Version of timing Software (, FESL? TBD) in standard Version property
Persistency better configurable, e.g. at startup? -> implemented @CERN along with other persistency issues
Exceptions should contain device name wherever possible (core / specific part) - exceptions are thrown per field, device seems not accessible at that moment in the core. See also CERN Jira issue 6337,
additional integration test (FESA class and deploy-unit, transaction manager 0.0.0)
Rejecting invalid value-items using exceptions (items which don't exist in the class design; consider subsets!) [perhaps even suitable for FESA3 5.0.2]
Optional filter-items???
allow acquisition properties in the global interface (validation rule in plug-in)
global device name change from cryptic to DUname.FECname (validation, model, migrator adaptions required)
GSITemplate: Status-Property incl. timer, event, scheduler per default
Per default: online watching of interface to hardware, more automation possible, useful? Is detailed status / module status insufficient? (-> idea PKain, TBD)
Observing timing receiver state in Standard Status (or ModuleStatus??? TBD) property (requires work in SAFTlib/FESL/FWK)
Bug 1828 - New project creation: pre-define a timer based Status Update
Bug 1822 - Inconsistent Validation of struct-item Type
Update of department short names in ResponsibleType, migrator for migrating CSCO->ACO, ...