Requirements new Deployment System
NFS is not supported for the Yocto PPC Image, and as well is supposed to be replaced for Fesa deployment.
So we need a new way to deploy software on FECS.
This Wiki page is supposed to collect requirements for this new deployment system.
Requirements can be tagged with:
- [stage0] = An absolute must-have
- [stage1] = Convenient feature, which should be available in the first version
- [stage2] = Nice to have, can be added later on, if there is time
So far we agreed on using a web-location to store FEC software and to download it during FEC boot via wget or curl.
- [stage0] One folder per FEC on the web-storage (web-storage-base/fecs/[FEC]), containing a "init" folder which has the scripts, currently provided on /common/export/nfsinit/[FEC]
- Like now, on boot the FEC downloads that init folder and executes all scripts (possibly symlinks) found there
- Like now, there will be a web-storage-base/fecs/global to store scripts which can be re-used
- Like currently, these scripts trigger the download of the correct equipment-software and will start it via dbus-dameon
- [stage0] Files are compressed
- All binaries/libraries/config-files/etc. below web-storage-base/software/[software]/[version] and the other folders shall be compressed. That has two advantages:
- Less disc space required
- The unpack location can already be defined during compression. So the FEC scripts don't need to know where to place things.
- Which compression format to use ?
- [stage0] Separate folders on the web-storage containing equipment-software:
- web-storage-base/software/[software]
- If the same software is used on multiple FECS, there is no need to duplicate the binaries per FEC --> less disc-space occupied
- Each FEC has a software folder (web-storage-base/fecs/[FEC]/software), containing symlinks to the concrete software which is to be downloaded by the FEC
- The symlinks have to point to a concrete Version of the software (compressed archive)
- [stage0] FEC specific folder for configuration
- web-storage-base/fecs/[FEC]/configuration
- Inside there compressed archives can be found (or symlinks to them), will be downloaded and unpacked during boot
- web-storage-base/configuration keeps config which is identical for multiple FECs
- Inside there, fesa instance file names should be versioned, to know which FESA binary version matches to them.
- [stage0] Deployment Automation in Fesa and devacc
- In devacc calling "make install" on the according project should compress and copy stuff to the right location
- In FESA, the existing "yocto-fesa3" could do so. (As well the fesa-eclipse-plugin should deploy via that script)
- Dev-releases of e.g. Fesaclasses per default should not be installed to the webserver, they should be directly copied to the FEC (as well as compressed archive)
- [stage1] Multiple equipment-software versions in parallel, in order to allow an easy swap if there are regressions
- web-storage-base/software/[software]/[version]
- Maximum 3 productive versions in parallel to don't mess the disk too much
- On release of a new productive version, older versions need to be removed. (Check if they are unused!! Symlink from FEC to software?)
- version "dev" is used for dev releases. (usually should not be needed, since dev releases should be directly copied to the FEC)
If a dev release is used by a FEC, it will not be started as dbus-dameon after boot /during 'init' phase (actually might make sense to run dev releases via daemon for long-term tests)
- [stage1] persistency
- Some FESA classes do have persistent data, which shall survive a reboot
- A central service/cronjob should copy that data from FECS using persistency in regular intervals and store it compressed in a dedicated folder: web-storage-base/fecs/[FEC]/data
- On boot of the FEC, all items in the data folder are downloaded and unpacked
- Only fesa classes which do use persistency should have such a 'data' folder
- The central service will only persist data of FECs which do have a 'data' folder
- Maybe the folder should be called 'persistent-data' to make the usage more clear?
- [stage2] A service could orchestrate the release
- Requirement raised by C.Handel
- copy files into the correct web-storage-base/* folders
- On pro release, update the database accordingly
- reboot the FEC or restart the service, if required (service has special permission, so that no password needs to be typed)
- Specialized for Fesa releases / no devacc support
- [stage2] Monitoring (Possibly a bit offtopic here)
- FECS which are to be monitored by icinga could have a folder web-storage-base/fecs/[FEC]/monitor
- Inside that folder, services which are to be monitored on that FEC could be defined (to be checked in which way)
- A file (or subfolder with files?) "monitoring_groups" could define the icinga host-groups in which the FEC should be listed
- All that could be automatically filled during a productive fesa/devacc-release