Detailed topic list for IN Web

Results from IN web retrieved at 20:52 (GMT)

Migration NFS Server to rocky 8 the nfs server fsl00c will be migrated to a rocky 8 based system. The nfs server provides filesystems /common/home, /common/export...
Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) A system that supports PXE can retrieve a small binary program over the network and execute it. The small program can then be ...
Linux Printing The servers in the acc network use the cups server provided by core it: As of october 2015 all printers must be configured on the core ...
Remote Access Is only available from within the ACC and Campus network. Remote access via internet is only possible using hops provided by core it (lx pool, citr...
Services * Known IP Ports * DiagnosticLogging and Syslog * Buildsystem * Subversion * Git * EmbeddedSystems * TFTPSer...
Single Sign On for Webservices we are switching over to a openid connect based single sign on system. Accessing an oidc enabled webservice will redirect to https:...
* Mirko Strahlenoptik * Common Build. Buildtool * Intel Fortran Compiler
Common Build Common Build ist ein am Cern entwickeltes, ant basierendes buildtool. Es wird zur Compilierung von LSA benötigt Installationsort Das Programm ist un...
Software FAQ rough guideline for available software Distribution We are currently (as of 2023) running rocky linux 9 can i have ...? we follow the packages of ...
Software Intel Fortran Intel Fortran Compiler. Installationsort Installiert unter /common/usr/intel/fortran/. Zur Verwendung ist folgendes Script auszuführen us...
Software Mirko Die Software Mirko dient zur Berechnung von Strahlenoptiken. GSI Eigenentwicklung in Fortran und QT4. Installationsort Das fertige Programm ist un...
SSH Agent do not use unencrypted ssh private keys! The basic security scan will automatically delete them. But typing in the password for the key is annoying. D...
SSH Legacy old cryptograhic standards and what to do no matching host key type something like Unable to negotiate with ... port 22: no matching host key type fo...
Subversion Subversion wurde im Januar 2021 deaktiviert Subversion wird zur Strahlzeit 2019/2020 (Nov 2019) auf readonly gesetzt. Subversion wird zur Strahlzeit 2...
Der bisherige pauschale Lesezugriff auf alle svn repositories wird abgeschafft, daher muss die Rechtestruktur angepasst werden. Wir wollen uns bei IN nicht mit ei...
Subversion Repositories 2016 in 2016 new repositories will be created and the current bel repository will be frozen. Please list all initial repositories that nee...
SVN Repository Guideline * Repository names must have no spaces. * Every repository must have a description that clearly states, which type of project it co...
Central Syslog Service The central logging server also provides a syslog socket. See DiagnosticLogging Please do not use the syslogserver without consulting I...
Systems common systems for interactive user logins. acc9 current (as of 2023) linux cluster. Provides ssh and rdp access. Development on to asl...
TFTP Server CSCO IN provides TFTP Server for the ACC network. To configure your frontend computer, note the paths below and see PXE fsl00c is the main TFTP S...
Target Platform 2022 Has been discussed in the FAIR.CCT/Minutes230321 INN summary Target platform 2022 will be a Redhat Enterprise Linux 8 clone. We will go ...
User Account ACO has it's own identity management system. To request an account have your group leader or gsi contact person send an email to acctech at wi...
Foswiki's IN web
Ankuendigungen See also MailingList Historic Announcement News Historic News Contacts Die Gruppe IN besteht zur Zeit aus folgenden Personen: Nam...
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
Please Note that their is also a MailingList * .AlexanderSchwinn: Announcement * .AndreasSchaller: WebHome * .BenjaminPeter: Announcement WebHome Con...
r36 - 10 Jan 2023 - 14:08 by TobiasHabermann
IN Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #3300FF * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set to off...
" else="Foswiki's IN web"}% /IN
Statistics for IN Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Xrdp xrpd provides graphical remote access to servers. Internal systems with xrdp listen on the default rdp port 3389. For linux clients, something like xfreerdp...
Certificates CSCO:IN Most of our webservices use SSL encryption. For example our website, buildservice, artifact repository, rpm repository, etc. Only the public ...
r9 - 09 May 2023 - 07:54 by AnnekeWalter
Number of topics: 37
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See also the faster WebTopicList
Topic revision: r1 - 09 Jan 2009, ProjectContributor
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