Standard properties and value-items for GSI-template

In the GSI control system, each device should have a common set of properties. This set of properties is established when a FESA-class is defined according to the GSI template. The meaning of the proeprties is descibed in the following lists.

Setting Properties

Common Setting-Value-Items

Upon read back, all setting-properties provide a common set of value-items, as follows.

value-item type comment
updateFlags enum Relevant for subscriptions only,
1: IMMEDIATE, indicates response is sent when subscription is set-up
2: SET, indicates response is sent when new data are available
cycleName char 32 Multiplexing slot, for which data are provided
Indicates either non-multiplexed, beam-process or sequence

Property Init

Control property.(no data).

Control property, used to initialize the hardware-device with default values from the device instantiation file. Additionally performs a “Reset” of the device ( see property “Reset” )

Property Reset

Control property (no data).

Control property, used to reset to a starting state. Performs a hardware-reset and acknowledges failure states of the hardware-device, if any. Resets internal states of the front-end software to starting conditions. The current setting data is kept for non-multiplexed settings.

In case of multiplexed settings the settings should be provided by the data supply after FESA software reset.

Property Setting

Device specific property

Takes setting data which is relevant for operation of the machine

value-item type comment
<set of specific value-items>   Depends on the specific device.
common-items - - Common value-items, see common setting value-items

Property Power

Sets the device's main power to the given state. Generally switching of the power state is done only when the property is called. The value of the Power-property may not reflect the actual power state of the device: When the device is switched off manually of by failure, the device may be OFF while the property still shows ON, and vice versa.

The present power state of a device is given in the powerState value-item of the property Status
value-item type comment
power int 1=ON, 2=OFF
Additional values like 3=STANDBY may be defined, depending on the type of equipment
common-items - - Common value-items, see common setting value-items


Common Acquisition-Value-Items

All Acquisition-properties provide a common set of value-items, as follows.
value-item typeSorted descending comment
acqStamp long time of most recent data acquisition
cycleStamp long

for multiplexed data only: time when multiplexing slot (beam-process or sequence) has started

For more information use the GSI-specific stamps below.

updateFlags enum Relevant for subscriptions only,
1: IMMEDIATE, indicates Response is sent when subscription is set-up
2: SET, indicates response is sent when new data are available
cycleName char 32 Name of the multiplexing context, for which data are acquired
may be beam-process or sequence

Common GSI Acquisition-Context

All GSI-acquisition-properties provide a common acquisition context, as follows.

Most value-items are relevant for multiplexed data only. However, acqStampGSI should give relevant data also for non-multiplexed GSI acquisition properties.
value-item type comment
acquisitionStamp int64 time of data acquisition as scheduled by the Timing Master (White Rabbit timestamp)
eventStamp int64 time of data acquisition as executed by the Timing Receiver (White Rabbit timestamp)
processIndex int32 key (identifying number) of the beam-process, from the Timing Message
sequenceIndex int32 key (identifying number) of the sequence, from the Timing Message
chainIndex int32 identifier of the Beam Production Chain, from the Timing Message Payload
eventNumber int32 Timing Event Number from the Timing Message
timingGroupID int32 Timing Group Number from the Timing Message
processStartStamp int64 White Rabbit Timestamp of the most recent BP_START event
sequenceStartStamp int64 White Rabbit Timestamp of the most recent SEQ_START event
chainStartStamp int64 White Rabbit Timestamp of the Beam Production Chain start

Property Status

Returns information on the present state of the device.

