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GSI Papers
Bunch to Bucket Transfer System for FAIR
J. Bai, T. Ferrand, D. Beck, R. Bär, O. Kester, D. Ondreka, C. Prados, W. Terpstra, GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Darmstadt, Germany
Proceedings of ICALEPCS2015, Melbourne, Australia
The General Interlock System (GIS) for FAIR
F. Ameil, C. Betz, GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Darmstadt, Germany / G. Cuk, I. Verstovsek, Cosylab d.d., Ljubljana, Slovenia
Proceedings of ICALEPCS2015, Melbourne, Australia
Realization of a Concept for Scheduling Parallel Beams in the Settings Management System for FAIR
H. Hüther, J. Fitzek, R. Müller, A. Schaller, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
Proceedings of ICALEPCS2015, Melbourne, Australia
FESA3 Integration in GSI for FAIR
S. Matthies, H. Bräuning, A. Schwinn, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany / S. Deghaye, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Proceedings of PCaPAC2014, Karlsruhe, Germany
News from the FAIR Control System under Development
R. Bär, C. Betz, D. Beck, J. Fitzek, U. Krause, S. Jülicher, M. Thieme, R. Vincelli, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
Proceedings of PCaPAC2014, Karlsruhe, Germany
Benefits, Drawbacks and Challenges During a Collaborative Development of a Settings Management System for CERN and GSI
R. Mueller, J.Fitzek, H.Huether, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
G. Kruk, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Proceedings of PCaPAC2014, Karlsruhe, Germany
Progress and Challenges during the Development of the Settings Management System for FAIR
H. Hüther, J. Fitzek, R. Müller, D. Ondreka, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
Proceedings of PCaPAC2014, Karlsruhe, Germany
The FAIR Control System - System Architecture and First Implementations
Ralf Huhmann, Ralph C. Bär, Dietrich Hans Beck, Jutta Fitzek, Günther Fröhlich, Ludwig Hechler, Udo Krause, Matthias Thieme, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
Proceedings of ICALEPCS2013, San Francisco, CA, USA
Setting Generation for FAIR
D. Ondreka, J. Fitzek, H. Liebermann, R. Müller, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
Proceedings of IPAC2012, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Settings Management within the FAIR Control System based on the CERN LSA Framework
J. Fitzek, R. Mueller, D. Ondreka, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
Proceedings of PCaPAC 2010, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Evaluation of the LHC Software Architecture for Data Supply and Setting Management within the FAIR Control System
R. Mueller, J. Fitzek, D. Ondreka, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
Proceedings of ICALEPCS2009, Kobe, Japan
Other Contributers
LSA - the High Level Application Software of the LHC - and Its Performance During the First Three Years of Operation
Delphine Jacquet, Roman Gorbonosov, Grzegorz Kruk, Pablo Pera Mira, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Proceedings of ICALEPCS2013, San Francisco, CA, USA
LHC Software Architecture – Evolution Toward LHC Beam Commissioning
G. Kruk, S. Deghaye, M. Lamont, M. Misiowiec, W. Sliwinski, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Proceedings of ICALEPCS07, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA