Cosylab work package Various issues for MIL BUS based FESA classes and API unification for movable devices Here a list of issues and a time estimate for each of t...
%IF{"(NOT defined GROUP) OR $GROUP = ''" then=' How to add the first administrator If you haven\'t previously set up an administrator, follow these steps: (Note:...
Wiki Administrator User The AdminUser allows you to login without needing to register a user, or to temporarily login as AdminUser using the password set in confi...
Official Howto from Timing Team: S...
* Hatte mal eine Testklasse dafür, hab sie leider wohl irgentwann gelöscht. * Code unten sollte theoretisch funktionieren, ist allerdings noch ungetestet (kann...
* "launcher pro" oder "launcher int" starten ( /common/usr/cscoap/bin/launcher ) * Tab "Betrieb und Steuerung", ParamModi * Click auf tree view .. z.B "IT_B...
Restart or debug the daemon, if it is not running When debugging a daemon which is not running properly it makes sense to first start the binary manually, in ord...
Home Page of Dietrich Beck Location Dr. Dietrich BECK Project Management FAIR (PRO)/Commons (COM)/Control Systems (ACO)/Timing Online Scheduling (TOS) GSI He...
Export new FESA Class Version into DB The plugin usually fails with obscure errors. Instead, make use of this script: commons/data servi...
Fesa intern Group regulates view and change access to Web Fesaintern * Set GROUP = UdoKrause, LudwigHechler, SolveighMatthies, PeterKainberger, GuentherFroehli...
GroupViewTemplate %IF{ "'.GroupViewTemplate' allows 'change' AND 'GroupViewTemplate' = 'BaseGroup' AND 'GroupViewTemplate' = 'NobodyGroup' AND {AdminUser...
ASL Cluster Check if package is available for rocky Linux / asl cluster: dnf search Package valgrind (That work for a yocto image!!) root@dal004 # mkdir /usr/li...
First check manual from Uli !!!: https://www The following might be outdated: Load n...