First of all, check out all needed projects into eclipse:

Now lets build all of them:


Nothing to do here


Nothing to do here


start the script "". It will download the snap7 package, untar it and trigger make for the right architecture


make clean

make CPU=x86_64 -j4 (or just press the related make-targets in eclipse)


make clean

make CPU=x86_64 -j1 LOCAL=TRUE (or just press the related make-targets in eclipse)

When using multiple cores (-jX) make has to be pressed twice


There is separate page for the plugin: How to build the plugin


Nothing to do here


Nothing to do here

The jenkins build server

Whenever the SVN changes(Jenkins currently uses the SVN-sources), the jenkins build server automatically builds all silecs-projects and runs all available test-cases. You can check/configure the jenkins-server here:

If you have problems on building one of the silecs-components, check how jenkins does the job ! ( configure --> Read the section "Execute Shell" )
Topic revision: r7 - 02 Nov 2017, AlexanderSchwinn
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