FESA3 1.x.x FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Working with Projects in Eclipse
Q: How to import an existing FESA-class/FESA-deploy-unit into the workspace ?
- Copy the class to your workspace or check it out via SVN
- Open the C++ perspective or the FESA perspective
- File --> Import --> "Existing Projects into Workspace"
- Select the root directory of the project you want to add.
- Press "Finish"
Plug-In Configuration
Q: What can I do to see more log-messages?
A: In Window > Preferences > FESA > Log Preferences select the log level. Log level INFO allows to see detailed output of various FESA actions, e.g. the delivery paths during deployment.
Q: How do I
set Eclipse's Secure Storage master password?
A: E.g. the first time an SVN repository location is accessed the secure storage mechanism becomes active and asks the user to provide a master password. If a master password is entered the FESA plug-in requests this information during the start-up phase.
Q: How do I
reset Eclipse's Secure Storage master password?
A: On the Secure Storage Settings page in Window > Preferences > General > Security > Secure Storage select on the Contents tab the Default Secure Storage entry and press delete.
Q: How do I get rid of obsolete perspectives in Eclipse, e.g. <FESA> / <<FESA>> after repeated updates or new installations of the FESA plug-in?
A: Open Window>Preferences>General>Perspectives, from the list of available perspectives delete the unwanted ones.
Error Messages
Q: What does "ERROR Exception: FESA_9006 Failed to restore the devices." mean?
A: This error is relatet to persistent data. If an xml file (<FESA class name>PersistentData.xml) containing persistent data is created during start of a deploy-unit because of persistent data fields in the class design the deploy-unit will not start a second time until the persistent data file is removed.
Q: What does "rdaIOError Exception: FESA_13008 Partial setting not allowed for this property." mean?
A: The rda data container expects all desired data values to be used during call of the settings property.
Framework Services
Q: When is the persistency file written ?
A: The default-interval is: 300sec. After a new setting, a delay of 30sec is forced. As well there is a possibility to
trigger persistency "by hand".
The default-interval and the delay both can be configured in the fesa.cfg file. ( You can pass the config of your choice via application-argument )
Q: How do I provide documentation for a FESA3 class?
A: In the design of a FESA3 class many elements can have description tags. These tags are used as input for generation an HTML page per FESA3 class. This can be achieved by generating a so-called xmldoc page per design document (

"Generate Documentation"-Button on the FESA toolbar). In this document a general description of the purpose of the FESA3 class may be entered. The FESA toolbar provides for xmldoc-documents the (

"Generate HTML Documentation"-button). An HTML-document named like the FESA class will be generated and displayed in the FESA Browser View.
<titleĆ name="Introduction"/>
Explain the purpose of this class
Q: How do I extend the documentation for FESA3 classes to support HTML code, e.g. for links to external documents, tables, extended format options?
A: In the FESA3 classes xmldoc-document add a section named <html>...</html> to enter HTML code in between.
<title name="Introduction"/>
Explain the purpose of this class
<text>HTML test</text>
<html><a href="www.gsi.de">www.gsi.de</a><br/></html>
<html><br/><br/><i>FAIR: <br/><a href="www.fair-center.eu">www.fair-center.eu</a></i>
C++ Programming
Q: How do I use C++ editing support?
A: Eclipse offers the possibility to define code fragments that can be inserted by typing the name of the fragment and pressing CTRL+SPACE. For C++ a huge collection is already available and can be configured in Window > Preferences > C/C++ > Editor > Templates. For FESA3 related code a collection of
code templates is defined.
Q: How do I place 2D-Arrays in the RDA data container using C++?
A: For example:
string testString = "This is a test string";
const char ** stringArray = new const char*[11];
for (int i = 0; i < 11 ; i++) {
stringArray[i] = testString.c_str();
long dims[2] = {11,25};
data.insert("dim_charArrayValue", dims, 2);
data.insert("charArrayValue", stringArray, 11);
Q: I just marked a file to be ignored by SVN. However now I cannot commit the folder where the file is inside.
A: Probably this is some kind of svn-bug. Just trigger a SVN-update of the folder. After that you will be able to commit the ignore-info.