You are here: Foswiki>FESA Web>HowTo>FESAwithGSItiming (15 Oct 2009, TobiasHoffmann)Edit Attach
-- TobiasHoffmann - 15 Oct 2009

FESA with GSI timing (SIS/Unilac)

There are only a few improvisational methods to trigger RT actions with GSI machine timing. For this the CTR cards from CERN have to be used. There are following cards:
  • CTRV (VME)
  • CTRI (PCI)
  • CTRP (PMC)

1. Using external trigger signals in the input of the CTRV (2in) or CTRI(1in). This is explained here. This still requires a separate way to select machine triggers (eg manually with TIF)

2. Using the GSI/CERN timing converter board. This stand-alone FPGA based module decodes GSI timing and creates a CERN timing compatible data stream. Format of send events is:

0x34200008 which means:

3=fixed to CPS, here at GSI used for SIS

4=this is a machine event (there are also telegram events 3)

20=GSI Event Start Cycle in hex (dec32)

0008= Payload - 1 = VrtAcc Number 7

This timing stream is connected with the CTRV VME board, locked with the PLL and accepted. To use these events in the CTRV a dedicated GSI event table TgvCfg.txt, which is located at /acc/dsc/mcr/data/cbcm/env/OPER/LIC, has to be loaded with the CTRV driver at startup time. This cane be done via the transfer.ref file, which is explained here.

To make use of this in FESA also the file TimingConfiguration.xml located at /acc/java/fesa/2.9/xml has to be changed to the GSI timing events.

Now the GSI events can be selected in Fesa by chosing the SIS timing domain and trigger=MTG in the Design and by setting the triggers in the Instantiation part.

  • TgvCfg.txt: GSI adpated event table for CTRV hardware

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
TgvCfg.txttxt TgvCfg.txt manage 3 K 05 Feb 2009 - 11:48 TobiasHoffmann GSI adpated event table for CTRV hardware
TimingConfiguration.xmlxml TimingConfiguration.xml manage 111 K 05 Feb 2009 - 11:49 TobiasHoffmann GSI event table in FESA
Topic revision: r3 - 15 Oct 2009, TobiasHoffmann
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