Type Mapping

A mapping of device name to status type is stored in the OperDB managed by Susi. Applications currently use a CSV export of the file device-control-app-OperdbInfo.csv (in the DCL) since the data is not expected to be changed a lot anymore. The list might be modified and is then merged back with the database regularly.

Status Type Definition

A list of status types and their bit definitions can be found in the devacc-status-lib git project. See src/main/resources/de/gsi/cs/co/ap/cscoap_common_status_files.

00 00000001 0 "Netz aus" "Netz aus"
00 00000001 1 "Netz ein" "Netz ein"
01 00000002 0 "manuell " "Handsteuerung"

Other sources of status bit definitions

Device Type

In order to find out the device type of a device you can query the middleware config service Response example: {"protocol":"devacc","deviceName":"GUL3VV0T","model":"VVC_11"}



Topic revision: r6 - 09 Jul 2024, BenjaminPeter
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