value-item type comment
status int Displays the (cycle independent) overall Status of the device.
Please note that the status of a device can still be "OK" when control is set to "LOCAL" or powerState is different from "ON"
0=UNKNOWN: The device status is unknown.
1=OK: The device is working fine, it can be used by clients or locally.
2=WARNING: The device is not fully operational; A device in WARNING state can still be used operationally, but clients must be informed of a problem that might become worse. Details on the warning should be provided in the field detailedStatus.
3=ERROR: The device is in a fault state. Details on the error should be provided in the fields detailedStatus and error_collection
detailedStatus bool array Current state of the device in detail (not mutually exclusive). Each bit of this boolean array can be used to model a sub state of the device.
Each bit: True=OK
detailedStatus_labels 2DCharArray (string array) Labelings (mnemonics) for the bits in the detailedStatus value-item
For each bit in the detailedStatus value-item at the corresponding position a label has to be provided which describes meaning of the status bit
detailedStatus_severity enum array Severity of the corresponding bits in the detailedStatus value-item
powerState int Reflects the present state of the device's main power.
Generally the device has to be in the ON-powerState for operational usage. The state of STANDBY generally indicates an intermediate state, i.g. warmed up, in which it is not powered for operation but can be switched to the ON-powerState much faster then from the OFF-powerState.
POWER_UP and POWER_DOWN generally are transition modes, indicating that the device is in a power change sequence
control int 0=REMOTE, 1=LOCAL
REMOTE: Device is controled by the control system, LOCAL: Device ist operated locally, control system has no access to modify the device (while acquisition data in general will be available)
interlock bool True: Device is in interlock-state Additional documentation can be found here
opReady bool True: Device is ready for usage in the facility (ready for operation).
False: Device is not in a state where it can be used. In such case the detailedStatus-item should display the reason of the cause.
Remark: In the state opReady=True the device may be powered down, but opReady=True then indicates that the power can be switched on by the control system.
Additional documentation can be found here
modulesReady bool True: All required hardware and software modules in the control system interface are ready to be used.
False: At least one module is not OK, the device cannot be operated properly. The property ModuleStatus should give detailed information on the failing components.
error_codes int32_t array Error codes, for all errors which are in the front-end software detected for the device.
Error codes are read from an internal ring-buffer
error_messages 2DCharArray (string array) Error Messages, labelling the corresponding error number in the value-item error_code
error_timestamps int64_t array Timestamps, when the error code was inserted in the internal error ring buffer
error_cycle_names 2DCharArray (string array) Name of the cycle in which the corresponding error code was detected
What is contained in the cycle Name? Is it the Multiplexing context??
common-acquisition-items - - Common value-items, see common acquisition value-items

Property Version

Return version numbers for FESA-class, deploy-unit and FESA framework.

value-item type comment
classVersion char[256] Version of FESA class, e.g. 0.1.0*
deployUnitVersion char[256] Version of FESA deploy-unit, e.g. 0.1.0*
fesaVersion char[256] Version of FESA framework,e.g. 2.0.1*
* Three digit version scheme: major, minor, tiny. Below is a schematic explanation.

│ │ └───────── Tiny: Revision, e.g. internal changes, bug fixes
│ └─────────── Minor: Functional extensions
└───────────── Major: Significant changes, API changes

Property ModuleStatus

Optional property.

Returns information on the present state of controls interfacing components which are needed to operate the device.

The structure of the property depends on the specific layout of the interface to the equipment. E.g. for interfacing by SCU-bus slave cards, the ModuleStatus property may, for each such slave card, the operational status (card OK, error detected, card missing, ...). The ModuleStatus property may also be used to return information on required software components.

value-item type comment
moduleStatus enum array Each element contains the state of a controls interfacing component, which is needed to operate the device
moduleStatus_labels 2DCharArray (string array) Labelings (mnemonics) for the corresponding elements in the module_status value-item
common-acquisition-items - - Common value-items, see common acquisition value-items

Property Acquisition

Device specific GSI-acquisition property

Returns acquisition data which is relevant for operation of the machine.

value-item type comment
<set of specific value-items>   Depends on the specific device.
common-acquisition-items - - Common value-items, see common acquisition value-items
acquisition-context - - Common value-items, see common acquisition context
Topic revision: r24 - 05 Mar 2020, SolveighMatthies
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