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Das Ergebnis sollte folgendermaßen aussehen: (evtl. Warnung ignorieren):
Schritte 7a..c für 4_Compilation_OB.SCL. Generated by the instance generator
@rem This batch imports all UAB generated SCLs and according DBs and symbols to a skeleton project @rem pathes to tools @set GSI_APP_PATH=D:\cm\exe\GSI_TGT @set GSI_APP_EXE=%GSI_APP_PATH%\GSI_TGT.exe @rem paths to project @set PRJ_PATH=D:\csoic\Cryo\Projects\SIS100\RQS1 @set PLC_NAME=BELDEV0815 rem pathes to sub dirs of project @set INST_PATH=%PRJ_PATH%\Output\TIAInstanceGenerator @set LOGIC_PATH=%PRJ_PATH%\Output\TIALogicGenerator @set TIA_PRJ_PATH=%PRJ_PATH%\Output\TiaProjectGenerator @rem build process %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -serve %GSI_APP_EXE% @if errorlevel 1 goto error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -log %PRJ_PATH%\Log\create_tiaprj.log @if errorlevel 1 goto error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -openPrj %TIA_PRJ_PATH%\RQS1\RQS1.ap13 1 @if errorlevel 1 goto error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -convertDb %INST_PATH%\DBs.txt %INST_PATH%\DBs.xlsx @if errorlevel 1 goto error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -importDb %GSI_APP_PATH% %INST_PATH%\DBs.xlsx %PLC_NAME% @if errorlevel 1 goto error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -importTags %GSI_APP_PATH% %INST_PATH%\PLCtags.xlsx %PLC_NAME% @if errorlevel 1 goto error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -importSCLs %PRJ_PATH%\Baseline\ucpc-plc-tia-0.4\1500 *.scl %PLC_NAME% @if errorlevel 1 goto error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -compileINP %INST_PATH%\1_Compilation_Baseline.INP %PLC_NAME% @if errorlevel 1 goto error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -importSCLs %INST_PATH% *.scl %PLC_NAME% @if errorlevel 1 goto error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -compileINP %INST_PATH%\2_Compilation_instance.INP %PLC_NAME% @if errorlevel 1 goto error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -importSCLs %LOGIC_PATH% *.scl %PLC_NAME% @if errorlevel 1 goto error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -compileINP %LOGIC_PATH%\3_Compilation_LOGIC.INP %PLC_NAME% @if errorlevel 1 goto error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -compileFile 4_Compilation_OB.scl %PLC_NAME% @if errorlevel 1 goto error @rem %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -compileHw %PLC_NAME% 1 @rem @if errorlevel 1 goto error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -savePrj @if errorlevel 1 goto error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -closePrj @if errorlevel 1 goto error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -closeLog @if errorlevel 1 goto error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -stop @echo "+--------------------------------------------------+" @echo "| Generation of PLC project finished successfully |" @echo "+--------------------------------------------------+" @goto end :error %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -closePrj %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -closeLog %GSI_APP_PATH%\GsiTiaCmd -stop @echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" @echo "!!!! Error during execution !!!!" @echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :end
GSI TIA-Portal Application V1.2.0.0 available options: -serve start server instance to communicate with TIA portal <commPath> -stop stop running server instance -openPrj open project, param <prj> <quiet> -closePrj close project -savePrj save current project -log set log file <logfile> -closeLog close log file -iscl include SCL file to project,params <scl> <scl> ... -convertDb convert DB file (*.txt to *xslx) <dbfile> <excelFile> -importDb import DB file to project (*xslx) <appPath> <excelFile> <PlcName> -importTags import tags to project (*xslx) <appPath> <excelFile> <PlcName> -importSCLs import SCL files from directory to project <directory> <filterMask> <PlcName> -compileINP read INP file and compile <INPfile> <PlcName> -compileFile compile one file <fileName> >PlcName> -compHw compile Hardware <PlcName> <rebuild> -compSw compile Software -h print help on console