FESA3 FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Working with Projects in Eclipse

Q: How to get an existing FESA-class/FESA-deploy-unit into the workspace ?

  • Copy the class to your workspace, or check it out via SVN
  • Open the C++ perspective or the FESA perspective
  • File --> Import --> "Existsing Projects into Workspace"
  • Select the root-directory of the project you want to add.
  • Press "Finish"

FESA3 Error Messages

Q: What does "ERROR Exception: FESA_9006 Failed to restore the devices." mean?

A: This error is relatet to persistent data. If an xml file (<FESA class name>PersistentData.xml) containing persistent data is created during start of a deploy-unit because of persistent data fields in the class design the deploy-unit will not start a second time until the persistent data file is removed.

Q: What does "rdaIOError Exception: FESA_13008 Partial setting not allowed for this property." mean?

A: The rda data container expects all desired data values to be used during call of the settings property.

FESA3 Tips and Tricks

Q: How do I place 2D-Arrays in the RDA data container using C++?

A: For example:

string testString = "This is a test string";
const char ** stringArray = new const char*[11];
for (int i = 0; i < 11 ; i++) {
stringArray[i] = testString.c_str();
long dims[2] = {11,25};
data.insert("dim_charArrayValue", dims, 2);
data.insert("charArrayValue", stringArray, 11);





Topic revision: r7 - 17 May 2013, SolveighMatthies
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