Fesa3 FAQ

Fesa3 Eclipse Plugin

Q: Why does content assistance in C++-Perspective not work?
A: Several possible causes:
  • The C++-Indexer can't find the sources used in the Makefiles automatically, check Windows>Show View...>Other>C/C++>C/C++ Index for information on the source files found.
  • Update the C/C++-Indexer using Index>Rebuild or Index>Search for Unresolved Includes (context menu in C/C++-Index View or in Project Explorer).
  • Add the missing include path (e.g. /acc/local/L865/fesa/3.0.0/include ) manually in the project properties (C/C++>C/C++ General>Paths and Symbols>Source Location>Link Folder...>Links to folder in the file system)
  • Another program is catching the Ctrl+Space-Keyboard input. Stop that program if possible.
  • Use a fresh workspace and import all your projects using the 'copy files into workspace'-option.
  • alternatively a settings file can be loaded. Open the projects properties, select C/C++ General>Paths and Symbols>Includes/Languages/GNU C++, click Import Settings... and load the xml-file attached: fesaprojectsettings.xml: contains the necessary include paths for a FESA project, makes auto completion work
  • Please note: after having indexed the files properly the files might still be marked with errors. Reloading them helps to update the views and removes the error markers
Q: Which comfortable C++-code templates are available?
A: C++-Code-Templates

Q: Why is no SchedulingView / InheritanceView-Document created?

A: Currently both files are created when the design-document is saved. Both files are created in the same folder as the design-document. They don't exist after the creation of a new design-document.


Q: Where can I find code snippets that show how to write code for Fesa3?

A: Here: Fesa3 Code-Snippets

Q: How can I use logging for diagnosis within a FESA3-class?
A: There are different possibilities. See Fesa3 Code-Snippets and/or Fesa3 Logging for details.

Q: How to disable the Eclipse Code-Analyzer:

A: Window --> Preferences --> C/C++ --> CodeAnalysis. Disable all items there, and you only will get bugs directly from "make" in the future.


Q: Where do I find the necessary settings of the environment variables of a FEC?
A: Here: fesa3.conf


ISorted descending Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
fesaprojectsettings.xmlxml fesaprojectsettings.xml manage 1 K 12 Aug 2011 - 12:07 SolveighMatthies contains the necessary include paths for a FESA project, makes auto completion work
Topic revision: r15 - 26 Oct 2012, SolveighMatthies
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