In devacc (EQ-model DGX_05):

GuP Nomen EC Nomen Device Nomen IFB Address MIL Accelerator Variant rinfo->groupSwitch
  K1XCS014     CMIL 10.21SDI GU (Unilac) UNILAC SDI  
    GUL5DG5 64/0x40       0
    GUL5DG6 65/0x41       0
    GUL5DG7 66/0x42       0
  K1XCS024     CMIL 10.21SDI GU (Unilac) UNILAC SDI  
    GUR4DG5 64/0x40       0
    GUR5DG6 65/0x41       0
    GUR5DG7 66/0x42       0
  K2XCS013     CMIL 10.21SDI GU (Unilac) UNILAC SDI  
    GUH1DG2 32/0x20       1
    GUS1DG1 33/0x21       0
    GUS1DG2 34/0x22       0
    GUS3DG5 36/0x24       0
    GUS3DG6 37/0x25       1
    GUH1DG2H 38/0x26       1
    GUH1DG2V 39/0x27       1
  K3XCS021     CMIL 10.21SDI GU (Unilac) UNILAC SDI  
    ... 11 devices, check details with ecconfig
  K4XCS022 (Used for testing new Fesa class)   CMIL 10.21SDI GU (Unilac) UNILAC SDI  
    ... 11 devices, check details with ecconfig
  KE1CS021     CMIL 10.20SDN GS (SIS18) SIS SDuP  
    ... 2 devices, check details with ecconfig
  KE2CS024     CMIL 10.20SDN   SIS SDuP  
    ... no devices shown by ecconfig, possible IFK is turned off - Has MIL-Bus cable connected, though many crates got turned of by BEA        
  KE2CS026     CMIL 10.21SDI GE (ESR) + GTE (SIS18-->ESR Transfere) + GTT (ESR-->Target) SIS SDI  
    ... 7 devices, check details with ecconfig
  KE3CS011     CMIL 10.20SDN GTE (SIS18-->ESR Transfere) + GHT (Target Hall Dump) +GTH (SIS18 --> Target Hall) SIS SDuP med  
    ... 6 devices, check details with ecconfig
  KE3CS012     CMIL 10.20SDN GTE (SIS18-->ESR Transfere)+ GHHT (High Temp Exp. ) + GTS (SIS18 --> Transfer Target Hall) SIS SDuP med  
    ... 11 devices, check details with ecconfig
  KE3CS014     CMIL 10.21SDI GHHD (High Dose Exp.) + GHT (Target Hall Dump) + GHAD (Hades) + GTH (SIS18 --> Target Hall) SIS SDI med  
    ... 15 devices, check details with ecconfig
  KE3CS021     CMIL 10.21SDI GHT (Target Hall Dump) SIS SDI  
    ... 4 devices, check details with ecconfig
  KFHCS011     CMIL 10.20SDN GTS/GTE (Various SIS18 --> Transfer) + GHT (Target Hall Dump) SIS SDuP med  
    ... 11 devices, check details with ecconfig
  KM1CS011     CMIL 10.21SDI GU (Unilac) UNILAC SDI  
    ... 3 devices, check details with ecconfig
  KTRCS015     CMIL 10.21SDI GTK (Reinjection ESR --> SIS) UNILAC SDI  
    ... 4 devices, check details with ecconfig
  KUBCS032     CMIL 10.20SDN GU (Unilac) UNI-TK SDuP  
    ... 2 devices, check details with ecconfig
  KUECS025     CMIL 10.20SDN GTK (Reinjection ESR --> SIS) UNI-TK SDuP  
    ... 7 devices, check details with ecconfig
  KUECS026     CMIL 10.20SDN GTK (Reinjection ESR --> SIS) UNI-TK SDuP  
    ... 5 devices, check details with ecconfig
  KUECS029     CMIL 10.21SDI GTK (Reinjection ESR --> SIS) UNILAC SDI  
    ... 13 devices, check details with ecconfig
  KUECS032     CMIL 10.21SDI GU (Unilac) UNILAC SDI  
    ... 32 devices, check details with ecconfig
  KUECS033     CMIL 10.21SDI GU (Unilac) + GTK (Reinjection ESR --> SIS) UNILAC SDI  
    ... 26 devices, check details with ecconfig

  • 183 Devices (139 SDI, 44 SDN)
  • 21 SE's controlled
  • 15 GuP


  • SDI nd SDI med devices do use the same hardware, according to RoFi and Robert
  • Required to first only port non-UNI devices for DGX, like for DS ?
  • Non-Unilac related SE's 11 (= Number of required SCU's)
  • Unilac related SE's: 9 (= Number of required SCU's)

At least 44 devices seem still be based on SDN ... not clear yet if they as well should be supported. (See issue here)
Topic revision: r10 - 10 Jul 2024, AlexanderSchwinn
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