FESA Plug-In for Eclipse Luna (4.4) - experimental
Update Sites
Eclipse Luna: https://www.eclipse.org, e.g. JAVA-EE Linux Version, 64-bit
CDT: http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases , version 8.5 for Eclipse Luna SR 1
Subversive Team Provider: http://download.eclipse.org/technology/subversive/1.1/update-site/
- JRE Java 8: /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_05
- Debug/Run configuration: target
System Properties
- SVN/Kerberos settings: svnkit.http.methods=Basic
- Location of ssh certificate: Java SSL truststore: /usr/java/jdk8/jre/lib/security/cacerts
- oracle.net.tns_admin: /usr/lib/oracle/current/client64/network/admin
- possible introduction in GSI? Support of JAVA8 -> AP, SV etc; probably 01/2015
- synchronization with CERN???
Issues regarding the new code base
- new created FESA projects don't appear as working copies if they are shared into the repository
- creator name is missing in new FESA designs / deploy-units
- no log output is created
- wrong log directory location is selected at startup
- model for classes/deploy-units is missing the state information
- specific release procedure for classes/deploy-units
- release wizard moved to specific part to allow expert options
- specific configuration bean for kerberos/ssh settings and SVN repository location creation
- secure storage password retrieved at startup
- specific expert preference page
- usage of local FESA FWK troublesome -> paths to installation for schema and in makefiles of classes and deploy-units are assembled differently ()
- specific codegen (instead of fesa-plugin-codegen-default) required
- usage of Java8
- launch path to FESA navigator/explorer contains a version @GSI -> needs to be replaceable
- newly created class/deploy-unit documents are not opened automatically
- newly created documentation files are not opened automatically
- newly created HTML documentation pages are not displayed in internal web browser view
- new FESA preference bring console to top for every log message does not work, , general Eclipse preference is not checked
- specific C++ code templates are missing
- FESA cheat sheets are not up to date (e.g. bulk operations)
- not required functions can be disabled (e.g. 2.10 migration, export instances from database, navigator release, bean generation, ...)
- specific maven files have to be re-created
- for maven build: eclipse dependencies have to be injected into nexus repository
- seemingly chaotic naming of deploy-unit binaries (e.g. name replacement 'server' instead of formerly used '_S')
Issues to consider
- using JAVA8: support for parameter MaxPermSize has been removed (warning message: Java HotSpot (TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize =256m; support was removed in 8.0)
- asl cluster 73x: Eclipse Luna / Java / SWT Browser Bug vs. Eclipse crashes
- CDT Indexer problems possible in Eclipse Luna (see Jochens Email from 27.10.14) -> CDT API changes?
- keyboard shortcuts still don't work (broken since Eclipse Kepler SR1)
Installation of GSI's FESA plug-in for Eclipse Luna
Update site:
Launch Eclipse with Java 8
- before launching eclipse-luna make sure the Java environment variables point to the Java 8 installation, e.g. by running the script provided by CSCOAP:
. /common/usr/cscoap/bin/jdk8
- if a newly added feature in the installed version of the plug-in is not found, probably an older version is cached in a hidden folder by Eclipse
- launch eclipse-luna with -clean - option to force an internal clean-up of all its features/plug-ins
SolveighMatthies - 01 Aug 2014