Information taken from here:

  • kapci01 not included since it's i386 (Can it be unmounted and trashed ?)
  • khsci04 commented out: "not supported currently (configure will fail) as gpib and dsme eqmodels are not ported to CMake."
  • kp1ci02 commented out: "not supported currently (configure will fail) as gpib and dsme eqmodels are not ported to CMake."
  • ke1ci01
  • kueci01
  • scuxl0115
  • scuxl0132
  • scuxl0183

Name Ping Bootimage EQM Nomen Latest Info Action
kapci01 fail ? dsm/eqmodel-dsm-lcd/eqmodel-dsm-lcMonitor/eqmodel-dsm-server none (no devacc dbd file) Hat wohl etwas mit Micro IOC / MBox zu tun Peter/Regine asked beam diagnostic if they still need that system to be available via thec ontrol-system --> Not needed any more DONE
khsci04 fail microioc gpib lxi KHUDA1DB KHUDA1DC KHUDA3DA KHUDA3DB Cannot find devices via prophelper / fesa DB tools P.Kainberger: Not used any more, can be dropped/archived DONE
kp1ci02 fail microioc-mbox dsme GKGB001 GKGB002 Cannot find devices via prophelper / fesa DB tools K.Konhaeuser: Was a testsystem --> archive! DONE
ke1ci01 fail microioc-mbox dsme GS12ME1IS Cannot find devices via prophelper / fesa DB tools

Klaudia asked other group if we still need to run devacc on this one. (Not clear if it is x86_64 or i368)

According to Peter/Regine, it is not needed any more to provide access to the device via the control-system. It's a very critical device which almost never needs to be touched --> Will be controlled by hand. DONE

kueci01 ok microioc.current (smatthies 2024) dskm/dsm 3 old available nomens running now on kuecg02 Cannot connect, dont know pw. Seems to run MotorSlit_DU Fesa binary Microiocs all should be moved to Fesa, archive this FEC choice-yes
scuxl0115 fail scuxl (hechler 2018) pzud none (no devacc dbd file) Has some Fesa PowerSupply files on NFS, last touch: Mwiebel was the old test-system for pzud, not used for devacc any more DONE
scuxl0132 ok scuxl.fallout (dbeck 2020) pzud GU_TST_D* Test SCU fuer UNILAC Pulszentrale mit White Rabbit build against x86-yocto DONE, running DONE
scuxl0183 ok scuxl.fallout (dbeck 2020) pzud GUR_ZD GUL_ZD GUN2ZD GUN_ZD GUH_ZD GUA_ZD GTK_ZD SCU fuer UNILAC Pulszentrale mit White Rabbit (Mai 2024) build against x86-yocto DONE, running processing
That some of the above FEC's are not reachable via ping is not relevant. According to Klaudi K., the BI-Team only boots them when they are needed.

Searching for "dsm", "dskm" and "gpib" in all available devacc *.dbd files showed the following results:
  • ke1ci01 (already in the above list)
  • kp1ci02 (already in the above list)
  • kueci01 (already in the above list)
  • khsci04 (already in the above list)

So it looks like, besides the above-mentioned systems, no further devacc microioc system are used.
Topic revision: r6 - 03 Jul 2024, AlexanderSchwinn
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