Improved editing comfort (e.g. possibility to sort properties by name etc; visualization of connections from data types to properties etc. in between the design; ...)
Customization page for user-defined settings of the shell
Allow crossing out of unneeded elements in the design for easier recovery (instead of direct removing) (the source code, if already existing, might have a different extension from .obsolete)
Database Storing, FESA-Shell
Possibility to enter a comment when storing a class to the database, especially when changing the version number
General / Learning to work with FESA
Common place (similar to a WIKI) to share solutions for typical use cases
Possibility to switch more easily to new versions of a FESA-class, e.g. a script that copies the still needed code/files automatically.
FESA-Wizard: some kind of online tool that helps going through the whole processing of a FESA-class, might be useful for beginners