FESA3 Command Line Interface
The FESA3 Eclipse plug-in's functionality for designing FESA software, synchronizing C++ code, releasing etc is available as command line interface.
The sources are stored in the SVN repository:
How to build with Maven
Run the build script from fesa-plugin-scripts in ~/workspace. The script performs the required steps to produce a usable version (copies the third-party dependencies, compiles and packages).
The FESA command line tool uses the same configuration (releng/de.gsi.fesa.plugin.configuration/) and libraries as the FESA Eclipse plug-in.
How to build in Eclipse
First run generateJar.jardesc in ~/workspace/fesa-plugin-commandline-gsi. This will copy the resulting jar file into ~/workspace/fesa-plugin-commandline/lib .
Next export the project fesa-plugin-commandline as a runnable jar file with the stored launch configuration (run configuration) for this project. Check "Extract required libraries into generated JAR". Move fesa-plugin-commandline/fesa.commandline.jar into fesa-plugin-commandline/lib.
How to release
Supply the compiled FESA cli tool in /common/usr/fesa/tools/fesa-cli-$VERSION and adapt the link in /common/usr/fesa/bin . The tool is now available for all linux users in the fesa group on the asl cluster.
The release script in
https://www-acc.gsi.de/svn/fesa/framework/trunk/cli-tool/ performs this part.