2.0 DeviceControl
(If DeviceControl is connected to the frontend controller, FESA devices and DeviceAccess devices can be distinguished by the status format in status dialog: From Detailed status Bit 8 the status texts have grey background.)
To use the FESA Explorer proceed as follows:
- use script "fesa-device-info -p devicename "
You'll get a table with FESA info of the device. You need the info on column "Deploy-Unit.FEC"
- call the FESA-Explorer: /common/usr/lobi/bin/fex &. (GUI will open)
- select pro environment: dropdown-box on top
- press icon leftmost ot load model from disk and look for the zip-file. The name is that of the content in the table of the FESA device info in 1.
- select the zip-file and confirm with open.
- "Device selection" (upper left): all devices being controlled by the selected FEC are visible
- select the device by double click
- "Cycle selection" (middle left): Select the context required for device access. Use "any" (default) for non-multiplexed, otherwise select the required context details for multiplexed properties.
Attention: if you change the context, please remember to confirm by click on button "Change" (middle top)
- "Property selection" (bottom left): all properties defined for the selected device are visible. Following types rendered by various icons:
- Command properties (executing has to be confirmed)
- Setting properties
- Acquisiton properties (Get/Set/Subscription)
Attention: Remember to change the conext if you look for multiplexed (e.g. Acquisition) and non-multiplexed (e.g. Status) properties.
- Configuration Select property by double click. "Fields"-view (middle top) with all defined properties and the respective values (if exist) opens. Everything else should be obvious.
2.1.2 Equipstate (start by launcher)
Proceed as follows:
- select context or accelerator zone, device group, device, and finally the property you want to read/write
Attention: Execute readout request per property before a write request.
EquipState uses JAPC framework, FESA-Explorer does not!
All FESA devices use property Status and Power(if necessary).
Specific FESA devices using setting properties by DeviceControl:
- MotorClass (Steppermotor):
- Setting (input: numerical)
- MoveToPosition (input: named position)
- ToEndPosition (input: 0 = Outer end position, 1 = inner end position)
- PneuDrive2018 (Pneumatic drive):
- Attention
- Devices have to be online!
All DeviceAccess devices use property INFOSTAT (status) and POWER (if necessary).
- infostat (no selection of virtacc required)
- power (no selection of virtacc required)
- Equipment models:
- DS (Slit, Steppermotor):
- constant:minPosition,maxPosition (check min. and max.for inner and outer positions, use virtAcc = 0)
- posiabsi (current actual position,(no selection of virtacc required))
- posiabss (current set position, (no selection of virtacc required))
- slitinfo:status,SolPos,IstPos
- VVC (Gate valve):
- positi (current actual position, (no selection of virtacc required))
- posits (current setposition, (no selection of virtacc required))
- press (current pressure, (no selection of virtacc required))
- PLA (Pneumatic Actuator):
- positi (current actual position, (no selection of virtacc required))
- posits (current setposition, (no selection of virtacc required))
- MB(Bumper):
- currents
- currenti
- ftimes
- ftimei
- para
- ME (Electrostatic septum):
- clvolts
- clvolti
- clvoltls
- clvoltli
- voltages
- voltagei
- voltlows
- voltlowi
- MK (Kicker):
- voltrfi
- voltrfs
- volttgs
- volttgi
- voltrii
- timdelrf
- timdeltg
- timfrtf
- timfttg
SigridHeymell - 25 May 2018