FESA3 Eclipse Plug-In for Core Developers

Installation Issues

Update Site URL GSI: https://www-acc.gsi.de/data/eclipse/fesa (always the current version)

Development Issues

SVN Repository URLs






Necessary projects

Project Name DirectorySorted ascending What?
FesaControlLayer fesa-plugin The Logic behind (core)
FesaRepositorySVNImpl fesa-plugin SVN Access
FesaUILayer fesa-plugin GUI-Features
FesaGSIControlLayer fesa-plugin-gsi The logic behind (specific)
FesaDAOLayerDMSImplGSI fesa-plugin-gsi Filesystem
FesaGSIRepositorySVN fesa-plugin-gsi SVN extension to support institute-specific requirements
FesaGSIUILayer fesa-plugin-gsi GUI-Features (specific)
FesaPluginGSI fesa-plugin-gsi Eclipse Plugin Feature
FesaPluginUpdateSiteGSI fesa-plugin-gsi Eclipse Plugin P2 Update Site

Build / Run / Debug

To build / run / debug the Fesa Eclipse plug-in from the workspace checkout the projects named above directly into the workspace.

Fetching the libraries from the Maven repository at GSI is done during the compile process. In order to accomplish that with Maven create the parent pom.xml found in https://www-acc.gsi.de/svn/fesa/framework/trunk/fesa-plugin/pom.xml in the workspace and run mvn compile.

Next adjust the run configuration and start from FesaUILayer/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (Run As...Eclipse Application).

Maven Build / Jenkins



The required libraries are found in build.properties.

- Download from Maven repository into lib folder: https://artifacts.acc.gsi.de/nexus/index.html#welcome

- get jar-library files from CERN's ant server using a script cernT... -u ant cleanjars getjars in every project folder

- Configuration: /common/software/cmmnbuild/repositories.properties and environment variables CMMNBUILD_HOME (/common/software/cmmnbuild), ANT_HOME (/common/software/cmmnbuild)

If the compiler still states missing libraries (as seen in the projects properties) please add them as well.

For the final release of FESA Eclipse Indigo will be used: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/

The acc-installation of Eclipse Indigo on asl73x is available via

Additional plugins like the Fesa Eclipse plug-in can be easily installed locally. The installation folder /home/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_3.7.2_xxx/ will be used.


Necessary Run/Debug Configuration settings:

VM arguments: -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m

Update Sites (for Eclipse Indigo)

Local path for development version: /common/home/bel/matthies/lnx/FesaPluginDevelopmentIndigo (use at your own risk!)

Eclipse Indigo - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indigo

CDT - http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/indigo

SVN Kit - http://eclipse.svnkit.com/1.3.x/

Subversive Team Provider Plugin - http://download.eclipse.org/technology/subversive/1.0/update-site-1.0.1/ / http://download.eclipse.org/technology/subversive/1.0/update-site/

SVN Connectors - http://community.polarion.com/projects/subversive/download/eclipse/3.0/update-site/

m2e - http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases/1.0

The Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) Project update site - http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/updates

Eclipse Orbit (Orbit Packages) - http://download.eclipse.org/tools/orbit/downloads/drops/ S20130914154012/repository/ (log4j, other third-party projects)

WindowBuilder - http://www.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/download.php: http://download.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/WB/release/R201206261200/3.7/

WindowBuilder Documentation: http://help.eclipse.org/indigo/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.wb.doc.user%2Fhtml%2Findex.html
ASL-Cluster Eclipse Indigo Installation

Launch Eclipse plug-in for Debugging

Within Eclipse: Select FesaUILayer/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, Debug As > Eclipse Plug-In

Unittests - deprecated

- Run package containing JUnitTests, see FesaControlLayer, FesaUILayer

- More information on running the plugins unittests can be found in FesaGSIControlLayer/FAQ/FAQ.odt

Deployment Issues

- Increase version numbers in projects META-INF\MANIFEST.MF if necessary

- Edit the feature-properties in FesaPluginGSI (file feature.xml)

- Add this feature to FesaPluginUpdateSiteGSI\site.xml, Build All

- A bash script uploads the file to webdavs://www-acc.gsi.de/dav/eclipse/fesa from the development pc including all necessary steps as well as making a backup on the server

FESA Settings

Please refer to https://www-acc.gsi.de/wiki/FESA/FESA3InstallationClassDevelopers#Settings

Eclipse Indigo (2011-2013)

Eclipse Sources for Debugging

SVN http://wiki.eclipse.org/SVN_Howto SVN URL: http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/technology/org.eclipse.subversive

CDT http://wiki.eclipse.org/Getting_started_with_CDT_development GIT URL: git://git.eclipse.org/gitroot/cdt/org.eclipse.cdt.git

Java 7

If necessary: to use the Java7 Runtime Environment permanently add the lines below to your .bashrc script
# settings for usage of Java7
. /common/usr/cscoap/bin/jdk7

Eclipse Indigo SDK


There is a bug in the Oracle Java 7 64-bit JRE (b147) which may cause Eclipse
to crash (http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7070134).
The crash can be avoided by using the -XX:-UseLoopPredicate VM argument
(-vmargs -XX:-UseLoopPredicate). Alternatively, you can use a different JRE.


  • make sure target platform (PDE preferences) is set to ${eclipse_home}
  • svnkit.jar-dependency entry is required for installable plug-in only, maven does not cope with this entry in the repository projects manifest files.


  • alt+shift+f1
Topic revision: r52 - 17 Dec 2013, SolveighMatthies
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