Handover test user
The testuser
fasstest on the blade computers
- runs an ActiveMQ test instance
- provides JAVA, C++ (and Python) libraries for
- message transport access
- message content access
- hosts development workspaces (e.g. for test programs).
Directory structure
In ~fasstest/static are all (q&d local) libraries/installations that do not change. It contains
- activeMq-5.4.1: An activeMq installation
- activeMqCpp: ActiveMQ's C++ client libraries
- inside this directory activemq-cpp, apr and apr-util (Apache Portable Runtime) are installed into the folder 'install'
- the helper scripts deinstallActiveMqCpp and installActiveMqCpp (de-)install all three into 'install'
- javaee6sdk: in javaee6sdk/glassfish/lib/javaee.jar includes all JAVAEE libraries, especially JMS to be used for JMS functionality
- jsonCpp: a JSON implementation for C++ (link). To install go into the directory and do the following:
- 'tar xzf jsoncpp-src-0.5.0.tar.gz'
- 'cd jsoncpp-src-0.5.0'
- 'scons platform=linux-gcc'
- the headers are located in 'include'
- the libraries are located in 'libs/linux-gcc-4.1.2'
- jsonJava: a single .jar is inside that needs to be included in the classpath (link)
- jsonPython: JSON support is included from Python 2.6 on. SimpleJson is a compatible library that can be used already in Python 2.5.*.
- To use it, include '~fasstest/static/jsonPython/simplejson-2.1.3/install/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/' in the PYTHONPATH environment variable and use 'import simplejson as json' in your script's imports
- The installation from within this directory was like the following:
- 'tar xzf simplejson-2.1.3.tar.gz'
- 'cd simplejson-2.1.3'
- 'mkdir -p install/lib64/python2.5/site-packages'
- 'export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/install/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH'
- 'python setup.py install --prefix=`pwd`/install'
- protobuf: protocol buffer libraries for JAVA, C++ and Python. The installation was like the following:
- Inside the directory:
- 'tar xzf protobuf-2.4.0a.tar.gz'
- 'cd protobuf-2.4.0a'
- for C++:
- './configure --prefix=`pwd`/install'
- 'make'
- 'make check'
- 'make install'
- now in install there are includes and libraries and the compiler
- for JAVA:
- first build for C++
- 'cd java'
- '../install/bin/protoc --java_out=src/main/java -I../src ../src/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto'
- 'javac src/main/java/com/google/protobuf/*.java'
- 'jar cf prbf.jar -C src/main/java com'
- for Python:
- add the 'python' subdirectory to your PYTHONPATH and e.g. 'import google.protobuf.message'
- stompPython: a STOMP protocol implementation that can be used to access an ActiveMQ broker to exchange messages with JAVA and C++ applications.
- The installation was like
- 'unzip benjaminws-python-stomp-21b121f627e4.zip'
- 'cd benjaminws-python-stomp-21b121f627e4'
- 'mkdir -p install/lib/python2.5/site-packages'
- 'export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/install/lib/python2.5/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH'
- 'python setup.py install --prefix=`pwd`/install'
- Now you can use it by adding '~fasstest/static/stompPython/benjaminws-python-stomp-21b121f627e4/install/lib/python2.5/site-packages/' to your PYTHONPATH
The directory contains unsorted stuff.
The directory contains
- eclipseWorkspaces
- netbeansProjectGroups (aka 'netbeans workspaces')
The user run an
ActiveMQ test instance on asl720.
In the user's home an installation of netbeans-6.9.1 (the 'all' distribution from
here) is located in the 'bin' directory. It can be called from the commandline with 'netbeans'. It is nice for C++ programming.
This is the protocol buffers compiler. There is a symlink in the 'bin' directory to the installation in the
static directory.