FESA3 Class Documentation

In the design of a FESA3 class many elements can have description tags. These tags are used as input for generation an HTML page per FESA3 class. This can be achieved by generating a so-called xmldoc page per design document (gendoc.png "Generate Documentation"-Button on the FESA toolbar). In this document a general description of the purpose of the FESA3 class may be entered. The FESA toolbar provides for xmldoc-documents the (gendoc.png"Generate HTML Documentation"-button). An HTML page named like the FESA class will be generated and displayed in the FESA Browser View. The location of the resulting HTML page within a FESA3 class project is <FESA3 class name>/docs/<FESA3 class name>.html .
    <title name="Introduction"/>
      Explain the purpose of this class

It is possible to extend the documentation for FESA3 classes with HTML code, e.g. for links to external documents, tables, extended format options etc. This can be achieved by adding a section to the FESA3 classes xmldoc-document named <html>...</html> to enter HTML code in between. Example :

<title name="Introduction"/>
Explain the purpose of this class
<text>HTML test</text>
<html><a href="www.gsi.de">www.gsi.de</a><br/></html>
<html><br/><br/><i>FAIR: <br/><a href="www.fair-center.eu">www.fair-center.eu</a></i>

---++ Documentation for operational FESA3 classes

For operational (productive) FESA3 classes documentation is strongly recommended. During delivery the existing HTML documentation will be copied to the webdav server and can be accessed via http://www-acc.gsi.de/data/fesa/classes/<NameOfTheFESA3Class>.html within the acc.gsi.de cluster or with an ACC account.

-- SolveighMatthies - 28 Aug 2014
Topic revision: r1 - 17 Mar 2015, SolveighMatthies
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